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牛津英语5A教案——Unit 3  At a Music lesson_小学五

时间:2023-08-02 09:29:26


牛津英语5A教案——Unit 3  At a Music lesson_小学五

title: unit 3(1st) at a music lesson


1.learn to say the 4-skilled words: sing, dance, swim, make, play, guitar, can.

2.look, read and learn the part b of this unit (3-skills): skate, ski, make a puppet, make a model, play the guitar, play the violin.

mand the sentence structures:

i can …what can you do?

i can …


1.learn to say the 4-skilled words.

2. command the sentence structures: what can you do?


mand the sentence structures: what can you do?

2. learn to say the 4-skilled words.

teaching aids: pictures, cards, slide, tapes, tape-recorder, etc.

preparation: pictures, toys, tapes

writing on the blackboard:

unit 3 at a music lesson

i can …what can you do?

i can …

summary of this lesson:

这节课掌握单词sing, dance, swim, skate, ski, can, 和句型what can you do? i can …,以动作和图片教授单词,然后让学生掌握句型i can sing/dance/swim/skate/ski.在此基础上,扩展开he/she can sing/dance/swim/skate/ski.为guessing game 作准备。学生在游戏中巩固所学单词和句型,兴致很高,掌握良好。


outline teacher"s activities students" activities

step 1

revision 1. greet with ss.

2.ask and answer:

what’s in/on/under/behind…?

there’s a…

there are some …

3. (sing a song: the more get together. ) 1. greet with t.

2.ask and answer with t.

3.practise in pairs.

step 2

look, read and learn 1.(出示玩具,教师对着玩具说)can you sing?


let’s sing, children.



2.the same way to teach “dance, swim, skate, ski, make, play”,

3.(出示木偶)what is this?

(出示制作的图片)what is he doing?

4. (出示puppet, a model plane, a toy car)

the same way to teach “make a model plane, make a…”“play the guitar, play the violin”.

5. play a guessing game:

(show the head of helen)

what is she doing?


6. show the word cards. listen to the song and try to sing after the tape.

1. understand the word meaning and learn to say the word:“sing”.

2. read the word.

3. pay attention to 4-skills words and spell them: sing, dance, swim, make, play .

s: it’s a puppet.

s: (with t’s help) make a puppet.

ss: “ make a puppet”

ss: learn to say:

make a model plane,

make a…”

“play the guitar, play the violin”

ss: guess.

ss: read the words and expressions.

step 3

learn to say the sentence (边唱歌,边做出骄傲的样子)

look at me, boys and girls. i can sing.

(边跳舞,边做出骄傲的样子) i can dance.

i can …(出示)

t: i can play the piano. he can skate. she can dance.

牛津英语5A教案——Unit 3  At a Music lesson_小学五年级英语教案

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