失眠网 > 牛津3B Unit11 a good idea教学设计_小学三年级英语教案

牛津3B Unit11 a good idea教学设计_小学三年级英语教案

时间:2022-11-12 23:12:47


牛津3B Unit11 a good idea教学设计_小学三年级英语教案

text bookfun with english 3bunit 11

title a good ideaperiod 2


1.to provide students with basic language to ask other people what do they do at leisure time.

2.review sport words; learn to say the 4 words correctly: cilmbing, skating, skiing, rowing.

3.using “let’s go …” and “that’s a good idea” to make sentences correctly.

4.to cultivate their interest of learning english and the consciousness of communicating in english.

main points and difficult points


let’s go …

that’s a good idea.

2. part a look and say

3. do a survey

aids pictures, tape recorder, balls

period two:

step 1: free talk

1) t: how are you?

ss: i’m happy.

2) t: what’s the weather like today?

ss: it’s sunny day.

ss: it’s warm.

t: yes, spring is coming. how beautiful it is! you see, there are many pretty __flowers___and green __trees.__ where is it?

ss: park.

t: let’s go to the park.

ss: ok. let’s go.

t: now, follow me! (sing the song)

step 2 words reviewing and teaching.

1.1) i like this park very much. look, there is a nice lake in the park. the water is clean.

please guess: what do you like doing ? i like…(help students answer the question using this sentences pattern)

s1: i like swimming.

t: do you like swimming?

ss: yes, i do.

(swimming , swimming, i like swimming)

t: what do you like? (point to the lake)

s2: i like fishing.

(fishing, fishing, i like fishing)

ss: what do you like?

t: i like rowing. (板书)

2) first look at my mouth, then read after me.

3) train, train go go go.

2. and i also like climbing in spring. (板书) (ppt show the hill)

1) read the words by climb the ladders.

2) t carries the bag and say: do you like climbing, if ss say “yes” t says: let’s go climbing.

give the bag to s1.

s1: let’s go climbing.

t: help them say: good idea. ( write the title on the bb) at the same time, we learn that’s a good idea.

read several times and practice.

3.1) oh, season changes quick. i feel very cold. now we are in winter. everything turns to white.(t acts cold.) (ppt shows) the lake is frozen. can you guess what i like doing in winter?

ss: do you like swimming?

t: absolutely not. it’s too cold, i’m not strong enough.

ss: do you like running?

t: yes, i do. but not on the frozen lake, it’s dangerous.

t: i’ll tell you, i like skating. (板书)

2) first look at my mouth, then read after me.

3) t reads loudly, you read lowly.

4)do you like skating?

ss: yes, i do.

t: ok, let’s go skating. (板书)

2) look at the hill, the hill is covered by the snow.

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