失眠网 > ViSP创建之VS工程详细创建步骤(命令行方式)


时间:2023-11-29 16:23:09






How to create and build a project that uses ViSP and CMake on Unix or Windows


In this tutorial you will learn how to use ViSP either on unix-like operating system (including OSX, Fedora, Ubuntu, Debian, …) or on Windows.


The easiest way of using ViSP in your project is to use CMake. If you are not familiar with CMake, you can check the tutorial.


Note also that all the material (source code and images) described in this tutorial is part of ViSP source code and could be downloaded using the following command:

$ svn export /lagadic/visp.git/trunk/tutorial/image






Quick getting started


In this section we show how to build an existing project that uses ViSP as third-party and CMake for the build mechanism. As a use case we will use the image project that is part of ViSP tutorials.


The source code comes from /lagadic/visp/tutorial/image. It contains a set of source files tutorial-viewer.cpp, tutorial-image-viewer.cpp and a CMakeLists.txt file. We show here how to get these files and build them.






Advanced getting started

Create a workspace


We suppose here that you have already setup a workspace and defined VISP_WS environment var.(默认已经完成上面的步骤)

We recall here after the instructions to create a workspace:

Enter VISP_WS folder and create a new folder let say started that will contain your first project that uses ViSP as third-party:

Get tutorial-viewer.cpp file

Let’s start to write our first C++ example to see how to read an image and open a window to display the image with ViSP. This example is provided in tutorial-viewer.cpp example and given below.(写我们第一个cpp代码)

Open your favorite editor and copy/paste the content of this example in VISP_WS/started/tutorial-viewer.cpp source file.(随意用什么编辑器书写都行)

The code to copy/paste is the following:(复制或者敲出来如下代码)

#include <visp3/gui/vpDisplayD3D.h>#include <visp3/gui/vpDisplayGDI.h>#include <visp3/gui/vpDisplayGTK.h>#include <visp3/gui/vpDisplayOpenCV.h>#include <visp3/gui/vpDisplayX.h>#include <visp3/io/vpImageIo.h>int main(int argc, char **argv){if (argc != 2) {printf("Usage: %s <image name.[pgm,ppm,jpeg,png,tiff,bmp,ras,jp2]>\n", argv[0]);return -1;}vpImage<vpRGBa> I;try {vpImageIo::read(I, argv[1]);} catch (...) {std::cout << "Cannot read image \"" << argv[1] << "\"" << std::endl;return -1;}try {#if defined(VISP_HAVE_X11)vpDisplayX d(I, vpDisplay::SCALE_AUTO);#elif defined(VISP_HAVE_GDI)vpDisplayGDI d(I, vpDisplay::SCALE_AUTO);#elif defined(VISP_HAVE_OPENCV)vpDisplayOpenCV d(I, vpDisplay::SCALE_AUTO);#elif defined(VISP_HAVE_GTK)vpDisplayGTK d(I, vpDisplay::SCALE_AUTO);#elif defined(VISP_HAVE_D3D9)vpDisplayD3D d(I, vpDisplay::SCALE_AUTO);#elsestd::cout << "No image viewer is available..." << std::endl;#endifvpDisplay::setTitle(I, "My image");vpDisplay::display(I);vpDisplay::flush(I);std::cout << "A click to quit..." << std::endl;vpDisplay::getClick(I);} catch (const vpException &e) {std::cout << "Catch an exception: " << e << std::endl;}}

Here is the detailed explanation of the source, line by line:


#include <visp3/gui/vpDisplayD3D.h>#include <visp3/gui/vpDisplayGDI.h>#include <visp3/gui/vpDisplayGTK.h>#include <visp3/gui/vpDisplayOpenCV.h>#include <visp3/gui/vpDisplayX.h>

Include all the headers for image viewers.The twofirst one are forWindows systems. They require thatDirect 3Dor theGraphical Device Interface (GDI)coming with the installation ofVisual Studioare available.The thirdone needs GTK that is cross-platform.The fourthis for unix-like systems and requires that libX11 is available.The lastone is also cross-platform and requires that OpenCV is available.


#include <visp3/io/vpImageIo.h>

Include the header that allows to read/write PGM, PPM, PNG and JPEG images from the disk using vpImageIo class.(包含这个可以操作图片文件)

vpImage<vpRGBa> I;

Create an instance of a color image where each pixel is coded in RGBa.

try {vpImageIo::read(I, argv[1]);} catch (...) {std::cout << "Cannot read image \"" << argv[1] << "\"" << std::endl;return -1;}

The image I is initialized by reading an image file from the disk. If the image format is not supported we throw an exception.

#if defined(VISP_HAVE_X11)vpDisplayX d(I, vpDisplay::SCALE_AUTO);#elif defined(VISP_HAVE_GDI)vpDisplayGDI d(I, vpDisplay::SCALE_AUTO);#elif defined(VISP_HAVE_OPENCV)vpDisplayOpenCV d(I, vpDisplay::SCALE_AUTO);#elif defined(VISP_HAVE_GTK)vpDisplayGTK d(I, vpDisplay::SCALE_AUTO);#elif defined(VISP_HAVE_D3D9)vpDisplayD3D d(I, vpDisplay::SCALE_AUTO);#elsestd::cout << "No image viewer is available..." << std::endl;#endif

Create an instance of an image display window for image I. (为该图片创建窗口显示)

The first viewer that is available is used. Here we create the link between the image I and the display d. Note that an image can only have one display.(把两个链接起来,一一对应关系)

vpDisplay::setTitle(I, "My image");

The title of the display is then set to “My image”.(设置标题)


First we display the content of the image I, then we flush the display to render the image.


Here we handle mouse events. We are waiting for a blocking mouse click to end the program.


Get CMakeLists.txt file


Now you have to create a CMakeLists.txt file that gives the instructions on how to build tutorial-viewer.cpp example. A minimalistic CMakeLists.txt should contain the following lines.


Open your editor and copy/paste the following lines in VISP_WS/started/CMakeLists.txt file.


project(tutorial-image)cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.0)find_package(VISP REQUIRED)include_directories(${VISP_INCLUDE_DIRS})//安装路径add_executable(tutorial-viewer tutorial-viewer.cpp)target_link_libraries(tutorial-viewer ${VISP_LIBRARIES})//具体库的名字和路径

Here after we explain the content of the CMakeLists.txt file.(解释一下这个文件格式)


The find_package() CMake command searches for a VISPConfig.cmake file that will define the corresponding variables:

VISP_INCLUDE_DIRS : ViSP and third-party headers locationVISP_LIBRARIES : ViSP and third-party libraries name and location

Note that the previous CMakeLists.txt file can also be:

project(tutorial-image)cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.0)find_package(VISP REQUIRED)if(VISP_FOUND)include(${VISP_USE_FILE})endif(VISP_FOUND)add_executable(tutorial-viewer tutorial-viewer.cpp)

where VISP_USE_FILE variable is set to the full path to VISPUse.cmake file that contains all the CMake material that allow to build your project with ViSP.

In other terms, the line


will include the following lines to your CMakeFile.txt



Get monkey.ppm file

Get monkey.ppm image and copy it to VISP_WS/started either:

copying it from ViSP source code; the file is in

VISP_WS/tutorial/image/monkey.ppmusing Subversion:

svn export /lagadic/visp.git/trunk/tutorial/image/monkey.ppm

by copy/paste from GitHub using the Raw button


On windows operating system

We suppose from now, that you have created a folder %VISP_WS%\started that contains CMakeLists.txt, tutorial-viewer.cpp and monkey.ppm files.(假设我们已经完成上面步骤了)

Create a build folder

Proceed now as with any other project using CMake by first creating a build folder:

C:\> cd %%VISP_WS%\startedC:\> mkdir build

Configure your project

Launch “CMake (cmake-gui)” from Windows “Start” menu. Set the source

code location as %VISP_WS%\started and the build location to

%VISP_WS%\started\build folder.


Press “Configure” button and select your compiler. In our case we will use Visual Studio 15 Win64.


Press then “Finish” button. The configuration is now under progress and should lead to the following image.


In the previous image you may notice that CMake has automatically found the location of ViSP install folder; %VISP_WS/visp-build-vc15/install. This was possible because you Set VISP_DIR environment var.


Press then “Configure” button to remove the red lines, and then “Generate” button. As presented in the following image, all the red lines should disappear.


From now, in %VISP_WS%\started\build folder you should have tutorial-image.sln Visual Studio solution file.


Generate the executable

Open the project in Visual Studio C++ just by double click on

%VISP_WS%\stated\build\tutorial-image.sln solution file.Modify the configuration to “Release”

Now to build the solution, enter “BUILD > Build Solution” menu or hit Ctrl+Shift+B keys.

In %VISP_WS%\started\build\Release folder you have now

tutorial-viewer.exe executable.

Run the executable


In your “Start” menu click on “Run” and type in cmd.exe to run a

Command Prompt.

Enter in %VISP_WS%\started\build\Release folder, and run

tutorial-viewer.exe with an image location as argument:

C:\> cd %VISP_WS%\started\build\ReleaseC:\> tutorial-viewer ..\..\monkey.ppm

Here is a screen shot of the resulting output window :


