失眠网 > 使用OpenCV进行图片模糊处理(高斯滤波器)


时间:2021-03-13 14:54:42






#include <iostream>#include <opencv2\opencv.hpp>using namespace cv;using namespace std;const char* source_window = "source";int initial_size = 1;int x = 0;int y = 0;Mat source, result;void onSizeChange(int position) {cout << "y = " << x;cout << " , x = " << y;cout << " , initial_size = " << initial_size << endl;if (position == 0) {position = 1;}if (position%2 == 0) {position += 1;}initial_size = position;try {GaussianBlur(source, result, Size(initial_size, initial_size),x,y);imshow(source_window, result);}catch (Exception e) {std::cout << "Exception message = " << e.msg << std::endl;}}void onXChange(int position) {cout << "y = " << x;cout << " , x = " << y;cout << " , initial_size = " << initial_size << endl;x = position;try {GaussianBlur(source, result, Size(initial_size, initial_size), x, y);imshow(source_window, result);}catch (Exception e) {std::cout << "Exception message = " << e.msg << std::endl;}}void onYChange(int position) {cout << "y = " << x;cout << " , x = " << y;cout << " , initial_size = " << initial_size << endl;y = position;try {GaussianBlur(source, result, Size(initial_size, initial_size), x, y);imshow(source_window, result);}catch (Exception e) {std::cout << "Exception message = " << e.msg << std::endl;}}int main(){source = imread("fifth.jpg", IMREAD_UNCHANGED);result.create(source.rows, source.cols, source.type());cvNamedWindow(source_window, CV_WINDOW_AUTOSIZE);cvCreateTrackbar("changeSize", source_window, &initial_size, 100, onSizeChange);cvCreateTrackbar("x方向方差", source_window, &x, 100, onXChange);cvCreateTrackbar("y方向方差", source_window, &y, 100, onYChange);cvSetTrackbarPos("changeSize", source_window, 0);cvSetTrackbarPos("x方向方差", source_window, 0);cvSetTrackbarPos("y方向方差", source_window, 0);waitKey(0);cvDestroyAllWindows();return 0;}


平滑 也称 模糊, 是一项简单且使用频率很高的图像处理方法。

平滑处理的用途有很多, 但是在本教程中我们仅仅关注它减少噪声的功用 (其他用途在以后的教程中会接触到)。

平滑处理时需要用到一个 滤波器 。 最常用的滤波器是 线性 滤波器,线性滤波处理的输出像素值 (i.e. g(i,j)) 是输入像素值 (i.e. f(i+k,j+l))的加权和 :

h(k,l) 称为 核, 它仅仅是一个加权系数。

不妨把 滤波器 想象成一个包含加权系数的窗口,当使用这个滤波器平滑处理图像时,就把这个窗口滑过图像。

高斯滤波器 (Gaussian Filter)

最有用的滤波器 (尽管不是最快的)。 高斯滤波是将输入数组的每一个像素点与 高斯内核 卷积将卷积和当作输出像素值。个人感觉与归一化滤波器相比就是加权系数不在是所有像素点的加权系数都相同了,而是越靠近中部加权系数越大,可以看一下图:



/** @brief Blurs an image using a Gaussian filter.The function convolves the source image with the specified Gaussian kernel. In-place filtering issupported.@param src input image; the image can have any number of channels, which are processedindependently, but the depth should be CV_8U, CV_16U, CV_16S, CV_32F or CV_64F.@param dst output image of the same size and type as src.@param ksize Gaussian kernel size. ksize.width and ksize.height can differ but they both must bepositive and odd. Or, they can be zero's and then they are computed from sigma.@param sigmaX Gaussian kernel standard deviation in X direction.@param sigmaY Gaussian kernel standard deviation in Y direction; if sigmaY is zero, it is set to beequal to sigmaX, if both sigmas are zeros, they are computed from ksize.width and ksize.height,respectively (see cv::getGaussianKernel for details); to fully control the result regardless ofpossible future modifications of all this semantics, it is recommended to specify all of ksize,sigmaX, and sigmaY.@param borderType pixel extrapolation method, see cv::BorderTypes@sa sepFilter2D, filter2D, blur, boxFilter, bilateralFilter, medianBlur*/CV_EXPORTS_W void GaussianBlur( InputArray src, OutputArray dst, Size ksize,double sigmaX, double sigmaY = 0,int borderType = BORDER_DEFAULT );

src: 输入图像

dst: 输出图像

Size(w, h): 定义内核的大小(需要考虑的邻域范围)。 w 和 h 必须是正奇数,否则将使用 sigmaX和 sigmaY 参数来计算内核大小。

sigmaX: x 方向标准方差, 如果是 0 则sigmaX 使用内核大小计算得到。

sigmaY : y 方向标准方差, 如果是 0 则sigmaY 使用内核大小计算得到。




