失眠网 > 基于四元数的扩展卡尔曼滤波器(EKF)姿态估计文献小结


时间:2024-07-14 19:43:49



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Survey of Nonlinear Attitude Estimation Methods→​


This paper will review the basic assumptions of these filters,observers, and smoothers(平滑器), presenting enough mathematical detail to give a general orientation. First, reviews of thequaternion parameterizationandgyro modelequations are given. Then, attitude estimation methods based on theEKFare shown, followed byQUEST-basedapproaches. Next, thetwo-step estimatoris shown.TheUFandPFapproaches are then shown, followed by theorthogonal filter. Then, thepredictive filter, as well asnonlinear observersandadaptive approachesare reviewed. The paperconcludes with a discussion of the strengths and weaknesses of the various filters.



Kinematics Model 运动学模型:


QUEST(QUaternion ESTimator)

UF(Unscented Filter)无迹滤波器

PF(Particle Filters)粒子滤波器

Adaptive approaches 自适应方法

recently proposed filter 最近提出

Nonlinear observers often exhibit global convergence, which is to say 非线性观测器通常表现出全局稳定性,这就是说……

Least-squares 最小二乘

polynomials 多项式

Nonlinear adaptive techniques are similar to nonlinear observers in that they usually provide global stability proofs that guarantee convergence of the estimated parameters 非线性自适应技术类似于非线性观测器,它们通常提供保证估计参数收敛的全局稳定性证明……

convention 规定,惯例,习俗

informally 通俗的说

quaternion conjugation 共轭四元数

quaternion multiplication

Keeping a Good Attitude: A Quaternion-Based Orientation Filter for IMUs and MARGs


In this article, we propose adeterministicapproach to solveWhaba’s problemgiven gravity and magnetic field observations provided by the MARG sensor. This method returns an estimation of the attitude in quaternion form without leading to ambiguous results and avoiding singularity problems.Moreover, it does not need a predefined knowledge of the magnetic field direction. We also propose a new approach to acomplementary filterfor fusing together gyroscope data with acceleration and magnetic field measurements from IMU and MARG sensors to obtain an orientation estimation in quaternion form. This algorithm is meant to be used onboard MAVs because of its low computational burden, robustness, and fast convergence.

An Introduction to the Kalman Filter



Understanding the Basis of the Kalman Filter Via a Simple and Intuitive Derivation


基于四元数非线性滤波的飞行器姿态确定算法研究→ 博士论文






小型四旋翼飞行器导航与控制系统研究→ 硕士论文


对EKF方程系数的感性认识:量测更新是对时间更新值的修正,修正量由时间更新的质量优劣( Pk|k−i ),量测信息的质量优劣( Rk )、量测与状态的关系( Hk )以及具体的测量值 Zk 确定,量测更新方程建立的目的是正确合理的利用量测值。

卡尔曼滤波增益矩阵 Kk 决定了对量测值 Zk 和上一步 X^k−1 利用的比例程度

An improved quaternion Gauss–Newton algorithm for attitude determination using magnetometer and accelerometer

a new measurement model for vector sensors is proposed based on first-order Taylor series expansion and new statistical characteristic of measurement noise.

The Gauss–Newton methodtransformsthe nonlinear parameter estimation problem into alinearleast squares recursive estimation, which results in a suboptimal solution。Nevertheless,the final results areunbiased estimation.


四元数 q=[q1q2q3q3]T=[q1ρ]T



Quaternion-Based Extended Kalman Filter for Determining Orientation by Inertial and Magnetic Sensing

In this paper, a quaternion based extended Kalman filter (EKF) is developed for determining the orientation of a rigid body from the outputs of a sensor which is configured as the integration of a tri-axis gyro and an aiding system mechanized using a tri-axis accelerometer and a tri-axis magnetometer.





当前时刻的先验估计(a priori estimate)未使用量测值的状态估计,使用了当前量测值的状态估计称为后验估计(a posteriori estimate)

zero-mean white noise processes /zero-mean, Gaussian white noise 零均值白噪声

quaternion time-evolution 四元数随时间更新

first-order approximation 一阶近似

Discrete-Time Complementary Filters for Attitude and Position Estimation: Design, Analysis and Experimental Validation

This paper develops a navigation system based oncomplementary filteringfor position and attitudeestimation, with application to autonomous surface crafts. Usingstrapdown inertial measurements, vector observations, and global positioning system (GPS) aiding, the proposed complementary filters provide attitude estimates in Euler angles representation and position

estimates in Earth frame coordinates, while compensating for rategyro bias.

the attitude is estimated by exploiting the angular velocity and attitude measurements provided

by strap-down sensors.

Application of Quaternion-Based Extended Kalman Filter for MAV Attitude Estimation Using MEMS Sensors

a new quaternion-based extended Kalman filter algorithm was proposed to improve the accuracy of attitude estimation of micro aerial vehicles based on theMEMSsensors such as gyroscope, accelerometer and magnetometer.Attitudequaternion errorsanddrift biasof gyroscope were selected to construct astate vector,and the state equation was established based on attitude quaternion error differential equation and stochastic error model of gyroscope. Themodified Gauss-Newtonalgorithm was used toconvertthe outputs of sensors to quaternion by which themeasurementsof Kalman filter were obtained through makingcombinationof attitude quaternion from gyroscope signals

A Simplified Quaternion-Based Algorithm for Orientation Estimation From Earth Gravity and Magnetic Field Measurements

1)derivation of a new geometrically intuitive algorithm fordetermining orientationthat is relative to an Earth-fixed reference frame based on a set of accelerometer and magnetometer measurements;

2) asingularity avoidance methodthat allows the algorithm to track through all orientations;

Fast Complementary Filter for Attitude Estimation Using Low-Cost MARG Sensors

afixed-gain complementary filteris designed fusing related sensors. To avoid using iterative algorithms, theaccelerometer-based attitude determination is transformed into a linear system. Stable solution to this system is obtained via control theory.To decrease significant effects of unknown magnetic distortion imposing on the **magnetometer,**a stepwise filtering architecture is designed. The magnetic output is fused with the estimated gravity from gyroscope and accelerometer using a second complementary filter when there is no significant magnetic distortion.

Fast Quaternion Attitude Estimation from Two Vector Measurements→ 2000

Create two methods to obtain the quaternion from gravity and magnetometer:

Optimal Two-Observation Quaternion Estimation Method- Suboptimal TwoObservation Quaternion Estimation Method

Quaternion Attitude Estimation Using Vector Observations→ 1999

This paper contains a critical comparison of estimators minimizingWahba’s loss function.

It is well known thattwo vectorsare sufficient to determine theattitude;and the method of Farrell and Stuelpnagel, as well as the other methods described in this paper, only require B to have rank two.

Davenportprovided thefirstuseful solution of Wahba’s problem for spacecraft attitude determination,He parameterized the attitude matrix by aunit quaternion.Davenport’s q method avoids thissingularity( (qopt)scale=0 ) by treating the four components symmetrically, but some other methods have singularities similar to that in QUEST,These singularities can be avoided by solving for the attitude with respect to a reference coordinate frame related to the original frame by 180° rotations about the x, y, or z coordinate axis

A Simplified Quaternion-Based Algorithm for Orientation Estimation From Earth Gravity and Magnetic Field Measurements

Orientationof a static or slow-moving rigid body can be determined from the measuredgravityand localmagneticfield vectors.

This paper presents ageometrically intuitive(几何直观)3-degree-of-freedom (3-DOF) orientation estimation algorithm with physical meaning [which is called the factored quaternion algorithm (FQA)], which restricts the use ofmagneticdata to the determination of the rotation about the vertical axis. 磁力计的数据只会对竖直方向上的转动产生影响。

Asingularity avoidance methodis introduced,which allows the algorithm to track through all orientations.

TheTRIADalgorithm is a single framedeterministic methodfor solvingWahba’s problem. It requiresnormalizedmeasurements oftwononparallel reference vectors asinput.It produces asuboptimalorientation estimate in the form of a 3 × 3rotation matrix.The algorithm constructs two triads oforthogonal unit vectors. The two triads are the components of an inertial frame expressed in both thebodyandEarth-fixedreference frames.

The QUaternion ESTimator (QUEST) algorithm is a popular algorithm for single-frame estimation of a quaternion that represents theattitudeof a rigid body relative to a fixed coordinate system. The algorithm was created to solveWahba’s problemin the context of spacecraft attitude determination.Given a set of 3-Dknownreference unit vectors V1, V2, … , Vn and a set of the corresponding observation ormeasurementunit vectors W1,W2, … , Wn, Wahba’s problem is to find theleast squares estimateof spacecraft attitude by minimizing the followingloss function:


A represents the orientation matrix , a1,a2,...an are nonnegative weighting coefficients.

Davenportintroduced a method of parameterizing the orientation matrix by aunit quaternionq and proved that the loss function above can be transformed into a quadratic gain function of the unit quaternion in the form of: $


K is a4×4matrix constructed from the reference vectors Vi, measurement vectorsWi,and weighting coefficients ai , i = 1, 2, … , n.

Inthis paper,In the FQA, localmagneticfield data are usedonlyinazimuthangle calculations. Thisdecouplingof accelerometer and magnetometer dataeliminatesthe influence ofmagnetic variationson calculations that determine pitch and roll.

An Extended Kalman Filter for Quaternion-Based Orientation Estimation Using MARG Sensors→ 2001

Presents an extended Kalman filter(EKF) for real-time estimation of rigid body orientation using the newly developed MARG sensors.

TheGauss-Newtoniteration algorithm is utilized to find the best quaternion that relates the measured accelerations and earth magnetic field in the body coordinate frame to calculated values in the earth coordinate frame.

one can expect that there exists a quaternion relating the measurements (values in body frame) to the real magnetic and gravity fields (values in earth frame).Obviously there are several sources oferrors,including:

①misalignments between pairs of axes in each sensor;

②linear acceleration misinterpreted as gravity;

③variation of both gravity and magnetic field;

④errors inherent to the sensors.

This paper examines this problem using theminimum-squared-error (MSE)criterion.


捷联式惯导系统初始对准方法研究→ 博士论文



R.E.Kalman最初提出的滤波基本理论只适用于线性系统,并且要求观测方程也必须是线性的。扩展卡尔曼滤波(EKF)是一种应用最广泛的非线性滤波方法。EKF采用围绕上一步估计值 X^k 将非线性函数 f[⋅] 和 h[⋅] 展成泰勒级数,并取一阶近似来进行线性化的方法,得到非线性系统的线性化模型,再利用滤波递推方程进行系统的状态估计。当系统具有较强的非线性或初始误差较大时,滤波精度就会明显下降,甚至造成滤波发散。



Attitude Estimation for Small Helicopter Using Extended Kalman Filter

introduces a method based on EKF to estimate small helicopter’s attitude with little drift and low noise.


Indirect Kalman Filter for 3D Attitude Estimation

A Tutorial for Quaternion Algebra



Inertial sensor technology trends→ 2001

MEMS drawbacks

Three-axis attitude determination from vector observations

Triad ,Wahba two nonparallel vector

Analytic steady-state accuracy solutions for two common spacecraft attitude estimators→ 1978

Gyro model

Quaternion Definitions (from ref.19)


A quaternion contains a rotation axis and a turn angle itself ,let u be the unit vector ,θbe the angle or rotation.A quaternion could be represented with the following way:


The rotation matrix (Direction Cosine Matrix) can be derived by eq.(short of equation number)


the skew-symmetric matrix operator ⌊qv×⌋ is defined as:


the quaternion derivative with time


w is the body angular rate which can be measured with a tri-aixs exteroceptive sensor gyroscope




First Order Quaternion Integrator


the w¯¯¯ here denotes w¯¯¯=w(tk+1)+w(tk)2

Gyro Noise Model:As part of the IMU, a three-axis gyro provides measurements of the rotational velocity,

Gyros are known to be subject to different error terms, such as a rate noise error and a bias.

use a simple but realistic model for gyro operation developed by Farrenkopf


The vector b is the drift-rate bias andbris the drift-rate noise. nr is assumed to be a Gaussian white-noise process



The drift-rate bias is itself not a static quantity but is driven by a second Gaussian white-noise process, the gyro drift-rate ramp noise.

gyro bias is non-static and simulated as a random walk process





The state equation


the differential equations governing the state



the prediction equations





the bias is constant over the integration interval.

System State Equation




EKF procedure









Rnb=⎡⎣⎢cθcψcθsψ−sθcψsθsϕ−sψcϕsψsθsϕ+cψcϕsϕcθcψsθcϕ+sψsϕsψsθcϕ−cψsϕcϕcθ⎤⎦⎥θ∈(−π2∼π2)ϕ,ψ∈[−π∼π]θ=asin(−R31) if θ→π2sθ=1R23−R12=2sψcϕ−2cψsϕ=2sin(ψ−ϕ)R13+R22=2cψcϕ+2sψsϕ=2cos(ψ−ϕ)ψ−ϕ=atanR23−R12R13+R22 elseif

θ→−π2sθ=−1ψ−ϕ=atanR23+R12R13−R22 else ϕ=atan(R32R33) ψ=atan(R21R11)θ∈[−π∼−π2)∪(π2∼π]θ=−π⋅sign(R31)−asin(−R31)⎧⎩⎨⎪⎪⎪⎪⎪⎪⎪⎪⎪⎪⎪⎪⎪⎪⎪⎪ϕ=⎧⎩⎨atan(R32R33)π⋅sign(R32)+atan(R32R33)R33>0R33<0θ=asin(−R31)ψ=⎧⎩⎨atan(R21R11)π⋅sign(R21)+atan(R21R11)R11>0R11<0⎧⎩⎨⎪⎪⎪⎪⎪⎪⎪⎪⎪⎪⎪⎪⎪⎪⎪⎪ϕ=⎧⎩⎨atan(R32R33)−π⋅sign(R32)+atan(R32R33)R33>0R33<0θ=−π⋅sign(R31)−asin(−R31)ψ=⎧⎩⎨atan(R21R11)−π⋅sign(R21)+atan(R21R11)R11>0R11<0

now the singularity problem convert to the determine of ϕ


By Fantasy

