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抗侧滚扭杆 anti-roll bar英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-01-18 01:08:48


抗侧滚扭杆 anti-roll bar英语短句 例句大全

抗侧滚扭杆,anti-roll bar

1)anti-roll bar抗侧滚扭杆

1.A study of the impact on anti-roll perform of railway vehicle byanti-roll bar;抗侧滚扭杆对轨道车辆抗侧滚性能的影响研究

2.The structure composition of ananti-roll bar system imported from ALSTOM by Shanghai Metro and the main technical requirements of the torsional bar shaft are described.介绍了上海地铁公司从ALSTOM引进的一种抗侧滚扭杆系统的结构组成和扭杆轴主要技术要求,重点介绍了扭杆轴在国产化过程中的工艺实现。


1.The Performance Analysis of the Antiroli Torsion Bar Spring Installed in High Speed Bogie高速转向架抗侧滚扭杆弹簧性能分析

2.The Reliability Design Technique and Application of Air Spring and Antiroll Torsion Bar空气弹簧及抗侧滚扭杆可靠性设计技术及应用

3.The new software allowed me to use full lateral stick rolling maneuvers.新版软件允许我使用全侧杆进行滚转机动。

4.Theory Study of Non-Backlash Double-Roller Enveloping Hourglass Worm Gearing;无侧隙双滚子包络环面蜗杆传动的理论研究

5.CAD System Development of Non-Backlash Double-Roller Enveloping Hourglass Worm Gearing无侧隙双滚子包络环面蜗杆传动的CAD系统开发

6.70t Universal Wagon s Vertical, Lateral and Torsional Load Spectrum s Test and Research;70吨级通用敞车垂向、侧滚和扭转载荷谱的测试与研究

7.Test research on strata resistance of pile side of anchor anti-slide pile锚杆抗滑桩桩侧地层抗力分布模式的试验研究

8.Layout of Multi-tall Frame-shear Structure Lateral Stiffness on Anti-shear-torsion Characteristic Effect;多高层框架—剪力墙结构抗侧力构件平面布置对抗剪扭性能的影响

9.Study on Worm Modeling and Simulation Processing of Non-Backlash Double-Roller Enveloping Hourglass无侧隙双滚子包络环面蜗杆的建模及仿真加工的研究

10.Meshing Analysis of Non-backlash Double Roller Enveloping Hourglass Worm Gearing无侧隙双滚子包络环面蜗杆传动的啮合性能分析


12.The only load to be applied to the torsion bar is the torque M at its ends.扭杆上的唯一载荷是扭杆两端的扭矩M。

13.An increase in resistance to roll deflections may be gained by splitting the single strut into a fork at the top.采用上部分呈叉状的单支杆可以增强抗滚转变形性能。

14.a jerky pulling movement.猛然向一侧扭拉的动作。

15.Bring it up ... and twists ... and side ... 2, 3 ...身体打直……扭摆……侧身……23……

16.restrained torsion of thin walled bar薄壁杆件的约束扭转

17.Graffiti was scrawled on some of the planks.有些栏杆上歪歪扭扭刻着字。

18.worm-and-double-roller steering gear蜗杆双滚轮式转向机构


antiroll torsion bar抗侧滚扭杆

1.The demand of the reliability of air spring andantiroll torsion bar has been increased with the wide use in the second suspensions of metro and light rail vehicle,medial and high speed passenger car.在中高速客车和地铁、轻轨车辆二系悬挂中,空气弹簧和抗侧滚扭杆组合得到越来越多的应用。

2.T he article introduces the theory, characteristic, structure and application of mechanical fatigue testing machine for theantiroll torsion bar.介绍了机械式抗侧滚扭杆疲劳试验机的原理、性能、结构和应用。

3)anti-roll torsion bar抗侧滚扭力杆

1.In order to overcome the harmful effects caused byanti-roll torsion bar,the technical strategy which can be able to promote what is beneficial and get rid of what is harmful,was proposed by the concept of anti-roll equivalent stiffness.为了克服抗侧滚扭力杆所产生的有害作用,应用抗侧滚等效刚度概念提出了改进的技术对策。

4)side-rolling resistant torsion bar抗侧滚扭杆轴

1.Research of a new 50CrVE steel forside-rolling resistant torsion bars on railcars;新型轨道车辆抗侧滚扭杆轴用钢50CrVE的研究

5)anti-rolling bar equipment抗侧滚扭杆装置

1.This paper introduces the localized design,calcu- lation and manufacture of theanti-rolling bar equipment for Guangzhou metro Line 3 bogies,indicates that this e- quipment could satisfy the technic requerements of SIE- MENS Co.介绍了广州地铁3号线转向架抗侧滚扭杆装置的国产化设计、计算、和生产制作,试验表明该抗侧滚扭杆装置的结构、刚度、强度及制作工艺等完全满足SIEMENS公司相关技术规范要求和广州地铁3号线车辆的运用要求。

6)anti-rolling sill抗侧滚梁

1.The relation between theanti-rolling sills and negotiation of magnetic levitation trains is analyzed.分析了抗侧滚梁与磁浮列车曲线通过的关系,为抗侧滚粱的结构设计及改进提出了相应的建议。



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