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点穴 acupoint pressure英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-03-20 17:25:05


点穴 acupoint pressure英语短句 例句大全

点穴,acupoint pressure

1)acupoint pressure点穴

1.Clinical observation of improvement for quality of life With the malignant patients by Acupoint Pressure手指点穴提高恶性肿瘤患者生存质量40例临床观察

2.Methods:Acupuncture and moxibustion,acupoint pressure and Chinese herbal medicine were used.方法:采用灸疗、点穴及中药疗法。


1.Research about Countermeasures of "Order the Cave" Strike;应对空袭中“点穴式”打击的对策研究

2.Effects of Vital Point Attack on HR、La and LDH of Tennis Players after Fixed-Load Exercise;点穴对网球队员定量负荷后HR、La、LDH的影响

3.Clinical Research of Manipulation on Knee Osteoarthritis点穴屈伸法治疗膝骨性关节炎的临床研究

4.Clinical Observation on Treatment of Subhealth by Point-pressing Massage Along the Meridians经络点穴推拿调治亚健康状态的临床研究

5.Clinical Therapeutic Research of Nerve-root Cervical Spondylosis (CS) by Using Massage to the Points on Abdomen Plus Normal Massage of Cervix;腹部点穴结合颈部常规手法治疗神经根型颈椎病的临床研究

6.Electron-and Hole-spin Relaxations in InAs/GaAs Single Quantum DotsInAs/GaAs单量子点中电子/空穴自旋弛豫

7.A Thinking of How Raise Teaching Quality of the Points提高《腧穴学》教学质量的几点思考

8.If the intersection point falls in the shaded area, cavitation can occur.如果交点落在阴影区域,则可能产生空穴。

9.Purpose: Clinical observation on treatment of hordeolum by collateral? pricking and blood? letting acupuncture of auricular acupoints“ Eye”.目的,观察耳穴“眼点”刺络放血治疗针眼临床疗效。

10.Thoughts on the Religious Tourism Development of Fengxue Temple in RuZhou City;关于汝州市风穴寺宗教旅游开发的几点思考

11.The Influences of Massaging the Holographic Point in the Side of the Second Palm Bone on Cardiac Functions;点按第二掌骨桡侧全息心穴对心功能的影响

12.A Study of Pressing the Acupuncture Points Shenshu and Zhaohai against the Exercise-Induced Fatigue;点压肾俞、照海穴对抗运动性疲劳的实验研究

13.46 Cases of Lumbag Treatment with Electric Acupuncture;电针应力点加夹脊穴治疗下腰伤病46例

14.The Research of Fast Inserting Double Shenmen Points in Acupuncture Needle in Treating Insomnia双神门穴毫针点刺治疗失眠的临床研究

15.The Clinical Application of Movable Cupping and Point Pricking at the Back-Shu Points Base on The Zi Wu Liuzhu Time Rule背俞穴子午流注推罐及点刺放血法的临床运用

16.Effect of Hole Transporting Materials on Photoluminescence of CdSe Core/Shell Quantum Dots空穴传输材料对CdSe核壳量子点的荧光影响

17.Therapeutic effect of three-edged needling on point Ashi for migraine三棱针点刺阿是穴治疗偏头痛疗效观察

18.Characteristic and Significance of Zhenjiujiayijing on Treating Syndrome of Limbs Arthralgia《针灸甲乙经》治疗肢体痹证选穴特点及其意义


digital acupoint pressure点穴疗法

3)point pressing muscle relaxation点穴松肌

4)auricular acupoints "Eye"耳穴"眼点"

1.48 clinical observation on treatment of hordeolum by collateral-pricking and blood-letting acupuncture of auricular acupoints “Eye”;目的,观察耳穴“眼点”刺络放血治疗针眼临床疗效。

5)auricle point applying耳穴点压

1.The clinical observation ofauricle point applying in treating hiccup after transcatheter arterial chemo-embolization of hepatocellular carcinoma;耳穴点压治疗肝癌介入术后呃逆的临床观察

6)cave localities洞穴地点



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