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国产大麦 domestic barley英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-12-30 01:34:28


国产大麦 domestic barley英语短句 例句大全

国产大麦,domestic barley

1)domestic barley国产大麦

1.The complex protease,acidic protease and papain were used to hydrolyzedomestic barley protein,through traditional process of liquefaction and saccharification.采用传统的液化和糖化工艺,研究了复合型蛋白酶、木瓜蛋白酶和酸性蛋白酶对国产大麦蛋白质的水解情况,结果表明,选用以复合型蛋白酶为主,并添加少量酸性蛋白酶的效果较好,但α-氨基氮含量仍偏低。

2.5 and 50 ℃ respectively; Application of non-starch wiscous polysaccharidase in enzymatic hydrolusis of barley was researched,useddomestic barley as raw material.5,温度50℃;以国产大麦为原料,研究了非淀粉粘性多糖酶在大麦中的应用,结果显示,A和B的最佳添加量分别为2。

3.It was researched on the new preparation process of barley wort through partial hydrolysis,liquefaction,two-steps saccharification by enzymatic method,useddomestic barley as raw material.研究了以国产大麦为原料,采用全酶法经预水解、液化和两段糖化制备大麦汁的生产工艺。

2)domestic wheat国产麦

1.Effects of exogenous lipase added todomestic wheat bread flour was studied on rheology test、bread-makingexperiments and texture analysis.通过流变学试验、面包烘焙试验和面包芯质构测试,探讨了脂肪酶对国产麦面包粉品质的影响。


1.Studies on the Improvement of Domestic Malt Quality by Microorganism Technique;利用微生物技术提高国产麦芽质量的研究

2.Optimizing Tempering Conditions for Chinese Medium-Gluten Wheat三种国产中筋小麦润麦条件优化初探

3.Production Status and Development of Productive Capacity of Wheat in China;我国小麦生产现状与发展小麦生产能力的思考

4.Appraising the Adjustment of the Wheat Planting Structure in China From the wheat production in France从法国小麦生产看我国小麦种植结构调整

5.Breeding and Analysis on the High-yield and Stability of the New Wheat Variety of National Authorized Luomai 8国审小麦新品种漯麦8号的选育及其丰产性稳产性分析

6.Studies on the Oxido-reductases of Domestic Brewing Barleys;国产啤酒大麦中氧化还原酶系的研究

7.Gene Analysis for Stripe Rust Resistance in Chinese Commercial Wheat Cultivars;中国小麦生产品种抗条锈病基因分析

8.British Heritage Film with A Merchant-Ivory s View;英国遗产电影的麦钱特——艾弗瑞风景

9.Status and Developing Strategies of Wheat Industry in China;中国小麦产业化现状与发展对策初探

10.Variation of Wheat Quality in Main Wheat-Producing Regions in China中国主产区小麦在品质区域间的差异

11.Present Situation, Problems and Countermeasures of Domestic Naked Oat Groats’ Production国产裸燕麦米生产现状及存在的问题与对策

12.Studies on Histology,Cytology and Products of Interaction Between Wheat and Wheat Stem Rust in China;我国小麦和小麦秆锈菌互作的组织学、细胞学及互作产物研究

13.The Production of Syhthetic Hexaploid Wheat between Chinese Triticum Turgidum ssp. Turgidum and Aegilops Tauschii and Its Cytology and Morphology中国蓝麦—节节麦人工双二倍体的产生、细胞学及农艺性状分析

14.Molecular location of the stripe rust resistance genes in common wheat cultivar Yumai 13我国小麦生产品种豫麦13中抗条锈基因的分子定位

15.China"s wheat harvest fell short of consumption last year by19 million tons.去年,中国小麦产量和消费量的缺口为1900万吨。

16.Chile is one of the most important countries for wheat production in South America.智利是南美洲最重要的小麦生产国家之一。

17.Simulaten Study on Impacts of Clmate Change on the Potential Yeild of Wheat;气候变化对中国小麦生产影响模拟研究

18.The Status and Development Strategy of Quality Wheat Production for Specific End-use in China;中国优质专用小麦的生产现状与发展的思考


domestic wheat国产麦

1.Effects of exogenous lipase added todomestic wheat bread flour was studied on rheology test、bread-makingexperiments and texture analysis.通过流变学试验、面包烘焙试验和面包芯质构测试,探讨了脂肪酶对国产麦面包粉品质的影响。

3)barley production大麦生产

1.With economic development after the second world war,the globlebarley production increased from 99.长江中游历来是我国大麦的主要种植区之一,随着我国经济的发展,大麦生产每况愈下,成为我国进口量最大的农产品之一,其种植面积由1961年77。

4)barley yield大麦产量

1.Effects of the mixture with different proportion of fly ash and filtered mud on red soil properties andbarley yield;不同配比的粉煤灰和滤泥对红壤理化性质与大麦产量的影响

5)Chinese barley中国大麦

1.Twenty dwarf sources ofChinese barley were crossed to a set of marker stocks.根据连锁遗传原理,利用全套染色体形态性状标记系,对20份中国大麦矮秆种质资源的矮秆基因,进行了染色体定位。

2.The plant height inheritance of 24Chinese barley dwarf germplasms and the allelic relahonships between the dwarf genes in them and the known dwarf genes uz, sdw, br and denso were studied.研究了24份中国大麦矮秆种质资源的株高遗传,在它们的矮秆基因之间且与已知矮秆基因uz、sdw、br和denso进行了遗传等位性测验。

6)national wheat国产小麦粉


大麦醋糟【通用名称】大麦醋糟【其他名称】大麦醋糟 (《食疗本草》) 【来源】为大麦制醋后剩余之糟粕。 【性味】《纲目》:"酸,微寒,无毒。" 【功用主治】《食疗本草》:"主气滞风壅,手臂脚膝痛,炒醋糟裹之。"

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