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跨境电商平台joybuy 跨境电商平台名称

时间:2020-04-02 13:18:10


跨境电商平台joybuy 跨境电商平台名称




In today's English class, students had a speech competition. They talked about whether e-books should take the place of print books. The following are the speeches given by two students.

Joshua Lee:

While many people argue that e-books don't feel the same as "real" books, we should considerthat the printing industry does a lot of harm to our __1__ . Producing books means cutting down millions of trees for paper, and the processes of printing requires a great deal of energy. E-books need no papers at all. They will probably __2__ our use of energy and natural resources.

_3_, e-books allow people to get information more easily. E-books can be stored and selected from huge digital libraries. These libraries can hold many more books than a traditional bookstore or library can. People can quickly find and read their books on an e-reader at any time and in any place.

Joy Pamnami:

I strongly believe that print books must s__4__ . In my opinion, e-books have many disadvantages. E-books aren't as environmentally friendly as you think. A common argument used by e-book supporters is that e-books save paper: But isn't it also true that there's more carbon being let out by the electronic devices (设备)?

Since you have to spend extra money on those devices before you can buy and read e-books, they aren't __5__ at all. Besides,you can't easily write notes on an e-reader, and you can't read anything when they run out of battery.

E-books are unhealthy too. The light given off by these devices can lead to sleep problem. A study showed it took e-book readers an a__6__of ten minutes longer to fall asleep than those who read print books.

参考答案:1. environment 2. reduce/decrease/lower 3. Besides/Also/Plus 4. stay 5. cheap 6. average

English note day 207——

Here's to books, the cheapest vacation you can buy.


Never make fun of someone else's laugh — be it how they sound or how they look.Laughing is the most natural expression of joy and happiness, and for someone to feel self-conscious about that because of other people's comments is so brutal.


Love Is Forgiving Myself As I Forgive You[灵光一闪]

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