失眠网 > ie9此更新不适用于你的计算机 64位win7 sp1 安装ie9失败 先决条件Windows6.1-KB24

ie9此更新不适用于你的计算机 64位win7 sp1 安装ie9失败 先决条件Windows6.1-KB24

时间:2020-02-07 01:03:08


ie9此更新不适用于你的计算机 64位win7 sp1 安装ie9失败 先决条件Windows6.1-KB24


OS 名称Microsoft Windows 7 旗舰版

版本6.1.7601 Service Pack 1 内部版本 7601

系统类型x64-based PC




00:00.000: ====================================================================

00:00.016: Started: /06/30 (Y/M/D) 22:23:42.164 (local)

00:00.016: Time Format in this log: MM:ss.mmm (minutes:seconds.milliseconds)

00:00.016: Command line: "D:\程序安装包\IE9-Windows7-x64-chs.exe"

00:00.016: INFO: Setup installer for Internet Explorer: 9.0.8112.16421

00:00.016: INFO: Previous version of Internet Explorer: 8.0.7601.17824

00:00.016: INFO: Checking if iexplore.exe's current version is between 9.0.6001.0...

00:00.016: INFO: ...and

00:00.016: INFO: Maximum version on which to run IEAK branding is:

00:00.016: INFO: iexplore.exe version check success. Install can proceed.

00:00.016: INFO: Trying to extract ID: 7006 (0) as "IE9-neutral.Extracted.cab"

00:00.218: INFO: Trying to extract ID: 7010 (2052) as "ielangpack-CHS.CAB"

00:00.218: INFO: Trying to extract ID: 5006 (0) as "IE9-support.cab"

00:00.718: INFO: Operating System: Windows Workstation: 6.1.7600

00:00.718: INFO: Windows 7 operating system detected.

00:00.718: INFO: Service pack major: 0

00:00.718: INFO: Service pack minor: 0

00:00.733: INFO: Version Check of C:\Windows\System32\drivers\dxgmms1.sys: 6.1.7601.17514 >= 6.1.7600.16748 (True)

00:00.733: INFO: Version Check of C:\Windows\System32\xpsrasterservice.dll: 6.1.7601.17514 >= 6.1.7600.16699 (True)

00:00.733: INFO: Version Check of C:\Windows\System32\d2d1.dll: 6.1.7601.17563 >= 6.1.7600.16699 (True)

00:00.733: INFO: Version Check of C:\Windows\System32\WMVDecod.dll: 6.1.7601.17514 >= 6.1.7600.16597 (True)

00:00.733: INFO: Version Check of C:\Windows\System32\ExplorerFrame.dll: 6.1.7601.17514 >= 6.1.7600.16623 (True)

00:00.874: INFO: PauseOrResumeAUThread: Successfully paused Automatic Updates.

00:03.463: INFO: The neutral pack was successfully downloaded from the internet. Installation will continue using the downloaded package.

00:03.463: INFO: No reboot policy and supplemental files successfully downloaded and extracted for use.

00:03.494: INFO: No reboot logic message NrApiStart(0), lParam=0x007a81e0 returned 0x00000000.

00:04.274: INFO: No reboot logic message NrApiScan(1), lParam=0x00000001 returned 0x00000000.

00:04.274: INFO: No reboot logic message NrApiStartInstall(4), lParam=0x00000001 returned 0x00000014.

00:04.274: INFO: Installing with the downloaded package. C:\Windows\TEMP\IE96C3A.tmp\IE9-neutral.Downloaded.msu

00:04.524: INFO: Launched package installation: C:\Windows\system32\dism.exe /online /add-package /packagepath:C:\Windows\TEMP\IE96C3A.tmp\IE9-neutral.Downloaded\Windows6.1-KB982861-x64.cab /quiet /norestart

00:51.480: INFO: Process exit code 0x00000002 (2) [The system cannot find the file specified. ]

00:51.496: ERROR: Neutral MSU installation failed (exit code = 0x00000002 (2)).

00:51.511: INFO: Launched package installation: C:\Windows\system32\dism.exe /online /add-package /packagepath:C:\Windows\TEMP\IE96C3A.tmp\ielangpack-CHS.CAB /quiet /norestart

01:04.896: INFO: Process exit code 0x00000000 (0) [The operation completed successfully. ]

01:04.928: INFO: No reboot logic message NrApiInstallDone(7), lParam=0x00000002 returned 0x00000000.

01:04.928: INFO: No reboot logic message NrApiStartFinish(11), lParam=0x00000000 returned 0x00000000.

01:04.974: INFO: No reboot logic message NrApiFinish(12), lParam=0x00000000 returned 0x00000016.

01:07.221: INFO: PauseOrResumeAUThread: Successfully resumed Automatic Updates.

01:09.155: INFO: Setup exit code 0x00000002 (2) [The system cannot find the file specified. ]

01:09.218: INFO: Scheduling upload to IE SQM server: /sqm/ie/sqmserver.dll

01:09.233: INFO: SQM Upload returned 403

01:09.233: INFO: Cleaning up temporary files in: C:\Windows\TEMP\IE96C3A.tmp

01:09.327: INFO: Unable to remove directory C:\Windows\TEMP\IE96C3A.tmp, marking for deletion on reboot.

01:09.327: INFO: Released Internet Explorer Installer Mutex


ie9此更新不适用于你的计算机 64位win7 sp1 安装ie9失败 先决条件Windows6.1-KB2454826-v2-x64这个补丁也装不上...

如果觉得《ie9此更新不适用于你的计算机 64位win7 sp1 安装ie9失败 先决条件Windows6.1-KB24》对你有帮助,请点赞、收藏,并留下你的观点哦!
