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裸大麦 hulless barley英语短句 例句大全

时间:2018-09-16 00:17:10


裸大麦 hulless barley英语短句 例句大全

裸大麦,hulless barley

1)hulless barley裸大麦

1.Hulless barley malt and its products can be added directly to a variety of foods without the problem of residual hull disposal.裸大麦的母育酚类化合物和可溶性纤维对人类有降低血胆固醇效应,所以裸大麦产品(面粉、糠和麦芽)被用于制作高食用纤维的即食谷物和低热量的烘培产品。


1.The water content and grain volume changed as a curve with a single peak.裸大麦籽粒体积和水分含量变化呈抛物线。

2.Study on Genetic Relationship of Yunnan Naked Barley by SSR Markers云南青稞(裸大麦)品种亲缘关系的SSR标记研究

3.Some wheats and ryes tiller freely.有些小麦和裸麦大量分蘖。

4.Tufei sourdough breads are cultivated in traditional French style with two major types, sourdough rye and pain au levain.全部土匪天然酵母面包均以法式方法滋养,分为裸麦及小麦两大类。

5.A dark, sourish bread made from whole, coarsely ground rye.裸麦粗面包一种用整个磨过的粗糙大麦制成的黑色酸味面包

6.The Comparative Study on the Growth and Development of Roots of Naked Oats and Spring Wheat;裸燕麦(莜麦)与春小麦根系发育的比较研究

7.full out rye terms=full out terms裸麦到港重量条款(按这种条款

8.what he did was beyond the bounds of acceptable behavior; to the limit of his ability.服装最大限度的裸露。

9.rock+[ 3 ] and rye加有冰糖和水果片装瓶的裸麦威士忌酒

10.Rheological Studies and Gel Formation of Naked Oat β-Glucan裸燕麦麸β葡聚糖的流变学特性及凝胶形成

11.Effect of Cultivating Measures on Yield and Seed Quality of Naked Oat;栽培措施对裸燕麦产量和种子品质的影响研究

12.The Study on the Seed Germination Characters and Drought Tolerance of Avena Nuda L. at Seedling Stage;裸燕麦种子萌发特性及苗期抗旱性研究

13.Studies on Naked Oat Bran"s Thermal Stability of Antioxidant Activities and Oat Saponin裸燕麦麸皮抗氧化活性的热稳定性及皂苷鉴定

14.Genetic Diversity in Naked Oat (Avena nuda) Germplasm Revealed by AFLP Markers裸燕麦种质资源AFLP标记遗传多样性分析

15.Present Situation, Problems and Countermeasures of Domestic Naked Oat Groats’ Production国产裸燕麦米生产现状及存在的问题与对策

16.Effects of Water Stress on Root Growth of Naked Oat不同水分胁迫对裸燕麦根系生长的影响

17.cereal grass widely cultivated for its grain: rye.禾本科的一个谷类属,因其谷物而被广泛种植;黑麦裸麦。

18.distilled from a mash of corn and malt and rye and aged in charred oak barrels.用捣碎的谷物、麦芽、裸麦和有年限的烧焦的橡树蒸馏而成的酒。


naked barley裸大麦

1.The result showed that the average output of thenaked barley resed to 50.对西藏 6 0年代以来审定通过的 15个品种进行品种比较试验 ,研究近 4 0年来裸大麦品种更换过程中产量和产量构成因素的表现和稳定性变化。

2.Lai,meansnaked barley(Qingke),Mu,means Mai(wheat or barley),and Lai Mu,means Qingke Mai,is demonstrated in this paper according to the explanations of the Chinese classical words“Lai Mu”in the ancient and modern documents,and referring to the archaeology,language and culture as well as history of Qiang,Zang and Han nationalities.本文根据古今文献对经典文字“来牟”的解释 ,参考羌、藏、汉民族的历史、文化、语言和考古研究 ,论证了“来”是裸大麦青稞 ,“牟”是麦 ,来牟是青稞麦。

3)Great Rye Island大裸麦沙洲

4)Tibetan barley西藏裸大麦

5)naked Barley; highland Barley裸麦




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