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中医药院校 colleges and universities of Chinese medicine英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-09-27 17:32:15


中医药院校 colleges and universities of Chinese medicine英语短句 例句大全

中医药院校,colleges and universities of Chinese medicine

1)colleges and universities of Chinese medicine中医药院校

1.New modes of building digital campus ofcolleges and universities of Chinese medicine;高等中医药院校数字化校园建设的新模式

2.Several considerations on how to set up the curriculum system for young volunteers ofcolleges and universities of Chinese medicine;关于创建中医药院校青年志愿者课程体系的几点思考

3.Research and practice on setting up a monitoring system over teaching proficiency atcolleges and universities of Chinese medicine;建立高等中医药院校教学质量监控体系的研究与实践


1.Reform of Western diagnostics teaching in TCM colleges and universities中医药院校西医诊断学教学改革探讨

2.Explorations onto reforming physical culture curriculum in colleges and universities of Chinese medicine in new times;新时期中医药院校体育课程改革探索

3.The Reflection of applying the national fund of basic science for colleges of Traditional Chinese Medicine;中医药院校申请国家基金项目的思考

4.Nursing personnel trained in TCM colleges and universities高等中医药院校培养护理人才之我见

5.Investigation and Analysis of the Teaching Run Mode at the TCM Colleges中医药院校教学运行模式的调研分析

parison of training objectives of Chinese medicine major in higher institutions of Chinese medicine;高等中医药院校中医专业培养目标的比较

7.Research on the Experiment Teaching Reform on the Medical Microbiology at the Chinese Medicine Institution中医药院校医学微生物学实验教学改革与探索

8.On Education about Friendly Relation between Doctors and Patients at Traditional Chinese Medical Colleges高等中医药院校开展医患沟通教育的探讨

9.Probe into the Course Arrangement of Pharmaceutical Engineering among Chinese Medicine Universities中医药院校制药工程专业课程设置探讨

10.New modes of building digital campus of colleges and universities of Chinese medicine;高等中医药院校数字化校园建设的新模式

11.Considerations on offering Chinese medicine translation course to undergraduate students of colleges and universities of Chinese medicine;关于中医药院校本科生开设中医药汉译英翻译课程的思考

12.The Libraries in TCM Colleges Should Strengthen the Digitization Construction of TCM Ancient Books中医药院校图书馆应加强中医药古籍数字化建设

13.Highlight the Characteristics of the Locally Administrative Colleges of Traditional Chinese Medicine and Deepen the Professional Training Mode of Traditional Chinese Medicine把握地方高等中医药院校特征 深化中医药人才培养模式改革

14.Analysis of Ranking of TCM Universities published by Netbig Chinese University Ranking;网大“中国大学排行榜”中医药院校排序分析

15.The Research on Chinese Medicine Colleges and Universities Student s Ideological and Political Quality Cultivate;论高等中医药院校学生的思想政治素质培养

16.Analysis of the Education Mode of the Locally Administered Colleges of Traditional Chinese Medicine;地方性中医药院校人才培养模式的分析与思考

17.Survey and analysis on countries of foreign student source of 10 TCM colleges and universities;10所中医药院校留学生生源国别调查与分析

18.Considerations on deepening teaching reform of college Chinese in colleges and universities of Chinese medicine;中医药院校深化大学语文教学改革的思考


TCM colleges and universities中医药院校

1.Formative pondering on idea of runningTCM colleges and universities高等中医药院校办学理念的形成性思考

2.Several drawbacks in medical psychology teaching exist in theTCM colleges and universities,which will later affect the graduates application of psychology principles and methods in their treatment of diseases.目前中医药院校的医学心理学教学的多个方面存在不足,这将影响中医类毕业生日后在临床工作中使用心理学的原则和方法对病人进行治疗。

3)college education of Chinese medicine中医药院校教育

1.Their concerns for traditional culture are becoming weaker and weaker, and problems incollege education of Chinese medicine are becoming more and more obvious.中医教育经历了从几千年师承教育向高等中医药院校教育转变的过程。

4)higher schools of traditional Chinese medicine中医药高等院校

5)TCM colleges and universities高等中医药院校

1.Scientific development ofTCM colleges and universities in western region of China对西部地区高等中医药院校科学发展的思考

2.Personnel training orientation of enterprise management specialty inTCM colleges and universities高等中医药院校企业管理专业人才培养定位调查研究

3.Nursing personnel trained inTCM colleges and universities高等中医药院校培养护理人才之我见

6)Medium and small -sized medical colleges中小型医药院校



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