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禁止角 forbidden angle英语短句 例句大全

时间:2018-12-31 06:13:50


禁止角 forbidden angle英语短句 例句大全

禁止角,forbidden angle

1)forbidden angle禁止角

1.Consequently the concept offorbidden angle was presented aiming at improving the hydrodynamic characteristics of the dynamic positioning propulsion system.提出了最优推力分配模块中禁止角边界条件这一概念,这对于解决动力定位推进系统中螺旋桨与螺旋桨之间的水动力干扰具有显著的作用。


1.In the light of the many drawbacks caused by the ban on repetitive mortgage, and to the end of bringing t.禁止重复抵押存在诸多不妥之处 ,为充分发挥抵押在市场经济中的价值功能 ,法律只须规定一些配套措施控制重复抵押的弊端即可。


1.To impede or prohibit by estoppel.禁止…反言或禁止…翻供

2.(e) prohibiting the dividend distribution.(五)禁止分红。

3.To prohibit or place under an ecclesiastical or legal sanction.禁令禁止或为宗教或法律所禁止

4.prohibitive laws, road signs禁律、禁止通行的路标.

5.No smoking, littering, or radio playing.禁止吸烟,禁止乱扔杂物,禁止打开无线电。

6.To suppress(an interrupt feature).禁止,中止抑制(中断特点)

7.Post "No Smoking"and "No Open Flames"signs.张贴“禁止吸烟”和“禁止明火”的标志。

8.To forbid trading in certain goods or with certain supplier禁止做生意,禁止做某些商品的交易或禁止与某些供应商做买卖

9.No unauthorized access prohibited未经许可,禁止入内

10.No unauthorized access; unauthorized access prohibited未经许可,禁止入内。

11.DO NOT USE ADAPTERS!禁止使用转换接头!

12.This is a no parking zone.此地是禁止停车区。

13.To forbid something or to make something illegal不许,禁止或使某事非法

14.They prohibited him from going there.他们禁止他去那里。

15.It is forbidden (for anyone) to smoke in this room.禁止(任何人)在本室吸烟.

16.Foreigners were forbidden to enter the country.外国人被禁止进出该国。

17.The police Banned the drunkard from driving警察禁止该醉汉驾车。

18.Article 20 Use of explosives and poisons in fishing shall be prohibited.第二十条禁止炸鱼、毒鱼。



1.In the light of the many drawbacks caused by the ban on repetitive mortgage, and to the end of bringing t.禁止重复抵押存在诸多不妥之处 ,为充分发挥抵押在市场经济中的价值功能 ,法律只须规定一些配套措施控制重复抵押的弊端即可。


1.This article analyzes the necessity as well as the countermeasures of China s law on theprohibition of sale of human s organs.我国立法应明令禁止人体器官买卖。

2.America s military judicature of Privilege against Self-incrimination consists of three principles as follows:prohibition of extortion of confessions by torture,informing beforehand and elimination of illegal proof.美国军事司法禁止强制性自证其罪规则,与"米兰达规则"有着本质区别。

3.This is called the immunity ofprohibition to enterprise merger.在反垄断法上,如果企业合并将产生或者加强市场支配地位并严重限制竞争,原则上应当禁止该项企业合并,以避免形成有弊害的垄断性市场结构。


1.The State five ministries and commissions issued a notice that hundreds of commodities processing trades including copper are forbidden.国家五部委联合发出《通知》,禁止包括铜在内的数百种商品的加工贸易,其目的是为了严格控制"两高一资"产品出口,抑制低附加值、低技术含量产品出口,实现外贸增长方式的转变和社会经济的可持续发展。

2.Through the discussion of the ethical problems likely to be brought about by tht cloning of man, the thesis intends to seek some bases of forbidding cloning from the angle of ethics and probe into the related countermeasures as well.本文通过对克隆人将引发的社会伦理问题的思考,力图从伦理维度寻求禁止克隆人的根据,并对禁止克隆人的对策进行了探讨。





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