失眠网 > 排序算法——快速排序【代码实现】


时间:2019-08-15 00:00:16




function quicksort(array)less, equal, greater := three empty arraysif length(array) > 1 pivot := select any element of arrayfor each x in arrayif x < pivot then add x to lessif x = pivot then add x to equalif x > pivot then add x to greaterquicksort(less)quicksort(greater)array := concatenate(less, equal, greater)


function quicksort(array)if length(array) > 1pivot := select any element of arrayleft := first index of arrayright := last index of arraywhile left ≤ rightwhile array[left] < pivotleft := left + 1while array[right] > pivotright := right - 1if left ≤ rightswap array[left] with array[right]left := left + 1right := right - 1quicksort(array from first index to right)quicksort(array from left to last index)


function quickSort (array:Array):Array{if (array.length <= 1)return array;var pivot:Number = array[Math.round(array.length / 2)];return quickSort(array.filter(function (x:Number, index:int, array:Array):Boolean { return x < pivot; })).concat(array.filter(function (x:Number, index:int, array:Array):Boolean { return x == pivot; })).concat(quickSort(array.filter(function (x:Number, index:int, array:Array):Boolean { return x > pivot; })));}


function quickSort (array:Array):Array{if (array.length <= 1)return array;var pivot:Number = array[Math.round(array.length / 2)];var less:Array = [];var equal:Array = [];var greater:Array = [];for each (var x:Number in array) {if (x < pivot)less.push(x);if (x == pivot)equal.push(x);if (x > pivot)greater.push(x);}return quickSort(less).concat(equal).concat(quickSort(greater));}


DECLARE SUB quicksort (arr() AS INTEGER, leftN AS INTEGER, rightN AS INTEGER)DIM q(99) AS INTEGERDIM n AS INTEGERRANDOMIZE TIMERFOR n = 0 TO 99q(n) = INT(RND * 9999)NEXTOPEN "output.txt" FOR OUTPUT AS 1FOR n = 0 TO 99PRINT #1, q(n),NEXTPRINT #1,quicksort q(), 0, 99FOR n = 0 TO 99PRINT #1, q(n),NEXTCLOSESUB quicksort (arr() AS INTEGER, leftN AS INTEGER, rightN AS INTEGER)DIM pivot AS INTEGER, leftNIdx AS INTEGER, rightNIdx AS INTEGERleftNIdx = leftNrightNIdx = rightNIF (rightN - leftN) > 0 THENpivot = (leftN + rightN) / 2WHILE (leftNIdx <= pivot) AND (rightNIdx >= pivot)WHILE (arr(leftNIdx) < arr(pivot)) AND (leftNIdx <= pivot)leftNIdx = leftNIdx + 1WENDWHILE (arr(rightNIdx) > arr(pivot)) AND (rightNIdx >= pivot)rightNIdx = rightNIdx - 1WENDSWAP arr(leftNIdx), arr(rightNIdx)leftNIdx = leftNIdx + 1rightNIdx = rightNIdx - 1IF (leftNIdx - 1) = pivot THENrightNIdx = rightNIdx + 1pivot = rightNIdxELSEIF (rightNIdx + 1) = pivot THENleftNIdx = leftNIdx - 1pivot = leftNIdxEND IFWENDquicksort arr(), leftN, pivot - 1quicksort arr(), pivot + 1, rightNEND IFEND SUB


#include <stdio.h>void quicksort(int *A, int len) {if (len < 2) return;int pivot = A[len / 2];int i, j;for (i = 0, j = len - 1; ; i++, j--) {while (A[i] < pivot) i++;while (A[j] > pivot) j--;if (i >= j) break;int temp = A[i];A[i]= A[j];A[j]= temp;}quicksort(A, i);quicksort(A + i, len - i);}


#include <iterator>#include <algorithm> // for std::partition#include <functional> // for std::less// helper function for median of threetemplate<typename T>T median(T t1, T t2, T t3){if (t1 < t2){if (t2 < t3)return t2;else if (t1 < t3)return t3;elsereturn t1;}else{if (t1 < t3)return t1;else if (t2 < t3)return t3;elsereturn t2;}}// helper object to get <= from <template<typename Order> struct non_strict_op:public std::binary_function<typename Order::second_argument_type,typename Order::first_argument_type,bool>{non_strict_op(Order o): order(o) {}bool operator()(typename Order::second_argument_type arg1,typename Order::first_argument_type arg2) const{return !order(arg2, arg1);}private:Order order;};template<typename Order> non_strict_op<Order> non_strict(Order o){return non_strict_op<Order>(o);}template<typename RandomAccessIterator,typename Order>void quicksort(RandomAccessIterator first, RandomAccessIterator last, Order order){if (first != last && first+1 != last){typedef typename std::iterator_traits<RandomAccessIterator>::value_type value_type;RandomAccessIterator mid = first + (last - first)/2;value_type pivot = median(*first, *mid, *(last-1));RandomAccessIterator split1 = std::partition(first, last, std::bind2nd(order, pivot));RandomAccessIterator split2 = std::partition(split1, last, std::bind2nd(non_strict(order), pivot));quicksort(first, split1, order);quicksort(split2, last, order);}}template<typename RandomAccessIterator>void quicksort(RandomAccessIterator first, RandomAccessIterator last){quicksort(first, last, std::less<typename std::iterator_traits<RandomAccessIterator>::value_type>());}


//// The Tripartite conditional enables Bentley-McIlroy 3-way Partitioning.// This performs additional compares to isolate islands of keys equal to// the pivot value. Use unless key-equivalent classes are of small size.//#define Tripartitenamespace Sort {using System;using System.Diagnostics;class QuickSort<T> where T : IComparable {#region Constantsprivate const Int32 INSERTION_LIMIT_DEFAULT = 12;#endregion#region Propertiespublic Int32 InsertionLimit {get; set; }private Random Random {get; set; }private T Median {get; set; }private Int32 Left {get; set; }private Int32 Right {get; set; }private Int32 LeftMedian {get; set; }private Int32 RightMedian {get; set; }#endregion#region Constructorspublic QuickSort(Int32 insertionLimit, Random random) {this.InsertionLimit = insertionLimit;this.Random = random;}public QuickSort(Int32 insertionLimit): this(insertionLimit, new Random()) {}public QuickSort(): this(INSERTION_LIMIT_DEFAULT) {}#endregion#region Sort Methodspublic void Sort(T[] entries) {Sort(entries, 0, entries.Length - 1);}public void Sort(T[] entries, Int32 first, Int32 last) {var length = last + 1 - first;while (length > 1) {if (length < InsertionLimit) {InsertionSort<T>.Sort(entries, first, last);return;}Left = first;Right = last;pivot(entries);partition(entries);//[Note]Right < Leftvar leftLength = Right + 1 - first;var rightLength = last + 1 - Left;//// First recurse over shorter partition, then loop// on the longer partition to elide tail recursion.//if (leftLength < rightLength) {Sort(entries, first, Right);first = Left;length = rightLength;}else {Sort(entries, Left, last);last = Right;length = leftLength;}}}private void pivot(T[] entries) {//// An odd sample size is chosen based on the log of the interval size.// The median of a randomly chosen set of samples is then returned as// an estimate of the true median.//var length = Right + 1 - Left;var logLen = (Int32)Math.Log10(length);var pivotSamples = 2 * logLen + 1;var sampleSize = Math.Min(pivotSamples, length);var last = Left + sampleSize - 1;// Sample without replacementfor (var first = Left; first <= last; first++) {// Random sampling avoids pathological casesvar random = Random.Next(first, Right + 1);Swap(entries, first, random);}InsertionSort<T>.Sort(entries, Left, last);Median = entries[Left + sampleSize / 2];}private void partition(T[] entries) {var first = Left;var last = Right;#if TripartiteLeftMedian = first;RightMedian = last;#endifwhile (true) {//[Assert]There exists some index >= Left where entries[index] >= Median//[Assert]There exists some index <= Right where entries[index] <= Median// So, there is no need for Left or Right bound checkswhile (pareTo(entries[Left]) > 0) Left++;while (pareTo(entries[Right]) < 0) Right--;//[Assert]entries[Right] <= Median <= entries[Left]if (Right <= Left) break;Swap(entries, Left, Right);swapOut(entries);Left++;Right--;//[Assert]entries[first:Left - 1] <= Median <= entries[Right + 1:last]}if (Left == Right) {Left++;Right--;}//[Assert]Right < LeftswapIn(entries, first, last);//[Assert]entries[first:Right] <= Median <= entries[Left:last]//[Assert]entries[Right + 1:Left - 1] == Median when non-empty}#endregion#region Swap Methods[Conditional("Tripartite")]private void swapOut(T[] entries) {if (pareTo(entries[Left]) == 0) Swap(entries, LeftMedian++, Left);if (pareTo(entries[Right]) == 0) Swap(entries, Right, RightMedian--);}[Conditional("Tripartite")]private void swapIn(T[] entries, Int32 first, Int32 last) {// Restore Median entrieswhile (first < LeftMedian) Swap(entries, first++, Right--);while (RightMedian < last) Swap(entries, Left++, last--);}public static void Swap(T[] entries, Int32 index1, Int32 index2) {if (index1 != index2) {var entry = entries[index1];entries[index1] = entries[index2];entries[index2] = entry;}}#endregion}#region Insertion Sortstatic class InsertionSort<T> where T : IComparable {public static void Sort(T[] entries, Int32 first, Int32 last) {for (var index = first + 1; index <= last; index++)insert(entries, first, index);}private static void insert(T[] entries, Int32 first, Int32 index) {var entry = entries[index];while (index > first && entries[index - 1].CompareTo(entry) > 0)entries[index] = entries[--index];entries[index] = entry;}}#endregion}


quickSort(List a) {if (a.length <= 1) {return a;}var pivot = a[0];var less = [];var more = [];var pivotList = [];// Partitiona.forEach((var i){ if (pareTo(pivot) < 0) {less.add(i);} else if (pareTo(pivot) > 0) {more.add(i);} else {pivotList.add(i);}});// Recursively sort sublistsless = quickSort(less);more = quickSort(more);// Concatenate resultsless.addAll(pivotList);less.addAll(more);return less;}void main() {var arr=[1,5,2,7,3,9,4,6,8];print("Before sort");arr.forEach((var i)=>print("$i"));arr = quickSort(arr);print("After sort");arr.forEach((var i)=>print("$i"));}


package mainimport "fmt"func main() {list := []int{31, 41, 59, 26, 53, 58, 97, 93, 23, 84}fmt.Println("unsorted:", list)quicksort(list)fmt.Println("sorted! ", list)}func quicksort(a []int) {var pex func(int, int)pex = func(lower, upper int) {for {switch upper - lower {case -1, 0: // 0 or 1 item in segment. nothing to do here!returncase 1: // 2 items in segment// < operator respects strict weak orderif a[upper] < a[lower] {// a quick exchange and we're done.a[upper], a[lower] = a[lower], a[upper]}return// Hoare suggests optimized sort-3 or sort-4 algorithms here,// but does not provide an algorithm.}// Hoare stresses picking a bound in a way to avoid worst case// behavior, but offers no suggestions other than picking a// random element. A function call to get a random number is// relatively expensive, so the method used here is to simply// choose the middle element. This at least avoids worst case// behavior for the obvious common case of an already sorted list.bx := (upper + lower) / 2b := a[bx] // b = Hoare's "bound" (aka "pivot")lp := lower // lp = Hoare's "lower pointer"up := upper // up = Hoare's "upper pointer"outer:for {// use < operator to respect strict weak orderfor lp < upper && !(b < a[lp]) {lp++}for {if lp > up {// "pointers crossed!"break outer}// < operator for strict weak orderif a[up] < b {break // inner}up--}// exchangea[lp], a[up] = a[up], a[lp]lp++up--}// segment boundary is between up and lp, but lp-up might be// 1 or 2, so just call segment boundary between lp-1 and lp.if bx < lp {// bound was in lower segmentif bx < lp-1 {// exchange bx with lp-1a[bx], a[lp-1] = a[lp-1], b}up = lp - 2} else {// bound was in upper segmentif bx > lp {// exchangea[bx], a[lp] = a[lp], b}up = lp - 1lp++}// "postpone the larger of the two segments" = recurse on// the smaller segment, then iterate on the remaining one.if up-lower < upper-lp {pex(lower, up)lower = lp} else {pex(lp, upper)upper = up}}}pex(0, len(a)-1)}


public static <E extends Comparable<? super E>> List<E> quickSort(List<E> arr) {if (arr.isEmpty())return arr;else {E pivot = arr.get(0);List<E> less = new LinkedList<E>();List<E> pivotList = new LinkedList<E>();List<E> more = new LinkedList<E>();// Partitionfor (E i: arr) {if (pareTo(pivot) < 0)less.add(i);else if (pareTo(pivot) > 0)more.add(i);elsepivotList.add(i);}// Recursively sort sublistsless = quickSort(less);more = quickSort(more);// Concatenate resultsless.addAll(pivotList);less.addAll(more);return less;}}


public static <E extends Comparable<E>> List<E> sort(List<E> col) {if (col == null || col.isEmpty())return Collections.emptyList();else {E pivot = col.get(0);Map<Integer, List<E>> grouped = col.stream().collect(Collectors.groupingBy(pivot::compareTo));return Stream.of(sort(grouped.get(1)), grouped.get(0), sort(grouped.get(-1))).flatMap(Collection::stream).collect(Collectors.toList());}}


function sort(array, less) {function swap(i, j) {var t = array[i];array[i] = array[j];array[j] = t;}function quicksort(left, right) {if (left < right) {var pivot = array[left + Math.floor((right - left) / 2)],left_new = left,right_new = right;do {while (less(array[left_new], pivot)) {left_new += 1;}while (less(pivot, array[right_new])) {right_new -= 1;}if (left_new <= right_new) {swap(left_new, right_new);left_new += 1;right_new -= 1;}} while (left_new <= right_new);quicksort(left, right_new);quicksort(left_new, right);}}quicksort(0, array.length - 1);return array;}


//ES5(function () {'use strict';// quickSort :: (Ord a) => [a] -> [a] function quickSort(xs) {if (xs.length) {var h = xs[0],t = xs.slice(1),lessMore = partition(function (x) {return x <= h;}, t),less = lessMore[0],more = lessMore[1];return [].concat.apply([], [quickSort(less), h, quickSort(more)]);} else return [];}// partition :: Predicate -> List -> (Matches, nonMatches)// partition :: (a -> Bool) -> [a] -> ([a], [a])function partition(p, xs) {return xs.reduce(function (a, x) {return (a[p(x) ? 0 : 1].push(x),a);}, [[], []]);}return quickSort([11.8, 14.1, 21.3, 8.5, 16.7, 5.7])})();

//ES6Array.prototype.quick_sort = function () {if (this.length < 2) {return this; }var pivot = this[Math.round(this.length / 2)];return this.filter(x => x < pivot).quick_sort().concat(this.filter(x => x == pivot)).concat(this.filter(x => x > pivot).quick_sort());};


function quicksort!(A,i=1,j=length(A))if j > ipivot = A[rand(i:j)] # random element of Aleft, right = i, jwhile left <= rightwhile A[left] < pivotleft += 1endwhile A[right] > pivotright -= 1endif left <= rightA[left], A[right] = A[right], A[left]left += 1right -= 1endendquicksort!(A,i,right)quicksort!(A,left,j)endreturn Aend


import java.util.*import paratorfun <T> quickSort(a: List<T>, c: Comparator<T>): ArrayList<T> {if (a.isEmpty()) return ArrayList(a)val boxes = Array(3, {ArrayList<T>() })fun normalise(i: Int) = i / Math.max(1, Math.abs(i))a.forEach {boxes[normalise(pare(it, a[0])) + 1].add(it) }arrayOf(0, 2).forEach {boxes[it] = quickSort(boxes[it], c) }return boxes.flatMapTo(ArrayList<T>()) {it }}


fun <T : Comparable<T>> quicksort(list: List<T>): List<T> {if (list.isEmpty()) return emptyList()val head = list.first()val tail = list.takeLast(list.size - 1)val (less, high) = tail.partition {it < head }return less + head + high}fun main(args: Array<String>) {val nums = listOf(9, 7, 9, 8, 1, 2, 3, 4, 1, 9, 8, 9, 2, 4, 2, 4, 6, 3)println(quicksort(nums))}


function sortedArray = quickSort(array)if numel(array) <= 1 %If the array has 1 element then it can't be sorted sortedArray = array;returnendpivot = array(end);array(end) = [];%Create two new arrays which contain the elements that are less than or%equal to the pivot called "less" and greater than the pivot called%"greater"less = array( array <= pivot );greater = array( array > pivot );%The sorted array is the concatenation of the sorted "less" array, the%pivot and the sorted "greater" array in that ordersortedArray = [quickSort(less) pivot quickSort(greater)];end


sub quick_sort {return @_ if @_ < 2;my $p = splice @_, int rand @_, 1;quick_sort(grep $_ < $p, @_), $p, quick_sort(grep $_ >= $p, @_);}my @a = (4, 65, 2, -31, 0, 99, 83, 782, 1);@a = quick_sort @a;print "@a\n";

Perl 6

# Empty list sorts to the empty listmulti quicksort([]) {() }# Otherwise, extract first item as pivot...multi quicksort([$pivot, *@rest]) {# Partition.my $before := @rest.grep(* before $pivot);my $after := @rest.grep(* !before $pivot);# Sort the partitions.flat quicksort($before), $pivot, quicksort($after)}


function quicksort($arr){$lte = $gt = array();if(count($arr) < 2){return $arr;}$pivot_key = key($arr);$pivot = array_shift($arr);foreach($arr as $val){if($val <= $pivot){$lte[] = $val;} else {$gt[] = $val;}}return array_merge(quicksort($lte),array($pivot_key=>$pivot),quicksort($gt));}$arr = array(1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 8, 6, 4, 2);$arr = quicksort($arr);echo implode(',',$arr);



Function SortThree( [Array] $data ){if( $data[ 0 ] -gt $data[ 1 ] ){if( $data[ 0 ] -lt $data[ 2 ] ){$data = $data[ 1, 0, 2 ]} elseif ( $data[ 1 ] -lt $data[ 2 ] ){$data = $data[ 1, 2, 0 ]} else {$data = $data[ 2, 1, 0 ]}} else {if( $data[ 0 ] -gt $data[ 2 ] ){$data = $data[ 2, 0, 1 ]} elseif( $data[ 1 ] -gt $data[ 2 ] ) {$data = $data[ 0, 2, 1 ]}}$data}Function QuickSort( [Array] $data, $rand = ( New-Object Random ) ){$datal = $data.lengthif( $datal -gt 3 ){[void] $datal--$median = ( SortThree $data[ 0, ( $rand.Next( 1, $datal - 1 ) ), -1 ] )[ 1 ]$lt = @()$eq = @()$gt = @()$data | ForEach-Object {if( $_ -lt $median ) {$lt += $_ } elseif( $_ -eq $median ) {$eq += $_ } else {$gt += $_ } }$lt = ( QuickSort $lt $rand )$gt = ( QuickSort $gt $rand )$data = @($lt) + $eq + $gt} elseif( $datal -eq 3 ) {$data = SortThree( $data )} elseif( $datal -eq 2 ) {if( $data[ 0 ] -gt $data[ 1 ] ){$data = $data[ 1, 0 ]}}$data}QuickSort 5,3,1,2,4 QuickSort 'e','c','a','b','d' QuickSort 0.5,0.3,0.1,0.2,0.4 $l = 100; QuickSort ( 1..$l | ForEach-Object {$Rand = New-Object Random }{$Rand.Next( 0, $l - 1 ) } )


function quicksort($array) {$less, $equal, $greater = @(), @(), @()if( $array.Count -gt 1 ) {$pivot = $array[0]foreach( $x in $array) {if($x -lt $pivot) {$less += @($x) }elseif ($x -eq $pivot) {$equal += @($x)}else {$greater += @($x) }} $array = (@(quicksort $less) + @($equal) + @(quicksort $greater))}$array}$array = @(60, 21, 19, 36, 63, 8, 100, 80, 3, 87, 11)"$(quicksort $array)"


def quickSort(arr):less = []pivotList = []more = []if len(arr) <= 1:return arrelse:pivot = arr[0]for i in arr:if i < pivot:less.append(i)elif i > pivot:more.append(i)else:pivotList.append(i)less = quickSort(less)more = quickSort(more)return less + pivotList + morea = [4, 65, 2, -31, 0, 99, 83, 782, 1]a = quickSort(a)


qsort <- function(v) {if ( length(v) > 1 ) {pivot <- (min(v) + max(v))/2.0 # Could also use pivot <- median(v)c(qsort(v[v < pivot]), v[v == pivot], qsort(v[v > pivot])) } else v}N <- 100vs <- runif(N)system.time(u <- qsort(vs))print(u)


class Arraydef quick_sortreturn self if length <= 1pivot = self[0]less, greatereq = self[1..-1].partition {|x| x < pivot }less.quick_sort + [pivot] + greatereq.quick_sortendend

class Arraydef quick_sortreturn self if length <= 1pivot = samplegroup = group_by{|x| x <=> pivot }group.default = []group[-1].quick_sort + group[0] + group[1].quick_sortendend

class Arraydef quick_sorth, *t = selfh ? t.partition {|e| e < h }.inject {|l, r| l.quick_sort + [h] + r.quick_sort } : []endend


fn main() {println!("Sort numbers in descending order");let mut numbers = [4, 65, 2, -31, 0, 99, 2, 83, 782, 1];println!("Before: {:?}", numbers);quick_sort(&mut numbers, &|x,y| x > y);println!("After: {:?}\n", numbers);println!("Sort strings alphabetically");let mut strings = ["beach", "hotel", "airplane", "car", "house", "art"];println!("Before: {:?}", strings);quick_sort(&mut strings, &|x,y| x < y);println!("After: {:?}\n", strings);println!("Sort strings by length");println!("Before: {:?}", strings);quick_sort(&mut strings, &|x,y| x.len() < y.len());println!("After: {:?}", strings); }fn quick_sort<T,F>(v: &mut [T], f: &F) where F: Fn(&T,&T) -> bool{let len = v.len();if len >= 2 {let pivot_index = partition(v, f);quick_sort(&mut v[0..pivot_index], f);quick_sort(&mut v[pivot_index + 1..len], f);}}fn partition<T,F>(v: &mut [T], f: &F) -> usize where F: Fn(&T,&T) -> bool{let len = v.len();let pivot_index = len / 2;v.swap(pivot_index, len - 1);let mut store_index = 0;for i in 0..len - 1 {if f(&v[i], &v[len - 1]) {v.swap(i, store_index);store_index += 1;}}v.swap(store_index, len - 1);store_index}


def sort(xs: List[Int]): List[Int] = {xs match {case Nil => Nilcase x :: xx => {// Arbitrarily partition list in twoval (lo, hi) = xx.partition(_ < x)// Sort each halfsort(lo) ++ (x :: sort(hi))}}}


func quicksort<T where T : Comparable>(inout elements: [T], range: Range<Int>) {if (range.endIndex - range.startIndex > 1) {let pivotIndex = partition(&elements, range)quicksort(&elements, range.startIndex ..< pivotIndex)quicksort(&elements, pivotIndex+1 ..< range.endIndex)}}func quicksort<T where T : Comparable>(inout elements: [T]) {quicksort(&elements, indices(elements))}


/**Generic quicksort function using typescript generics.Follows quicksort as done in CLRS.*/export type Comparator<T> = (o1: T, o2: T) => number;export function quickSort<T>(array: T[], compare: Comparator<T>) {if (array.length <= 1 || array == null) {return;}sort(array, compare, 0, array.length - 1);}function sort<T>(array: T[], compare: Comparator<T>, low: number, high: number) {if (low < high) {const partIndex = partition(array, compare, low, high);sort(array, compare, low, partIndex - 1);sort(array, compare, partIndex + 1, high);}}function partition<T>(array: T[], compare: Comparator<T>, low: number, high: number): number {const pivot: T = array[high];let i: number = low - 1;for (let j = low; j <= high - 1; j++) {if (compare(array[j], pivot) == -1) {i = i + 1;swap(array, i, j)}}if (compare(array[high], array[i + 1]) == -1) {swap(array, i + 1, high);}return i + 1;}function swap<T>(array: T[], i: number, j: number) {const newJ: T = array[i];array[i] = array[j];array[j] = newJ;}export function testQuickSort(): void {function numberComparator(o1: number, o2: number): number {if (o1 < o2) {return -1;} else if (o1 == o2) {return 0;}return 1;}let tests: number[][] = [[], [1], [2, 1], [-1, 2, -3], [3, 16, 8, -5, 6, 4], [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6],[1, 2, 3, 4, 5]];for (let testArray of tests) {quickSort(testArray, numberComparator);console.log(testArray);}}



