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The Phantom of the Opera教案_九年级英语教案

时间:2023-07-16 05:28:03


The Phantom of the Opera教案_九年级英语教案

chapter 7 the phantom of the opera

1. save vt. 拯救, 挽救 vt. & vi. 储蓄, 贮存

e.g. he saved her life ever.他曾经救过她的命。

he has never saved. 他从来不储蓄。

习惯用语:save …from 从…中救出, 使免受

the firemen saved the old people from the fire. 消防队员从火中救出了那些老人。

he tried to save the country from economic ruin. 他试图拯救该国,使其免于经济崩溃。

2. beneath prep.在…的下方, 在…的底下

e.g. they sheltered beneath their umbrellas. 他们躲到了伞下。

同义词:below under 反义词:on

3. force n. 力; 力量; 力气, 武力; 暴力 vt.强制, 迫使, 逼迫

e.g. she lacks force 她没有力气。

we had to use force to get into the house. 我们不得不强行进屋。

she forced herself awake. 她强迫自己不睡。

习惯用语:force sb to do sth 强迫某人做某事

4.kidnap vt. 诱拐, 绑架, 劫持 ( kid n. 小孩; 年轻人 nap n. 小睡, 打盹)

e.g. his son was kidnapped yesterday. 他儿子昨天被绑架了。

kidnap(p)er n. 拐骗者; 绑架者 kidnapee n.[美]被绑架的人, 肉票

5.prison n. 监狱, 看守所

e.g.there is a large prison in this town. 城里有座大监狱。

习惯用语:go to prison入狱, 被监禁 be taken to prison 被关入监狱

break prison / jail 越狱, 从狱中逃走 put sb in / into prison 把某人关进监狱

e.g. the thief was put into prison for one year. 小偷被监禁一年。

6.shock n. 震动, 震惊 vt. 使…震惊

e.g. the shock of the explosion was felt far away. 爆炸引起的震动很远都可感觉到。

she got shocked when she touched the bare wire. 她摸了裸线, 遭电击了。

习惯用语:be shocked at 对……感到震惊, 对……感到惊讶

e.g. i was shocked at the news of her death. 她死去的消息使我震惊。

shocked adj. 惊愕的, 受震惊的

e.g. there was a shocked silence. 这里寂静得让人吃惊。

扩充:frightened adj. 害怕的 terrified adj. 很害怕的, 极度惊慌的, 吓坏了的

scared adj. 惊慌的; 吓坏的

7.touch vt. & vi. 接触; 触摸

习惯用语: in touch with 同...有联系 lose touch with 和...失去联系

out of touch with 同...失去联系, 与...没有通信

同义词:reach vt.到达 vt. & vi.伸出手臂; 延伸 approach vt. & vi.接近, 走近, 靠近

e.g. i felt a touch on my arm.我觉得有人摸了一下我的手臂。

i can"t reach so high. 我够不到这么高。

christmas was approaching. 圣诞节快到了。

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