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NSF管理质量提升 The improving management quality of NSF英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-05-27 09:59:51


NSF管理质量提升 The improving management quality of NSF英语短句 例句大全

NSF管理质量提升,The improving management quality of NSF

1)The improving management quality of NSFNSF管理质量提升

2)The Management of NSF Sustentation FundNSF资助管理

3)quality promotion质量提升

1.The school-based curriculum development should be turned from form development toquality promotion.校本课程开发要从形式开发转移到质量提升上来,开发主体必须在正确的课程开发目标指导下,科学解读课程开发实质和整合课程开发内容,准确寻找开发切入点,不断完善教师素质结构,并制订规范的开发管理机制,构建强有力的理论的、人力的、制度的保障体系。


1.On the Study of the Upgrading Service Quality of Hotel Based on Service Quality Disparity Model;基于质量差距模型的酒店服务质量提升研究

2.Supply Chain Quality Cost-sharing Game Research Considering Pushing Quality Improvement考虑质量提升的供应链质量成本分担博弈分析

3.Supply Chain Quality Cost-sharing Contract Research Considering Pushing Quality Improvement考虑质量提升的供应链质量成本分担合同研究

4.Research in the Supporting Technology of E4303"S Quality Improving;E4303质量提升的技术基础研究

5.Research and Realization of Service Quality Raise of CDMA2000 Mobile Network;CDMA2000移动网业务质量提升研究与实现

6.The Study of Hebei China Mobile Communication Company Network Quality Improvement Strategy;河北移动公司网络质量提升策略研究

7.Based on upgrading the quality of education for college construction connotation;以教育质量提升 促高校内涵建设

8.Improving the Quality of Supervisors and Raising Quality of Engineering Training;提高指导教师素质 提升工程训练质量

9.Application of Total Quality Management on Promotion of Supply Chain Quality;全面质量管理在提升供应链质量水平中的应用

10.Constructing the Quality Rating System of Experimental Teaching to Enchance the Experimental Teaching Quality构建实验教学质量评价体系 提升实验教学质量

11.Quality Is Top Priority:Reflection on Quality Enhancement of Journals of Humanities and Social Sciences of Higher Education Institutions质量才是硬道理——提升高校社科学报质量的思考

12.Increase code quality through beneficial peer pressure.* 可以在同等的压力下提升代码的质量。

13.Advance the Quality of Employment :the New View about Development of VOA提升就业质量:职业教育发展的新视角

14.Strengthening the Education of STS and Reforming the Training of teachers of Science;加强STS教育 提升科学师资培养质量

15.Renewing the Model and Improving the Quality of Teacher Education;创新教师教育模式 提升教师教育质量

16.Several Aspects Need to be Addressed for an Organization to Improve Quality;组织提升服务质量应注意的若干问题

17.On the Practice to Improve Graduation Thesis Quality;提升毕业论文(设计)质量的实践探究

18.Insisting the Development Strategy of Jinan Steel for Improving Statistical Service Quality;贯彻济钢发展战略 提升统计服务质量


The Management of NSF Sustentation FundNSF资助管理

3)quality promotion质量提升

1.The school-based curriculum development should be turned from form development toquality promotion.校本课程开发要从形式开发转移到质量提升上来,开发主体必须在正确的课程开发目标指导下,科学解读课程开发实质和整合课程开发内容,准确寻找开发切入点,不断完善教师素质结构,并制订规范的开发管理机制,构建强有力的理论的、人力的、制度的保障体系。

4)promoting quality提升质量

5)quality improvement质量提升

1.Confliction and coordination inquality improvement and scale expansion of graduate education;研究生教育质量提升与规模扩张的冲突及其协调

2.Quality improvement ensures enterprises an invincible position in the competition.传统的理论研究大多停留在考虑质量提升的供应链管理研究的理论层面,量化方面分析的相关文献相对较少。

6)improving management提升管理



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