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-学年第一学期期中考试七年级 英语 试卷

时间:2020-12-25 09:38:12


-学年第一学期期中考试七年级 英语 试卷

七年级 英 语(满分150分)

I.词组互译( 每题1分 共10分)

1. 他朋友的姓 2. Lost and Found

3. 用汉语4.in the next photo

5. …怎么样 6.thanks for your help

7. 在收音机下面 8.lose a dictionary

9. 一张…的照片 10.two sets of keys

II.按要求写出下列词的相应形式( 每题1分 共10分)

11. first (反义词)

12. they (形容词性物主代词)

13. she (名词性物主代词)

14. family (复数)

15. it (复数)

16. our (主格)

17. uncle (对应词)

18. found (原形)

19. are not (缩写形式)

20. no (同音词)

III.单项选择题( 每题1分 共25分)

( )21.小写字母占格相同的一项是_______。

A. F L K B. M N R C. G Y Z D. B O P

( ) 22. 下列选项中与red含有相同音素的是________。

A. game B. ‘H’ C. hello D. ‘N’

( ) 23. 下列字母中都含有相同音素的一组是________。

A. J, H, L, K B. G, C, P, V

C. Q, W, U, O D. F, S, H, M

( ) 24.下列画线部分发音不相同的一项是________。

A. black B. name C. jacket D. map

( ) 25. —__________ my pencils. They are new.

A. Here is B. This is C. Here are D. Are here

( ) 26. —_______, Jenny.

—Thanks. You, too.

A. Come on B. Excuse me

C. How are you D. Have a good day

( ) 27. Tom and Jenny are my________.

A. cousin B. parent C. parents D. friend’s

( ) 28. —________ —It’s a pen.

A. What color is it? B. Is it a pen?

C. Can you spell it? D. What’s that?

( ) 29. —What’s three and four? —________.

A. It’s five B. It’s one C. It’s seven D. It’s zero

( ) 30. That’s Bob White. We can call him________. .

A. Mr. Bob B. Mr. White C. White D. Ms White

( ) 31. —How do you spell your name?


A. My name is Bill B. I’m Bill C. B-I-L-L D. Hello,Bill

( ) 32. Wei Hua and I_______friends.

A. am B. is C. are D. be

( ) 33. Can you bring my dictionary to school? I _______ it.

A. bring B. know C. take D. need

( ) 34. —You can see________ “u” and________ “l” in “ruler”.

A. a; an B. an; a C. a; a D. an; an

( ) 35. —Thank you for your help,Jenny.


A. Sorry B. That’s right C.OK D. You’re welcome

( ) 36. —______________? —They are my brothers.

A. How are these B.What are these C.What are they D.Who are they

( ) 37. Mom, _______Dave. _______my good friend, and _______ brother’s name’s Jack.

A. this is; His; his B. this is; He’s; his C. this is; He’s; he’s D. it’s; His; he’s

( ) 38.—My English is not good.

—You can ask Ms Smith ________help.

A. to B. in C. for D. of

( ) 39. — Is Ms Green English?

—_______. And she’s our English teacher.

A. Yes, he is. B. No, he isn’t.

C. Yes, she is. D. No, she isn’t.

( ) 40.—Where’s my English book,mom?

—______.Is it on your desk?

A.Yes,it is B.I don’t know C.You’re welcome D.It’s in the bag

( ) 41. —Is this your computer game, Jane?

—No. I________it’s Peter’s.

A. say B.ask C. think D. spell

( ) 42.—Mary is Lucy’s _________.

A. cousin B. uncle C. brother D. parents

( ) 43.—______ is in the bookcase?

—A blue book.

A. Where B. What color

C. What D. What number

( ) 44. —Look! ______ video tape is on that desk.

A. Some B./ C. First D. Your

( ) 45.—What’s his name?

—His name’s ________ .

A. Wang xiaohong B.Wang Xiao hong

C. Wang Xiaohong D.Wang Xiao Hong

IV.完型填空(每题1分 共10分)

Hello! I’m John. I’m 46 the classroom. 47 ! This is my desk. 48 is nice. What 49 is it? It’s orange. My English book and my schoolbag 50 on it. 51 schoolbag is black. 52 is in the schoolbag? A book, a pencil case and a watch are in it. What’s in the pencil case? There are (有) 53 pencils. One pencil is red and two pencils are yellow. Where is my key? My key is 54 . It isn’t in my schoolbag. 55 on the desk?No, it isn’t. Oh, it’s on the floor (地板).

( ) 46. A. on B. in C. at D. of

( ) 47. A. Thank B. Spell C. Look D. Meet

( ) 48. A. That B. It C. This D. He

( ) 49. A. name B. number C. / D. color

( ) 50. A. is B. are C. be D. /

( ) 51. A. My B. Your C. Her D. His

( ) 52. A. Where B. How C. Who D. What

( ) 53. A. one B. two C. three D. four

( ) 54. A. first B. last C. fine D. lost

( ) 55. A.Is this B.Are they C. Is he D. Is it

V.阅读理解(每题2分 共40分)


Good morning! I am an English boy. My name is Frank Smith. My telephone number is four five one -three one seven five. My pen is blue, and my ruler is white. The girl is Grace Brown. Grace is a nice girl. Her telephone number is 535-9861. Her pen is black, and her ruler is red. Grace and I both like (都喜欢) numbers. Numbers are interesting.


( ) 56. Frank’s phone number is _________.

A. 415-3175 B. 535-9861 C. 451-3175 D. 553-9861

( ) 57. The girl’s family name is _______.

A. Frank B. Smith C. Grace D. Brown

( ) 58. What color is Grace’s pen?

A. Blue. B. Black. C. White. D. Red.

( ) 59. ______ is white.

A. Frank’s pen B. Frank’s ruler

C. Grace’s pen D. Grace’s ruler

( ) 60. What’s the meaning of (……的意思) the last word "interesting"?

A. 兴奋的 B. 容易的 C. 有趣的 D. 枯燥的



Is this your pencil case? It is red. Please call Alan. Phone # 895-6320.


I lost my watch. It is black. My name is Cindy. Please call 832-9253.


Is this your dictionary? It is green. Please call Sonia. Phone # 621-5679.


I lost my keys. They (它们) are one white key and two yellow keys. My name is David. Please call 514-8063.


( ) 61. Alan found _______.

A. a dictionary B. a watch C. a pencil case D. keys

( ) 62. Cindy’s watch is _______.

A. red B. black C. white D. yellow

( ) 63. If you lost your green dictionary, you should (应该) call _______.

A. Alan B. Cindy C. Sonia D. David

( ) 64. David’s phone number is _______.

A. 895-6320 B. 832-9253 C. 621-5679 D. 514-8063

( ) 65. David lost ______ key(s).

A. one B. two C. three D. four


I’m Sally Hand. I’m an English girl. I’m in EEC Middle School. Here’s a picture of my room.A bed, a desk and a chair are in it. They are green. A computer is on the desk. Next to(在…旁边) the computer is my telephone. It’s red. My phone number is 523-6851. I always call my cousin in the evening. He is in China. Can you see a ring? It’s on the desk, too. What’s that under the chair? It’s my dog. It’s Kelly. Kelly is always under the chair. Can you see a tape player on the bed? It’s mine. Some tapes are on the bed, too.

( ) 66. What’s the girl’s given name?

A. Hand. B. Sally. C. Sally Hand. D. Hand Sally.

( ) 67.Here’s a photo of her ________.

A. family B. school C. dog D. room

( ) 68.What are on the desk?

A. A computer, a ring and a clock. B. A computer, a telephone and a ring.

C. A telephone, a clock and a ring. D. A telephone, a radio and a computer.

( ) 69. Where’s the tape player?

A. On the chair. B. Under the bed. C. On the bed. D. Under the chair.

( ) 70.You can know the following(下列事情) EXCEPT(除了) ________.

A. her dog’s name B. her cousin’s name

C. her telephone number D. the name of her school


David is an English boy.He is in PEP Middle School.He is my good friend.(A)这是一张他的房间的照片。Look!What color is his jacket?Its blue.And what color is his hat?Its black.Whats under the desk?Its his cat.It is white and brown.Davids school ID card is on the desk.(B)His name and a photo are on the school ID card.The card number is 32506218.Can you see a telephone on the desk?Its red.The telephone number is 8352375.



71. .


72. .


73. What color is Davids hat? .

74. Where is Davids school ID card? .

75. What is Davids telephone number?



76. My father and my uncle are b________ .

77. My aunt’s daughter is my c__________ .

78. The m__________ plane is my little brother’s.

79. E_________ me ,is this your schoolbag?

80. Look! Mike’s things are e____________ .

B)用所给词的适当形式填空( 共10分)

81. My (one) name is Gina.

82. These are (Helen) photos.They are nice.

83. The blue pen is not Toms. (he) is red.

84. A set of keys (be) in her schoolbag.

85. What about _________ (call) your mother?

86. You can call (I) in the afternoon.

87. Where ________ (be) the notebooks?

88. ________ (that) are her pencils.

89. I have two nice ________ (watch).

90.______ (we) names are Tom and John.



A.No,she is my aunt,Mary.

B.Whats his name?

C.Is this your family photo?

D.Oh,he is my cousin,Tom.

E.Who are they?

F.Yes,it is.

G.Yes,they are.


Gina:Hello,Jack! 91 .

Jack:Yes,it is.

Gina:Are these your parents?

Jack: 92 This is my father,Mike,

and this is my mother,Jane.

Gina:Is she your sister?

Jack: 93 This is my sister,Linda.

Gina: 94

Jack:They are my grandparents,David and Kate.

Gina:Who is the boy?

Jack: 95

VIII.句型转换(每空 1分 共10分)

96. Her yellow pen is in the schoolbag.(改为一般疑问句)

her yellow pen the schoolbag?

97. My sisters are students. (变为否定句)

My sisters __________ _________ students.

98. Please email Jack. His email address is car @.(合并为一句改为同 义句)

Please _________ Jack _________car @.

99. These are my pencils. (变为单数句)

_________ is my ________.

100. My keys are on the desk. (对划线部分提问)

________ _______ your keys?

IX.选词填空:从方框中选择适当的单词补全短文。(每空 1分 共10分)


Hello!Im Robert. Look!This is my 101 . 52 desks,52 chairs and one table 102 in the classroom.The desks and chairs are 103 . And the table is green,too. 104 is that on the table?Its a computer.Its not 105 . Its Mr. Whites. Mr. White is our English 106 . He always uses (用) 107 computer in class.Is that dictionary 108 the desk Mr. Whites?No,it isn .Its Janes. Jane is our monitor (班长).She is a 109 girl. She 110 helps us with our English.We like her very much.

101. ________ 102. ________ 103. ________ 104. ________ 105. ________

106. ________ 107. ________ 108. ________ 109. ________ 110. ________


假如你是Zhang Wei, 根据中英文提示, 写一篇介绍自己及自己房间的文章, 不少于40个词。(要求: 字迹端正, 书写正确, 注意单词的大小写和标点符号)

Name Zhang Wei

Sex(性别) boy

Age(年龄) 12

Telephone number 5557-7996

ID card number 4567890

My room 我的房间很整洁; 我的书在书包里; 闹钟在桌子上; 棒球在椅子下面……

Hello, everyone!


I. His friend’s last name;失物招领(处);in Chinese;在下一张照片中;what about;感谢你的帮助;under the radio; 丢失一本词典;a photo/picture of;两串钥匙

II. last; their; hers; families; they; we;

aunt; find; aren’t; know

III. 21-25 BDBBC 26-30 DCDCB 31-35 CCDAD

36-40 DBCCB 41-45 CACDC

IV. 46-50 BCBDB 51-55 ADCDD

V. 56-60 CDBBC 61-65 CBCDC 66-70 BDBCB

71. Here/This is a photo of his room.


73. Its black.

74. Its on the desk.

75. Its 8352375.

VI. 76-80 A) brothers; cousin; model; Excuse; everywhere

81-90 B) first; Helen’s; his; is; calling; me; are; Those; watches; Our.

V II. 91-95 C G A E D

V III. 96-100 Is in ; are not; e-mail at; This pencil; Where are

IX. 101-110 classroom; are; green; What; mine; teacher; the; on; nice; always.

X.One possible version:

Hello, everyone! My name is Zhang wei. I’m a boy. I am twelve. I have a telephone. My telephone number is 5557-7996. And my ID card number is 4567890. This is my room. It’s nice and tidy. The books are in the schoolbag. The clock is on the table. A baseball is under the chair. I like my room.

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