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Unit7 A letter to a penfriend教案

时间:2023-08-18 05:11:33


Unit7 A letter to a penfriend教案

unit7 a letter to a penfriend教案

teaching aims:

1, students can understand, read, say and write the new words :

penfriend, also, glue, write a letter,a postcard, finish, receive, subject, writing paper, envelope, e-mail address, fax number。

2, students can understand, read, say and write the new sentences:

i hope so. what should i do?

can i have...?


i want to...

3, students can say the sound:

4, students can sing the rhyme: i want to write a letter.

period one

ⅰ. teaching content: part b,c

ⅱ. teaching aims:

1.students can understand, read, say and write the new words and phrases:

penfriend, also, glue, write a letter,a postcard, finish, receive, subject, writing paper, envelope, e-mail address, fax number。

2. students can understand, read, say and write the new sentences:

can i have...?


i want to...

ⅲ. teaching focus and difficulties:

1.students can master the new words and phrases.

2.students can use the new sentences..

ⅳ. teaching aids:

pictures, cards, copybook,, computer.

ⅴ. knowledge recurrences:

what do you like?

ⅵ. teaching steps:

step1: pre-task preparation:


2.free talk. ( 以 unit 6 句型, 会话内容为主题)

3.sing : will you join me ?(可举办歌唱比赛)

b.presentation and practice.(look, read and learn)


2、telephone number.

t: my telephone number is .....

what"s your telephone number?

3、say the word quickly

4、writing paper ,envelope, post card, glue



d.consolidation .

1、a good memory:


2、listen and point:


3、a guessing game:

可将本部分词汇设计为谜语,如下:liu tao"s mother is now in guangzhou.liu tao is

in nanjing. he wants to speak to his mother. i can help them. what am i?

s: you"re a ...

c.presentation and practice.

1、 教师出示准备好的c部分句型卡片,因没有生词,可请学生自由朗读。

2、 教师可与学生作示范:

t:can i have a postcard ?

s: what for?

t: i want to write to tom .

s: sure. here you are.


级的“材料保管员”,b组负责完成教师布置的任务。教师可设计“writing to teacher",

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