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总投资收益率 总投资收益率英文

时间:2020-01-26 07:06:14


总投资收益率 总投资收益率英文


2. 总投资收益率的意义


3. 总投资收益率的计算方法




总投资收益率 = (总收益额 ÷ 总投资额)×100%


总投资收益率 = (120 ÷ 100)×100% = 120%

4. 总投资收益率的应用场景






5. 总投资收益率与其他指标的关系






6. 总结


The Total Investment Yield (TIY) is an important financial metric that measures the profitability of an investment. It calculates the total return earned on an investment, as a percentage of the original investment. The TIY is often used to evaluate the profitability of real estate investments but can also be used for other types of investments.

2. Types of Investments

There are three main types of investments: stocks, bonds, and real estate. A stock investment is when an individual buys shares in a company, with the expectation of earning a profit when the stock price increases. A bond investment is when an individual lends money to a company or government entity, with the expectation of earning a return on the investment through interest payments. A real estate investment is when an individual purchases property, with the expectation of earning a profit through rental income or an increase in property value.

3. Calculating Total Investment Yield

The TIY can be calculated using the following formula:

TIY = (Total Income + Capital Gain) / Investment Cost

Total Income includes all income earned from the investment, such as rental income, dividend payments, and interest payments. Capital Gain is the difference between the selling price of the investment and the original purchase price. Investment Cost is the total amount of money invested.

For example, if an individual purchases a rental property for $250,000 and earns $15,000 in rental income and sells the property for $300,000, the TIY would be calculated as follows:

TIY = ($15,000 + $50,000) / $250,000 = 26%

This means that the individual earned a total return of 26% on their investment.

4. Importance of Total Investment Yield

The TIY is an important metric for investors because it provides a clear picture of the profitability of an investment. It takes into account all sources of income and capital gains, providing a more comprehensive understanding of the investment’s performance. The TIY can also be used to compare the profitability of different investments, helping investors make informed investment decisions.

5. Limitations of Total Investment Yield

While the TIY is a useful metric, it does have limitations. For example, it does not take into account the time value of money. This means that an investment that earns a high return over a short period may have a lower TIY than an investment that earns a lower return over a longer period.

Additionally, the TIY does not consider the level of risk associated with an investment. An investment with a high TIY may also have a high level of risk, which may not be suitable for all investors.

6. Conclusion

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