失眠网 > Last year he wrote to tell me that he his new dance. But I of him ever since.A. practi

Last year he wrote to tell me that he his new dance. But I of him ever since.A. practi

时间:2020-02-10 17:52:08


Last year  he wrote to tell me that he  his new dance. But I  of him ever since.A. practi


Last year, he wrote to tell me that he his new dance. But I of him ever since.

A. practised; didn’t heard

B. has practised; haven’t heard

C. was practising; hadn’t heard

D. was practising; haven’t heard


A. practised; didn’t heard

B. has practised; haven’t heard

C. was practising; hadn’t heard

(答案→)D. was practising; haven’t heard

解析:考查时态。句意:去年,他写信告诉我他正在联系新的舞蹈。但是,我从那以后就再没有听到过他的消息。宾语从句的时态要与主句保持一致,根据wrote可知,从句也要适应相应的过去时,排除B;ever since自从,与现在完成时连用,排除A、C;hear of听说,故选D。

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