失眠网 > 高二 Test | 崇明中学学年第一学期期中考试试卷 高二 英语

高二 Test | 崇明中学学年第一学期期中考试试卷 高二 英语

时间:2021-02-05 14:48:01


高二 Test | 崇明中学学年第一学期期中考试试卷 高二  英语







II. Grammar and Vocabulary (20%)

Section A

Directions:Afterreading the passage below, fill in the blanks to make the passage coherent andgrammatically correct. For the blanks with a given word, fill in each blankwith the proper form of the given word: for the other blank, use one word thatbest fits each blank.

It’sinteresting when you think about how Japan is a nation (21)______ appreciatesthe virtues of silence and good manners, and yet when it comes to eatingnoodles, Japanese people can be (22)______ (loud) in the world.

According to lifestyle website grapee.jp,slurping(发出“哧溜”声)wheneating noodles (23)______ (encourage) in Japanese culture. It’s believed thattaking air into your mouth (24)______ enhance the flavor of the noodles, andthat is helps cool down the noodles. It’s also considered to be a way to showappreciation for the dish. Sometimes, just making the noise alone seems to makethe noodles more enjoyable.

It wasn’t until a new expression –“noodle harassment(骚扰)”—cameout last year on social media (25)______ Japanese people started to realizethat the slurping noise is making some foreign visitors uncomfortable.

(26)______ a response, Japanese instantnoodle maker Nissin introduced a so-called noise-canceling fork last month. Thefork, which looks like an electric toothbrush, is connected wirelessly to asmart phone. When the person using the fork start to slurp, the fork sends asignal to the person’s phone, (27)______ (make) it play a sound to mask theslurping noise.

But is it really necessary? Diningtraditions do vary. (28)______ is considered to be proper table manners in onecountry is likely to be seen as rude in another. In India, people eat withtheir hands (29)______ they think in this way they build a connection with thefood. However, people who are used to eating with forks might find ituncomfortable to get their hands (30)______ (cover) in oil and bits of food.But this eating method is part of Indian’s culture, just like Japan’s slurpingis part of its own.

“So, if your are eating noodles, whetherthat’s ramen, udon, or soba, please slurp,” wrote reporter Brian Ashcraft on blogKotaku. “If anyone gets annoyed while you are doing that, pay them no mindbecause they’re missing the point entirely.”

Section B

Directions:Fill in each blank with a proper word chosen from the box. Each word can beused only once. Note that there is one word more than you need.

A. perspectives

B. explore

C. qualities

D. powerfully

E. appreciate

F. purpose

G. constructive

H. concepts

I. demonstrated

J. motivated

K. recommendation

Dear Admissions Committee,

I had the pleasure of teaching Sara in her11th grade honors English class at Mark Twain High School. From the first dayof class, Sara impressed me with her ability to clearly explain difficult (31)_______ and texts, her sensitivity to the slight differences within literature,and her passion for reading, writing, and creative expression— both in and outof the classroom. Sara is a talented literary critic and poet, and she has myhighest (32) _______ as a student and writer.

Sara is talented at considering the eleganceswithin literature and the (33) ______ behind authors" works. She produced anextraordinary year-long thesis paper on creative identity development, in whichshe compared works from three different time periods and synthesized culturaland historical (34) _______ to inform her analysis. When called upon to giveher thesis defense in front of her peers, Sara spoke clearly and (35) _______about her conclusions and responded to questions in a thoughtful way. Outsideof the classroom, Sara is devoted to her literary pursuits, especially topoetry. She publishes her poetry in our school"s literary magazine, as well asin online magazines. She is an insightful, sensitive, and deeply self-awareindividual driven to (36)______art, writing, and a deeper understanding of thehuman condition.

Throughout the year Sara was an activeparticipant in our discussions, and she always supported her peers. Her caringnature and personality allow her to work well with others in a team setting, asshe always respects others" opinions even when they differ from her own. Whenwe held a class debate about gun laws, Sara chose to speak for the sideopposite her own views. She explained her choice as (37) _______ by a desire toput herself in other people"s shoes, view the issues from a new perspective, andgain a clearer sense of the issue from all angles. Throughout the year, Sara(38) _______ this openness to the opinions, feelings, and perspectives ofothers, along with sharp powers of observation, all (39) _______ that make heroutstanding as a student of literature and burgeoning writer.

I am certain that Sara is going to continueto do great and creative things in her future. I highly recommend her foradmission to your undergraduate program. She is talented, caring, dedicated,and focused in her pursuits. Sara consistently seeks out (40) _______ feedbackso she can improve her writing skills, which is a rare and impressive qualityin a high school student. Sara is truly a stand-out individual who will impresseveryone she meets. Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions atcallmeclemens@.


Ms. Scribe

English Teacher

Mark Twain High School

III. Reading Comprehension (29%)

Section A

Directions:For each blank in the following passage there are four words or phrases markedA. B, C and D.

People think children should play sports.Sports are fun, and children keep healthy while playing with others. However,playing sports can have_______41__ effects on children. It may produce feelingsof poor self-respect or aggressive behavior in some children. According toresearch on kids and sports, 40,000,000 kids play sports in the US. Of these,18,000,000 say they have been______42___ at or called names while playingsports. This leaves many children with a bad _____43____of sports. They thinksports are just too aggressive.

Many researchers believe adults, especiallyparents and coaches, are the main____44_____ of too much aggression inchildren’s sports. They believe children _____45____aggressive adult behavior.This behavior is then further strengthened through both positive and negativefeedback. Parents and coaches are powerful teachers because children usuallylook up to them. Often these adults behave aggressively themselves, sendingchildren the message that____46_____ is everything. Many parents go tochildren’s sporting events and shout ____47_____at other players or cheer whentheir child behaves____48_____. As well, children are even taught that hurtingother players is ___49______or are pushed to continue playing even when theyare injured. _____50____,the media makes violence seem exciting. Children watchadult sports games and see violent behavior replayed over and over ontelevision.

As a society, we really need to____51_____this problem and do something about it. Parents and coaches inparticular should act as better examples for children. They also need to teachchildren better_____52____. They should not just cheer when children win or actaggressively. They should teach children to ___53______themselves whether theywin or not. Besides, children should not be allowed to continue to play whenthey are injured. If adults allow children to play when injured, this gives themessage that health is not as important as winning.

41.A. restrictive B. negative C. active D. instructive

42.A. knocked B.glanced C.smiled D. shouted

43.A. impression B.concept C.taste D.expectation

44.A. resource B.cause C. course D.consequence

45.A. question B.understand C. copy D.neglect

46.A. winning B.practising C. fun D. sport

47.A. praises B.orders C.remarks D.insults

48.A. proudly B.ambitiously C. aggressively D. bravely

49.A. acceptable B.impolite C. possible D. accessible

50.A. By contrast B.In addition C.As a result D. After all

51.A. look up to B. face up to C. make up for e up with

52.A.techniques B. means C. values D. directions

53.A.respect B. relax C.forgive D. enjoy


directions:Read the following three passages. Each passage is followed by severalquestions or unfinished For each of them there are four choices marked At Bf Cand D. Choose the one that fits best

Section B

Directions:Read the following three passages. Eachpassage is followed by several questions or unfinished statements. For each ofthem there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one that fits bestaccording to the information given in the passage you have just read.


Iused to think ants knew what they were doing. The ones marching across mykitchen counter looked so confident; I just figured they had a plan, knew wherethey were going and what needed to be done. How else could ants organizehighways, build elaborate nests, launch impressive attacks, and do all theother things ants do?

Turnsout I was wrong. Ants aren’t clever little engineers, architects, or soldiers after all --- at least not asindividuals. When it comes to deciding what to do next, most ants don’t have aclue. “If you watch an ant try to accomplish something, you’ll be impressed byhow awkward it is,” says Deborah M. Gordon, a biologist at Stanford University.

“Antsaren’t smart,” Gordon says. “Ant colonies are.” A colony can solve problemsunthinkable for individual ants, such as finding the shortest path to the bestfood source, assigning workers to different tasks, or defending a territoryfrom neighbors. As individuals, ants might be tiny dummies, but as coloniesthey respond quickly and effectively to their environment. They do it withsomething called collective intelligence.

Wherethis intelligence comes from raises an essential question in nature: How do thesimple actions of individual ants add up to the complex behavior of a group?How do hundreds of honey-bees make a critical decision about their hive (蜂巢)if many of them disagree? The collectiveabilities of such animals --- one of which grasps the big picture, but each ofwhich contributes to the group’s success --- seem miraculous even to thebiologists who know them best. Yet during the past few decades, researchershave come up with fascinating insights.

54. The author’s former false impressionabout ants is that he thought them to be _______.A. smart B. awkward C.elaborate D. creative

55. Which of the following is TRUEaccording to the passage?A. Ants will function as a single body once a decision is made by thecommander.B. Ants are the only species which developed collective intelligence.C. The ant queen plays a role in managing ant workers besides laying eggs.D. An individual ant can’t comprehend the whole process of a big movement.

56. Theparagraph following the passage will most probably deal with _______.A. where we can observe such fantastic behavior of antsB. which is the leading ant in charge of the actionC. how the collective intelligence worksD. what inspiration can be drawn from the collective abilities


This isthe opening of a short story in a town in the United States by Alison Randall …

WhenFrank and I stepped through the post office doors. there was a crowd gathered,looking at the new device on the wall with amazement like a crowd ofwide-mouthed frogs. I had to get closer. and that was where being a girl that’sskinnier than a wire fence came in handy. Fortunately, Frank, my twin of elevenyears, was just the same.

“Comeon.” I said, grabbing his hand, and we slid through the cracks between peopleuntil we spilled out in front.

Finally Igot a good look. It was fixed to the plaster(石灰板) next to the postmaster"s window, the place ofhonour usually reserved for the Wanted posters. Beady-eyed Zedekiah Smith, thebank robber, still hung there, but even he had been pushed aside for somethingmore important.

A telephone. The first one in town.

“How’s itwork?” Noah Crawford called out. Noah’s the best fix-it man around, and I couldtell he was dying to get his fingers on those shiny buttons.

“Don’trightly know,” answer the postmaster, and he pulled hard at his beard as if itmight tell him. “I do know the sound of your voice moves along wires strung onpoles. It’s sort of like the telegraph, only you hear words instead of dots anddashes.”

“Ah,” thecrowd whispered, and I felt my own mouth move along.

I gazedat the shiny wood box and something happened inside me. Something--I can onlyguess--that might be like falling in love. The thought of talking into thatbox--of making my voice sail through wires in the sky--it took over my brain. I couldn"t get it out.

“Frank,”I whispered to my twin. “I have to use that telephone.”

Fiveminutes later, Frank dragged me to Main Street, toward borne. “Liza--” hebegan, but I cut him off. We two thought so much alike, I had Frank’s questionsanswered before he even asked.

57. People crowded in the post officebecause________.

A. a newposter grabbed their attention B.the postmaster was delivering a speech

C. they were curious about the telephone D. there was a wanted bank robber captured

58. Which of the following is not true according tothe passage?

A. Manypeople stared at the new device in open-mouthed amazement.

B. Theslight-figured twins managed to push to the front of the crowd.

C. Even thebest fix-it may in the town got no idea about the new device:

D. Thepostmaster didn’t know anything about how the telephone worked.

59. What is the passage mainly about?

A. Thetwins’ frustrating experiences in the town.

B. Aspecial assembly called in the local post office.

C. People’sreaction to the arrival of tile first telephone.

D. A greatcelebration of the start of telephone service.

Section C:

DirectionsRead the passage carefully.Fill ineach blank with a proper sentence given in the box.Eachsentence can be used only once.Note that there are two more sentencesthan you need.

My wife and Irecently welcomed a child into the world.Hisonly interest right now is keeping us awake 24/7.Butone day,he"ll need to learnsomething about finance.Whenhe does,here are some suggestions.

1. You might think you want an expensive car,a fancywatch,anda huge house.Butyou don"t.(60)___ Youthink having expensive stuff will bring it.It almost never does-especially from thepeople you want to respect and admire you.

2. I hope you"re poor at some point.Notstruggling,andnot unhappy,ofcourse.Butthere"s no way to learn the value of money without feeling the power of itsscarcity.Itteaches you the difference between necessary and desirable.(61)___ Theseare essential survival skills.

3. Don"t stay in a job you hate because youmade a career choice at 18.Almost no one knows what he or she wantsto do at that age.Manypeople don"t know what they want until they"re twice that age.(These arethe signs you"re in the wrong career.)

4. The best thing money buys is to control overyour time.(62)___ Oneday you"ll realize that this freedom is one of the things that makes you trulyhappy.

5.Your savings rate has a little to do with how much you earn and a lot to dowith how much you spend.I know a dentist who lives paycheck topaycheck,alwayson the edge of ruin.Iknow another person who never earned more than 50,000and saved a fortune.Thedifference is entirely due to their spending.(63)___.

6.Don"t listen to me if you disagree with what I"ve written.The worldyou grow up in will have different values and opportunities than the one I did.Moreimportant,you"lllearn best when you disagree with someone and then are forced to learn ityourself.(Onthe other hand,alwayslisten to your mother.)

IV. Summary Writing (6%)

Directions:Read the following passage. Summarize the main idea and the main point(s) ofthe passage in no more than 60 words. Use your own words as far as possible.


Nothing in my life had prepared me for what Ihad to do. Choosing my words carefully, and fighting to stay calm, I told my4-year-old daughter that her grandmother had suffered a stroke(中风),that she was unconscious, and that thedoctors said she would probably never wake up. As she moved closer to me,Amelia looked at me, eyes bright, and said, “Maybe Grandma will be okay.”“Maybe she will,” I said, keeping back the tears, But I knew better. I wasflying up to Myrtle Beach, South Carolina, from our Florida home in the morningto say good-bye to my mom.

The rest of that awful week, I joined mybrother and father sitting by my mother’s side in the hospital room. I held herhand and talked to her. I told her that we still needed her. I told her that itwasn’t time to leave yet. I told her how much I loved her. And I told her thather little granddaughter, Amelia, believed that she’d get better. The doctors,with all their years of training and experience, offered no hope for recovery.The damage was simply too extensive.

Then, a couple of weeks later, an odd thinghappened. Mom woke up. She regained consciousness. Persevered through a longand tough recovery, during which she had to learn to walk, read, and write allover again, and eventually returned home to Dad. The only one who wasn’tshocked was Amerlia. The doctors couldn’t explain it. Amelia didn’t need to.Hope came as naturally to her as breathings.

So why are we so afraid to hope sometimes?Maybe it’s because over the year, life’s disappointments can turn us to disillusionment(理想破灭). How many times have you heard someone say:“Hope for the best, expect the worst”? That’s not really hope at all.

Hope is being able to look at our world withall of the joy and wonder of a child.

V. Translation (10% 2+2+3+3)

Directions:Translate the following sentences into English, using the words given in the brackets.




68.直到我开始工作,才意识到我已蹉跎了很多岁月,(Not until)

V I. Guided Writing (15%)

Directions:Write an English composition in 120-150 words according to the instructions givenbelow in Chinese.

某中学生英语报社正开展一场题为“Young teachers or elderly teachers, which do you prefer?” 请你依据下面表格所提供的要点写一篇短文,向该报社投稿。







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