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古籍修复 repair of ancient books英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-01-28 16:18:38


古籍修复 repair of ancient books英语短句 例句大全

古籍修复,repair of ancient books

1)repair of ancient books古籍修复

2)Desks for ancient books repairs古籍修复工作台

3)Chinese ancient books mending古籍修补

4)ancient books古籍

1.An Introduction to the Manual Repair and Paper-pulp Patching of Ancient Books;浅谈古籍的手工修复与纸浆补书

2.Talking about the significance and future development trend of the collation ofancient books;浅谈古籍整理工作的意义及未来发展趋势

3.The function of our forefathers taboo on something in the edition ofancient books appraisal;试析古人避讳在古籍版本鉴定中的作用


1.Cataloguing of Ancient Books Viewed from Compilation of Ancient Reference Books;从古籍工具书的编纂看古籍编目问题

2.A Search for Electronic Version of Classical Literature to Enrich Collections of Library搜集电子本古籍 丰富古籍室馆藏

3.editions of block printed books雕版印刷古籍版本类型

4.Bibliographical description for Chinese antiquarian booksGB/T3792.7-1987古籍著录规则

5.ancient book written on such a roll用羊皮纸写的古籍.

6.Talking about the General Investigation of Ancient Books and the Promotion of missionary"s Professionalism谈古籍普查与古籍工作人员专业素养的提升

7.Publishment of Chinese Monggol Language Ancient Books Comprehensive Table of Contents and Exploitation of Monggol Language Ancient Book and Documents;《中国蒙古文古籍总目》的出版与蒙古文古籍文献的开发利用

8.A Collection of Ancient Books and Records of Mongolian Brilliant Culture --Some Notes onCatalogue of Ancient Mongolian Books and Documents of China;蒙古民族优秀文化典籍总汇——记《中国蒙古文古籍总目》

9.The article introduces the methods of ancient books protection from these aspects: collection environment, mothproof approach, repairing the damaged ancient books.该文从古籍收藏环境、虫防蛀、籍修复等方面详细介绍了古往今来古籍保护的方法。

10.The tibetan Ancient Books Publishing House has collected more than 200 rare ancient books in Tibetan and collated and published a number of them.西藏藏文古籍出版社已收集到藏文古籍珍本200余部,整理出版了一批珍稀藏文古籍。

11.Assumption on Construction of a Multi-layered Preservation System for Chinese Ancient Books构建中华古籍层级保护体系的设想——从古籍价值属性创新古籍保护思路

12.A Summary Account of Ethnic Ancient Books Classification--For Example: Naxizhu,Zangzhu and Yizhu Ancient literature;我国民族古籍传统分类体系概述——以纳西族、藏族、彝族古籍为例

13.Textual Research and the Studies of Chinese Ancient Scripts on Fine Arts;考据学与中国美术古籍研究——对当前美术古籍研究的一点思考

14.A New Development of the Bibliography Cataloguing of the Ancient Rare Editions ─Prelude for the Bibliography of the Ancient Rare Edition in Zhejiang Library;古籍善本编目的又一进展──《浙江图书馆古籍善本书目》序

15.Characteristics and Inspirations on Chinese Classic Ancient Books Database--On standards and norms on ancient books full-text database《中国基本古籍库》的特色与启示——兼谈古籍全文数据库的标准与规范

16.Discusses Model and Inspiration of the CALIS Ancient Book On-line Catalog Regarding the General Survey for Chinese Ancient BooksCALIS古籍联机编目对全国古籍普查工作的借鉴与启示

17.By the end of 1998, more than 120,000 titles of ethnic minorities" ancient books have been collected, of which, over 110,000 have been edited and 5,000 published.截至1998年,已搜集少数民族古籍12万余种,整理11万余种,出版古籍书籍5000余种。

18.Distressed Spiritual Symbol--Why Lu Xun Compiled the Classical Books and Copied Old Stone Tablet;苦闷的精神标记——鲁迅辑校古籍、抄古碑原因新探


Desks for ancient books repairs古籍修复工作台

3)Chinese ancient books mending古籍修补

4)ancient books古籍

1.An Introduction to the Manual Repair and Paper-pulp Patching of Ancient Books;浅谈古籍的手工修复与纸浆补书

2.Talking about the significance and future development trend of the collation ofancient books;浅谈古籍整理工作的意义及未来发展趋势

3.The function of our forefathers taboo on something in the edition ofancient books appraisal;试析古人避讳在古籍版本鉴定中的作用

5)Chinese ancient books古籍

1.ObjectiveCollecting the recordation of bryophytes inChinese ancient books,we listed the resources of bryophytes.收集和整理了古籍中所记载的苔藓植物并对其进行分析。

2.It is a complex cross-discipline issue to make electronic products ofChinese ancient books.古籍电子化是一个非常复杂的跨学科问题。

3.Focusing on the situation and prospect of computeri zation ofChinese ancient books research, the article elaborates orderly in thre e parts: 1.本文从计算机汉字大字符集和通用工作平台、计算机古籍资料库的建设、古籍整理辅助研究系统等三个方面,就古籍整理研究手段现代化问题阐述了自己的看法和思路。

6)Ancient book古籍

1.Ode to Plum Blossom by Emperor Jianwendi of the Liang dynasty: different versions in ancient books;不同古籍中的梁简文帝《梅花赋》

2.Achievements and Prospects of Chinese Ancient Books Digitalization;中文古籍数字化成果与展望

3.Although it has made a great progress in the digital management of ancient book in the libraries in recent years in China,it is still in its primary stage and there is a lot of to do.近年来,我国图书馆古籍管理数字化成绩显著,但此项工作仍处于起步阶段,尚有许多不足。



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