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宣肺 releasing lungs英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-11-17 19:33:15


宣肺 releasing lungs英语短句 例句大全

宣肺,releasing lungs

1)releasing lungs宣肺


1.The Therapeutical Effect of Jiawei Xuanfei Toujie Ji on Influenza Viral Pneumonia in Mice and Its Immunological Mechanisms;加味宣肺透解剂抗小鼠流感病毒肺炎的药效及免疫学机制研究

2.The Curative Effect Observation of Modified Qing-hua Xuan-fei Decoction on Chronic Bronchitis in Acute Episode清化宣肺汤治疗痰热郁肺型慢性支气管炎疗效观察

3.Study on Clearing Technology of Xuanfeiqingre Granules and Prepartion Conditions for Inclusion of Oil;宣肺清热颗粒除杂及挥发油β-CD包合工艺研究

4.Clinical Study on Xuanfei-Kechuan Fang for Treating Cough Variant Asthma;宣肺咳喘方治疗咳嗽变异性哮喘的临床研究

5.Clearing heat and transforming phlegm; diffusing the lung and suppressing cough, due to colds and acute bronchitis.清热化痰,宣肺止咳。用于治疗感冒后咳嗽、气管炎咳嗽。

6.The Expression of PAH-DNA Adducts in Lung Tissues of Xuanwei Female Lung Cancer Patients;宣威女性肺癌患者肺组织中PAHs-DNA加合物的表达

7.The Research of the Relativity between Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Diseases and Lung"s Function of Controlling Dispersing Outwards and Inwards.肺主宣降与慢性阻塞性肺疾病的相关性研究

8.One is to educate people about tuberculosis.第一是宣传有关肺结核疾病的知识;

9.Study of HLA-A*02 Allele High Resolution in Yunnan Xuanwei Lung Carcinoma;云南宣威肺癌HLA-A*02高分辨研究

10.Epidemiological Analysis of pulmonary tuberculosis in Xuancheng City in 1999~宣城市1999~肺结核病流行状况分析

11.Study on the Correlation and Regularity between Sluggishness of Lung-Wei and Biologial Active Substences to Lung;肺卫失宣与肺相关生物活性物质关系及变化规律研究

12.Clinical Study on Qufengxuanqiao and Qingfeihuatan Decoction in the Treatment of Childhood Allergic Rhinitis祛风宣窍、清肺化痰法治疗小儿过敏性鼻炎风痰蕴肺证的临床研究

13.The dispersing and deseending functions of the lung help the large intestine to perform its transporting task.肺的宣发和肃降功能助大肠完成传输的任务。

14.The World Health Organization declared TB a public health emergency in nineteen ninety-three.世界卫生组织于1993年公开宣布肺结核紧急事件。

15.Theoretical Inquiring and Path-physiological Study on the Dispersing Function of the Lung Qi;肺主宣发的理论探讨和病理生理实验研究

16.Research of Pathological Relationship on Disorder of Lung Dominating Dispersing and Acute Respiratory Infection;肺失宣发与急性呼吸道感染病理相关性探讨

17.The Expression of hTERT and Mad1 in Lung Cancer in Gejiu and Xuanwei Regions of Yunnan Province;HTERT和Mad1在云南个旧、宣威地区肺癌的检测研究

18.Study on the Correlation between Sluggishness of Lung-Wei and Serum Levels of Related Cytokines;“肺卫失宣”与相关细胞因子关系的临床研究


Xuanfeiyin mixture宣肺饮

3)The table xuanfei解表宣肺


5)Dispersing Lung-Qi to Relieve Asthma宣肺平喘

1.Objective:To evaluate the effectiveness of the therapyDispersing Lung-Qi to Relieve Asthma, Warming Yang to Promote Diuresis on the level of ADH of patients during acute agrravate stage combined with peripheral hydrops, through multi-center, randomly, comparative and parallel clinical experiments.目的通过多中心、随机、对照、平行、单盲临床研究,对宣肺平喘、温阳利水法治疗肺心病急性加重期合并周围性水肿疗效进行评价,并观察其对抗利尿激素(ADH)的影响。

6)Xuanfei granule宣肺颗粒

1.Objective:To establish a content determination method of bergenin inXuanfei granule by HPLC.目的摸索高效液相色谱法(HPLC)测定宣肺颗粒中岩白菜素含量的方法。


宣肺宣肺 宣肺 治疗学名词。又称宣白。指宣通肺气的方法。肺主宣散,肺气不宣则表现为咳嗽气喘,痰多胸闷。宜用麻黄、北杏仁、桔梗、紫菀、紫苏之类宣通肺气,化痰止咳。

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