失眠网 > So difficult that no one could a good solution to it.A. was the problem; come up withB. t

So difficult that no one could a good solution to it.A. was the problem; come up withB. t

时间:2020-05-04 02:17:25


So difficult that no one could  a good solution to it.A. was the problem; come up withB. t


So difficult that no one could a good solution to it.

A. was the problem; come up with

B. the problem was; come up with

C. the problem was; put up with

D. was the problem; put up with


(答案→)A. was the problem; come up with

B. the problem was; come up with

C. the problem was; put up with

D. was the problem; put up with

解析:考查倒装句和区分动词短语。句义:那个问题那么难以至于没有人可以提出解决方案。把握句首关键词so ,句型so…that …如此。。。以至于。。。,如果so 位于句首构成倒装,所以排除B C ,come up with提出 put up with 忍受,根据句意,所以A正确。

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