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完成 Completion英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-10-05 19:22:19


完成 Completion英语短句 例句大全



1.Design &Completion: On the Office Building of Qingpu Private Enterprise Association, Shanghai;设计与完成——青浦私营企业协会办公楼设计

2.By the methods of literature and mathematical statistics,the thesis researches difficulty selection and completion of partial events,in competitive Wushu Routine competition of Liaoning Province in .运用文献研究法、数理统计法对辽宁省竞技武术套路锦标赛部分参赛项目的难度选择与完成情况进行研究。

3.found out the points of promotion and deficiencies of Chinese aerobics team from art arrangement, completion and hardness etc in order to search for the breaking.继2002年在立陶宛举行的第七届世界健美操锦标赛之后,我国的竞技健美操水平呈现出明显的上升趋势,此次在健美操世界杯系列赛德国站的比赛上,又有了新的突破,笔者参加了此次比赛,对中国队及在本次比赛中获得前六名的队伍进行了分析,从艺术编排、完成、难度等方面找出中国健美操竞技水平快速提高的所在及不足,为中国队在今后能有更新的突破寻找契机,提供参考。


1.postconsummatory behavior完成后行为完成後行为

2.The act of accomplishing or the state of being accomplished; completion.完成,实现成功完成的行为或被做完的状态;完成

3.Have you finished that book?那本书你看完/完成了吗?

4.Listen to Sam and fill in the blanks in the passage.听录音,完成填空。

5.When will the building work is complete?建 工作何时完成?

6.Section E Listen and complete the sentences.听录音,完成句子。

7.Picture Taken V2 Rocket摄影完成,v2火箭

8.letter of compliance合约完成证明书;完工证;完成规定事项证明书

9.They carried out the plan with flying colors.他们成功地完成了计划。

10.pull something off; Bring something about成功地完成、获胜等

11.They have accomplished their mission successfully.他们成功地完成了任务。

plete or conclude(a plan,programme,etc)successfully完成或达成(计划、方案等)

13.We will fulfil the quota without fail.完成生产指标不成问题。

14.Lower the presser foot and complete the seam. The corner is now completed放下压脚并完成缝纫。角完成了。

15.Drawing Completion Test绘画完成测验 绘画完成测验

16."Basically accomplished" does not mean "completely accomplished".基本上完成,不等于全部完成。

17.Target specification is complete. Goto the Finish page.目标指定已经完成。请转到完成页。

plete the following chart and choose one word to complete each of the sentences below.完成下列表格并造词完成下列句子。




1.The article starts from the whole movement of the six groups in this world Championship competition and analyses Chinese groupsexecution,art arrangement and difficulty advantages and disadvantages deeply and gives advice which aims to provide chances for Chinese aerobics better and.从本届世锦赛决赛的六支队伍的成套动作着手,深入分析了中国代表队在完成、艺术、难度三个方面存在的优势与不足,并提出建议,为我国健美操向更高层次发展提供借鉴,寻找契机。


1.In the case of the perfect aspect of verbs,the "了1"in putonghua can indicate the happening andfinish of an act,or a result of an act,while in the Ji an dialect"哩"and[pu]are used to indicate these two cases respectively.吉安方言动词的完成体和已然体,同普通话相比,有相同的地方,也有其自身的特点。


1.On this basis, it is argued that the meaning of the Predicate-Complement structure isaccomplishment.在此基础上,从四个方面论证了述补结构的构式义——“完成”。

6)Finish to Finish完成完成


完成1.指完婚。 2.保全;救护。 3.成就。按照预定的目的结束事情。

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