失眠网 > 网吧无盘万兆服务器配置 万兆无盘网吧项目解决方案设计说明.doc

网吧无盘万兆服务器配置 万兆无盘网吧项目解决方案设计说明.doc

时间:2023-09-06 00:45:02


网吧无盘万兆服务器配置 万兆无盘网吧项目解决方案设计说明.doc




姓 名: X 学 号: 05

系 部: 信息工程系

专 业: 计算机应用技术

设计题目: 万兆无盘网吧方案

指导教师: XX 职 称: 副教授

3 月

目 录

TOC \o "1-3" \h \z \u 摘 要 3

Abstract 4

1绪论 5

1.1课题背景: 5

1.2有盘网吧和无盘网吧的区别: 5

2 无盘网络常用概念和名词解释 7

2.1什么是无盘? 7

2.2什么是虚拟盘? 7

2.3什么是系统虚拟盘? 7

2.4什么是游戏虚拟盘? 7

2.5什么是超级用户? 8

2.6什么叫镜像? 8

2.7什么是回写? 8

2.8什么是客户机本地回写缓存?它有什么作用? 8

3 硬件配置及说明 9

3.1服务器配置 9

3.2 网络设备 9

3.3 客户机配置及网卡启动开启的方法 9

4 网吧网络拓扑介绍 11

4.1 服务器网卡设置 11

4.2 主交换机的配置 13

4.3 分交换的配置 14

5 无盘系统的详细施工 16

5.1客户机有盘系统的制作 16

5.2 客户机无盘镜像的上传 23

5.3 无盘服务器的配置 23

5.4 无盘管理软件的介绍 25

6 RAID技术介绍 29

7 网吧网络安全的防 31

7.1 ARP攻击的防御 31

7.2 DDOS攻击的防御 31

8 后记 33

参考文献 34

致 35

摘 要




In IT an updated technology, a lot of technology has been popularized in the enterprises, but also including the following to say Internet industry, without the new disc system technology, has gradually entered the cafe owners view, because no disk system for Internet cafes to maximize the conservation of resources, thus saving considerable a ratio of expenditure. On the current domestic Internet industry is concerned, 75% of users still using the traditional hard disk system, security, use the disk system stability, strong operability, but with the current IT industry and computer technology updates, a disk system has gradually shown its weakness, and diskless system adapt to these changes quickly can, thus replacing the disc system, become the Internet industry,

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