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学科相关 academics related英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-10-05 07:06:30


学科相关 academics related英语短句 例句大全

学科相关,academics related

1)academics related学科相关

2)relevant subjects相关学科

1.Investigation into the relationship between pedagogy and itsrelevant subjects has been in dispute since the 1980s, and it can be said that the history of the development of pedagogy is just the history of its interaction withrelevant subjects.教育学与相关学科的关系的考辩自上世纪80年代起就是一个争论不休的话题,可以说教育学的发展历史就是与相关学科相互作用的历史。


1.Study on the Relationship between Adult Education Disciplines and Relevant Disciplines;成人教育学科与相关学科的关系研究

2.BS/MS degree in Computer Science or equivalent major.计算机或相关学科的本科以上学历。

3.The Elementary Analysis of Alternative Relationship between the History Subject and Other Relative Subjects;浅析历史学科与相关学科的交叉渗透

4.The Strong Subject Leading Relevant Suject to Progress;以优势学科来带领相关学科共同进步

5.On the Relevancy of Educational Administration to Other Subjects;论教育管理学与其他相关学科的关联

6.On the Offer of the Course Mathematics Experiment by Some College Departments;论高校相关学科开设《数学实验》课程

7.Bachelor degree in related disciplines( information system, Law and Commercial, etc).信息系统,法律以及商务相关学科本科以上学历。

8.Discussion of Relevant Concepts on Disciplines and Disciplines Building;关于学科、学科建设等相关概念的讨论

9.BA/BS in life-sciences or relevant areas.生命科学或相关专业大学本科学历。

10.A New Orientation of Science Education:Connecting Science and Art;科学与艺术相关联:科学教育的新取向

11.Liberal Arts and Science Benefiting and Communicating with Each Other;文理相通 文理相长——自然科学与社会科学的关系

12.Physics and astronomy are cognate sciences.物理学和天文学是相关联的科学.

13.chemistry, biology and other related sciences化学、 生物学及其他相关的科学.

14.Mathematics and astronomy are cognate sciences.数学和天文学是互相关联的科学。

15.The Relevant Problems of Teaching of Science History in China;我国科学教育中科学史教学的相关思考

16.Bachelor degree or above major in Electronics or related industry.大学本科学历,电子或化工相关专业。

17.Branch out from physics into related scientific fields.从物理学而引申到相关科学领域

18.Construction of neurorestoratology and approach on its related subjects神经修复学学科建设及相关问题探讨


relevant subjects相关学科

1.Investigation into the relationship between pedagogy and itsrelevant subjects has been in dispute since the 1980s, and it can be said that the history of the development of pedagogy is just the history of its interaction withrelevant subjects.教育学与相关学科的关系的考辩自上世纪80年代起就是一个争论不休的话题,可以说教育学的发展历史就是与相关学科相互作用的历史。

3)relevant disciplines相关学科

1.The relationship between adult education disciplines andrelevant disciplines is a must in constructing Chinese Adult Education Disciplines.成人教育学科与相关学科的关系是中国成人教育学科体系构建必须研究的问题,主要有两个层面的问题:一是成人教育学科与教育学科的关系,这是最直接的关系;二是成人教育学科与除教育学科之外的其他相关学科的关系。

4)relevant discipline相关学科

1.It can achieve even greater success if we combine our research withrelevant disciplines,cognize it from the perspectives of reforming,interdisciplinary study,and sticking to its ontological self,retrospect its past with a prospective view,anchor China s comparative literature within the context of worldwide culture development,dynamically grasp its interconnecting relationship with ne.从比较文学与相关学科切入,通过“变”、“跨”、“本”三个方面的认知,以前瞻的眼光总结所走过的历程,把中国比较文学放在世界文化发展的背景中,动态地把握它与相关学科的网络关系,以务实的精神纠正发展中所存在的偏颇,以创新的思维求得更大的进步,这将使中国比较文学更上一层楼。

2.The author not only summarizes scholars controversy over the argument that pedagogy is an independent discipline, but also analyzes the discussions about pedagogy as disciplinary basis and the ways to apply the research results ofrelevant disciplines to the construction of pedagogy as a discipline.本文就 2 0世纪上半叶中国学者关于教育学学科独立性的探讨进行了比较全面的回顾与反思 ,不仅考察了教育学是不是一门独立的学科的认识状况 ,而且对教育学的学科基础以及如何运用相关学科的成果去进行教育学学科建设的认识状况进行了具体的考察。

5)relative subjects相关学科

1.In order to strengthen the relationship between oral interpretation and otherrelative subjects,we can combine oral interpretation with other fields while improving the students oral skills and competence by the way of a model of explanation.在口译教学中可以运用图示理论来指导口译实践,加强口译与相关学科的联系,也可将口译教学与其他专业相结合。

6)related subjects相关学科

1.A new recognition of the relationship between folkloreand itsrelated subjects,;对民俗学与相关学科关系的再认识

2.Theories ofrelated subjects such as philosophy and psychology have once made tremendous contribution to the birth and development of pedagogy.哲学、心理学等相关学科理论曾对教育学的产生和发展做出过巨大贡献,但由于忽视教育学的"人"性,盲目引进或照搬相关学科的理论方法及思维方式也对教育学的健康成长带来了不良影响。



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