失眠网 > web可用性测试_Web开发人员和设计人员的最佳可用性测试工具


时间:2020-04-21 01:50:51




UX design is incomplete without user testing, which is an integral part of the process. It’s very important for you to know how your user interacts with your design so you can create the best user experience that allows visitors to fulfill their tasks and increase conversions. This is where usability testing tools comes into play for the testing of your UX design at an enterprise and programming level.

没有用户测试,UX设计是不完整的,这是该过程不可或缺的一部分。 了解您的用户如何与您的设计交互非常重要,这样您就可以创建最佳的用户体验,从而使访问者能够完成任务并增加转化。 这是可用性测试工具在企业和编程级别测试UX设计的地方。

从各种可用性测试工具中进行选择 (Choose From a Variety of Usability Testing Tools )

It will consume too much of your time and money to have and run your own user testing lab, which includes searching for and recruiting your own target consumers and setting up the necessary hardware. Don’t worry, as there is a lot of usability testing tools available to get rid of all these requirements.

拥有并运行您自己的用户测试实验室将耗费您大量的时间和金钱,其中包括搜索和招募您自己的目标消费者以及设置必要的硬件。 不用担心,因为有许多可用的可用性测试工具可以摆脱所有这些要求。

In this post, I'm providing you with the appropriate tools helpful enough to allow you to monitor user behavior and gather feedback. With the software testing services and tools, you will very confidently spot any flaw in your own website's/web app UX design.

在本文中,我将为您提供足够有用的适当工具,以使您可以监视用户行为并收集反馈。 使用软件测试服务和工具,您将非常有信心地发现自己网站/网络应用UX设计中的任何缺陷。

You should do a trial run of each of the usability testing tools given here to clearly know how well each one fulfills your needs before you take the plunge.


So, here's my list of 10 UX testing tools to make your life easier.



(10 Best Usability Testing Tools)

1. Userlytics最佳可用性测试工具之一 (1. Userlytics One of the Best Usability Testing Tools )

Userlytics is considered to be the ideal remote usability testing tool. It is designed to allow you to record the interaction of users with a website, mobile application, or prototype. The tool utilizes picture-in-picture remote testing software to capture the users’ audio commentary and facial expressions - both of which test your asset and give you a full picture of their reactions in real time.

Userlytics被认为是理想的远程可用性测试工具。 它旨在允许您记录用户与网站,移动应用程序或原型的交互。 该工具利用画中画远程测试软件来捕获用户的音频评论和面部表情-两者都可以测试您的资产并实时提供他们React的完整图片。

No complex setup or hardware is needed to begin with Userlytics. It’s the ideal method to uncover the frustrating points on your mobile application quickly and inexpensively. You'll quickly discover why users are doing what they are doing on the website.

从Userlytics开始,不需要复杂的设置或硬件。 这是快速,廉价地发现移动应用程序中令人沮丧的问题的理想方法。 您会很快发现用户为什么要在网站上执行其操作。

2. UsabilityHub可用性测试工具彻底解决您的设计难题 (2. UsabilityHub Usability Testing Tool Solve Your Design Debates Completely )

You might be confused when it comes to putting the navigation toolbar on the right or left and wondering whether people will prefer design A or design B. It’s frustrating to make design decisions, particularly when it’s about figuring out which design is the ideal solution to release.


UsabilityHub usability testing tool is famous for solving these types of problems. It is designed to allow you to settle any design debates completely. It has five different suites, which makes it possible for you to capture and analyse the user’s preferences and make an informed decision.

UsabilityHub可用性测试工具以解决此类问题而闻名。 它旨在让您完全解决所有设计辩论。 它具有五个不同的套件,这使您可以捕获和分析用户的偏好并做出明智的决定。

All you have to do is to upload an image of your website interface, mobile app UI, or software design, and give a task to users to do, and then wait for results.


UsabilityHub will give a report with heat maps showing where the user clicked. You will also be allowed to set a five-second test to capture the user’s first impression of the design.

UsabilityHub将提供带有热图的报告,以显示用户单击的位置。 您还可以设置一个五秒钟的测试来捕获用户对设计的第一印象。

This user testing tool also allows you to upload multiple designs and ask the user about their favorite version, and why they like it. And you can upload navigational tests to pinpoint dropout points (best for complex user journeys) and organize a survey to gather user feedback.

该用户测试工具还允许您上载多个设计,并向用户询问他们最喜欢的版本以及为什么喜欢它。 您还可以上传导航测试以查明辍学点(最适合复杂的用户旅程),并组织调查以收集用户反馈。

There is a basic free option of UsabilityHub, and you will be only required to pay if you wish this software to offer test subjects for you. All this makes it one of the best website usability testing software tools.

UsabilityHub有一个基本的免费选项,仅当您希望该软件为您提供测试主题时,才需要付费。 所有这些使它成为最好的网站可用性测试软件工具之一。

3. 回溯用于实时测试的高级可用性测试工具之一 (3. Lookback One of the Premium Usability Testing Tools for Live Testing )

This is a user experience recording software, made easy. Having this usability testing tool, you can record the users’ computer or mobile device in-house or remotely, without having any extra equipment.

这是一个用户体验记录软件,使操作变得简单。 使用此可用性测试工具,您可以在内部或远程记录用户的计算机或移动设备,而无需任何其他设备。

The thing that sets Lookback apart from others is that it is possible for you to join the live testing session and talk to users while they are exploring your design, to ask a question or conduct an interview.


Other pieces of usability testing tools only offer a report or recording after the completion of the testing. But when you're using Lookback, it allows you to fix tests and watch them as they are taken in real time, and talk to users straight with follow up questions. This is a simple way to have an immediate answer.

其他可用性测试工具仅在完成测试后提供报告或记录。 但是,当您使用Lookback时,它可以修复测试并实时观察它们,并直接与用户讨论后续问题。 这是立即获得答复的简单方法。

4. Hotjar一个有见地的可用性测试工具 (4. Hotjar an Insightful Usability Testing Tool)

Hotjar has numerous useful usability testing tools (called very helpful user testing tools) to allow you to analyse and get helpful feedback for your website. Crazy Egg (also included in our list further down) could be the user testing software that comes to your mind when you have an idea of heat maps, but Hotjar contains them too.

Hotjar有许多有用的可用性测试工具(称为非常有用的用户测试工具),可让您分析并获得有用的网站反馈。 当您对热图有所了解时,Crazy Egg(也将在下面的列表中包含在我们的列表中)可能是您想到的用户测试软件,但是Hotjar也包含它们。

All these will allow you to know which parts of your interface your users like most. And you'll also learn which parts of your interface are receiving the most clicks.

所有这些将使您知道用户最喜欢界面的哪些部分。 您还将了解界面的哪些部分获得的点击次数最多。

Using Hotjar, you will also be able to see the recording of users’ mouse trails to indicate their way of navigating your site. The Conversions Funnels utility allows you to know at which point users are dropping out of a purchase or sign up process.

使用Hotjar,您还可以查看用户鼠标轨迹的记录,以指示他们浏览网站的方式。 Conversions Funnels实用程序使您可以知道用户在什么时候退出购买或注册过程。

Such features are all insightful. The funnel makes it possible for you to pinpoint which part of your site requires tweaking to receive better results from the design. There are some other bits of functionality within the tool, like form analysis and feedback polls.

这些功能都是有见地的。 通过该渠道,您可以精确定位需要调整的网站部分,以从设计中获得更好的结果。 工具中还有其他一些功能,例如表单分析和反馈民意测验。

5. TryMyUI可用性测试工具来测试您的Web应用 (5. TryMyUI Usability Testing Tool To Test Your Web App)

TryMyUI is one of the best usability testing tool focused on helping you discover how you can improve your mobile app or website. With it, you can set up your own custom test that has particular tasks for users to carry out. It also allows you to find the ideal user base via various demographics. You will also be allowed to see the recording of the users taking the tests you provide.

TryMyUI是最好的可用性测试工具之一,致力于帮助您发现如何改善移动应用程序或网站。 借助它,您可以设置自己的自定义测试,该测试具有供用户执行的特定任务。 它还使您可以通过各种人口统计信息找到理想的用户群。 您还将被允许查看参加您提供的测试的用户的记录。

You can also use the TryMyUI Stream service. It is installed on your website to gather real-time information of the way users interact with your website. This allows you to spot flaws and identify cheap UX with Stream’s AI frustration finder. It is useful in identifying the ways users are choosing, and the paths that take them to success and failure.

您也可以使用TryMyUI Stream服务。 它安装在您的网站上,以收集用户与您的网站交互方式的实时信息。 这使您可以发现缺陷并使用Stream的AI挫败感查找器识别便宜的UX。 在确定用户选择的方式以及成功与失败的路径时,这很有用。

6. UserTesting是Web开发人员的最佳可用性测试工具之一 (6. UserTesting One of the Best Usability Testing Tools for Web Developers)

The best way to record users’ interactions with the website, with their responsiveness, is through video with UserTesting. You will be able to pick your target audience and give users a task to do on your app or website.

记录用户与网站交互以及响应的最佳方法是通过视频与UserTesting。 您将可以选择目标受众,并为用户提供在您的应用或网站上要做的任务。

The test can run on a desktop, tablet, or a mobile. UserTesting will record users sharing their thoughts while interacting with your app or website. Then you will be able to know why users are doing what they do. UserTesting usability testing tool is free for a trial.

该测试可以在台式机,平板电脑或移动设备上运行。 UserTesting将记录与您的应用程序或网站进行交互时分享想法的用户。 然后,您将能够知道用户为什么要这样做。 UserTesting可用性测试工具免费提供试用。

7. Crazy Egg可用性测试工具为App测试提供完整的解决方案 (7. Crazy Egg Usability Testing Tool Offer Complete Solution For App Testing)

With Crazy Egg usability testing tool, you can know how visitors interact with your website as if with X-ray glasses. This usability testing tool allows you to understand the activity of people on your website, and why visitors are not being converted into regular customers and users.

使用Crazy Egg可用性测试工具,您可以了解访问者如何像使用X射线眼镜一样与您的网站进行交互。 使用此可用性测试工具,您可以了解网站上人员的活动,以及为什么不将访问者转换为常规客户和用户的原因。

The objects clicked are identified by heat maps. And, they also identify the sources they are being referred from. One of the most helpful things in Crazy Egg is the scroll map capable of identifying how far visitors scroll down a page before abandoning it completely.

单击的对象由热图标识。 并且,它们还标识了从中引用的来源。 “疯狂鸡蛋”中最有用的功能之一是滚动图,该滚动图能够确定访客在完全放弃页面之前向下滚动的距离。

Other helpful things are the ability to monitor the click numbers on each and every element of a page, and to conduct A/B testing. All these things put Crazy Egg on this list.

其他有用的功能是可以监视页面上每个元素的点击次数,并可以进行A / B测试。 所有这些使Crazy Egg进入了此列表。

8. Reflector 3测试工具,用于监控您在移动设备上的应用设计性能 (8. Reflector 3 Testing Tool For Monitoring Your App Design Performance on Mobile )

The screen mirroring app Reflector is not designed particularly for usability testing, but it is very helpful in testing and knowing how your application design works on mobile.


The tool wirelessly sends your tablet or phone screen to your Mac or PC to allow you to see how people use your app. Reflector also has recording ability so you can review your testing sessions after some time or share and present them before an audience.

该工具会将您的平板电脑或手机屏幕无线发送到Mac或PC,以使您了解人们如何使用您的应用程序。 Reflector还具有录制功能,因此您可以在一段时间后查看测试会话,或在观众面前分享和展示它们。

9. 优化 Web应用程序的最佳可用性测试工具之一 (9. Optimizely One of the Best Usability Testing Tools for Your Web App)

A/B testing is one of the most powerful ways to test planned changes on a web page in comparison to the existing design (or an alternative proposed update). It helps determine which version gives the most positive results. Google provides its own A/B testing software known as Google Optimize so you can conduct experiments on your website.

与现有设计(或替代性提议的更新)相比,A / B测试是测试网页上计划的更改的最强大方法之一。 它有助于确定哪个版本提供最积极的结果。 Google提供了自己的A / B测试软件,称为Google Optimize,因此您可以在自己的网站上进行实验。

However, a more powerful software tool for A/B testing is Optimizely. The tool provides many easily usable features to assist you in building your tests. On such tool allows you to perform multivariate testing, which is a technique to test many variables on a given web page. You can also create personalized experiences and target particular audiences when you unveil new designs to the visitor (including targeting different URLs, browsers, and geographic regions).

但是,用于A / B测试的功能更强大的软件工具是Optimizely。 该工具提供了许多易于使用的功能,可帮助您构建测试。 在这样的工具上,您可以执行多变量测试,这是一种在给定网页上测试许多变量的技术。 当您向访客展示新设计时,您还可以创建个性化的体验并针对特定的受众(包括针对不同的URL,浏览器和地理区域)。

Optimizely turns out to be a comprehensive suite of usability testing tools. But, it is meant for serious businesses, which is shown in the price.

事实证明,Optimizely是一套全面的可用性测试工具。 但是,这是针对认真的业务,这在价格中已显示。

10. Inspectlet可用性测试工具可提供有关网站测试的完整帮助 (10. Inspectlet Usability Testing Tool For Complete Help on Website Testing)

Inspector is a famous usability testing tool known for recording your visitors and monitoring exactly their activity on your website. You'll learn what they click on, their mouse movements, their key-presses and scrolling. You will be able to watch your every visitor as closely as if you were sitting next to them.

Inspector是著名的可用性测试工具,可用来记录访问者并精确监控他们在您网站上的活动。 您将了解他们所单击的内容,他们的鼠标移动,他们的按键和滚动。 您将能够像坐在他们旁边一样密切地观察每个访客。

Apart from recording user interactions on your website, Inspectlet usability testing tool has a heat map so you can identify the sections visitors are interested in. The heat map also has eye tracking, information related to what has been clicked on the most and how far the visitor scrolls down pages. Moreover, the form analytics tool reflects clearly which form elements are the most annoying for visitors and where something is incomplete.

除了在您的网站上记录用户互动之外,Inspectlet可用性测试工具还具有热图,因此您可以识别访问者感兴趣的部分。热图还具有眼动追踪,与点击次数最多以及点击次数相关的信息。访问者向下滚动页面。 此外,表单分析工具可以清楚地反映出哪些表单元素最使访客烦恼,以及哪些地方不完整。

结论 (Conclusion )

In this article, I have discussed the 10 best usability testingtools depending on your specific requirements and budget.


As an SME, startup, or a business at any level, if you want to have the service of software and QA testing, then you must pick the ideal software testing company for you.


If you can’t afford the service of a well-reputed software testing company, then it’s wise to go for outsourcing software development and testing firm like ValueCoders. Or, rent a coder to improve the design of your website/web app UX with the best technology. Feel free to get in touch.

如果您负担不起声誉卓著的软件测试公司的服务,那么明智的做法是选择像ValueCoders这样的外包软件开发和测试公司。或者, 租用编码器 ,以采用最佳技术改进网站/ Web应用程序用户体验的设计。随时取得联系 。

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在Twitter上与我联系,以获取有关以后的帖子/教程的更多更新: https : ///ValueCoders

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