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滋肾养血丸 pills for invigorating the kidney and cultivating blood英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-06-16 09:14:10


滋肾养血丸 pills for invigorating the kidney and cultivating blood英语短句 例句大全

滋肾养血丸,pills for invigorating the kidney and cultivating blood

1)pills for invigorating the kidney and cultivating blood滋肾养血丸

1.Objective:To observe the curative effect ofpills for invigorating the kidney and cultivating blood to treat the body disease complicating anxiety-depressive disorder.目的:观察滋肾养血丸对躯体疾病伴焦虑抑郁障碍的疗效。


1.Treating the Body Disease Complicating Anxiety-Depressive Disorder in Pills for Invigorating the Kidney and Cultivating Blood滋肾养血丸治疗躯体疾病伴焦虑抑郁障碍

2.It Brings aBout a special efficiency in nourishing the kidney and liver, and improving eyesight if one takes Di Huang Qi Ju Wan constantly.常服地黄杞菊丸,滋肾、养肝、明目有特效。

3.The Clinical Research of Zishen Gukang Pills on the Osteoarthritis of the Knee滋肾骨康丸治疗膝关节骨性关节炎的临床研究

4.Professor Ye Jinghua"s Expereince in Treating Urinary Diseases with "Zishen Tongguan Pill"叶景华运用滋肾通关丸治疗泌尿系统疾病经验

5.Effects of CTM Nourishing QI,Yin and Kidney on Serum and Testicle Testosterone of Rats after Heavy-Load Swimming Training;益气养阴补肾方剂对雄性大鼠大负荷游泳训练后血清及睾丸组织睾酮水平的影响

6.Optimization of the Extraction Technology of Zishen Yangyin Granules by Orthogonal Experiment正交试验优选滋肾养阴颗粒提取工艺

7.Curative Effect Observation to Inciting the Kidney Blood and Water Circulation to Treat Diabetes Nephrosis 42 Cases滋肾活血利水治疗糖尿病肾病42例疗效观察

8.Study on Mechanism and Active Constituents of Zi-Shen Pill Against Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia (BPH);滋肾通关丸治疗前列腺增生的药理机制研究及其物质基础探索

9.Clinical Observation on 68 Cases of Zi Shen Tong Guan Pill in Treating Urinary Tract Infection on Elderly Women运用滋肾通关丸加减治疗中老年女性尿路感染临床观察68例

10.Determination of Stilbene Glucoside in Zishen Ningshen Pills by HPLC and Preliminary Study on Its Influence Factors滋肾宁神丸中二苯乙烯苷的含量测定及其影响因素初探

11.Clinical and Experimental Study on the Effect of Tubulointerstitial Injury of IgA Nephropathy with Shen-Yan-Zhi-Xue Pill;肾炎止血丸对IgA肾病肾小管间质损伤影响的临床与实验研究

12.Experimental Study on the Effect of Tubulointerstitial Injur of IgA Nephropathy in Rat with Shen-Yan-Zhi-Xue Pill肾炎止血丸对IgA肾病大鼠肾小管间质损伤影响的实验研究

13.The Clinical Study of ZiShenShengXue Chongji on Treating Renal Anemia of Chronic Hemodiaysis滋肾生血冲剂治疗长期血透患者肾性贫血的临床观察

14.Study on the Relationship of Pathology,lgG,lgM of Testicular Tissue Between Testiculogenic Azoospermic Patients with Deficiency Symdrome of the Kidney and Blood Stasis Symdrome;睾丸性无精子症肾虚证组,血瘀证组患者睾丸病理、IgG、IgM的比较研究

15.Effect of tongmai yangxin pill in treating adrenaline-induced acute arrhythmia通脉养心丸抗肾上腺素急性心律失常作用

16.Clinical Study of Treating Blood Stasis of Kidney Fibrosis with Dahuang Zhechong Wan大黄虫丸治疗肾纤维化血瘀证的临床研究

17.Determination of paeonol in Yangxue Tuirewan by HPLCHPLC法测定养血退热丸中丹皮酚的含量

18.The Addition and Subtraction of Guishen Wan to the Treatment of Perimenopausal Syndrome (Liver Kidney-yin Deficiency, Blood Loss Less Refined Card) Clinical Study归肾丸加减治疗围绝经期综合征(肝肾阴虚、精亏血少证)的临床研究


nourishing kidney and blood滋肾养血

3)Zishen-yanggan Pill滋肾养肝丸

4)pill for nourishing blood and reinforcing qi of the kidney养血补肾丸

5)Zishen pill滋肾丸

1.Objective:To establish the quality control criteria forZishen pill.目的:制订滋肾丸的质量控制标准。

2.Objective:To investigate the effect of Cassia on Berberine pharmacokinetic in Zishen Pill in prostate of experimental prostatic hyperplasia (EPH) rat.目的:研究肉桂对滋肾丸中盐酸小檗碱在实验性前列腺增生大鼠前列腺分布动力学的影响。

6)Zi-shen Pill滋肾丸

1.Aim To develop a simple and sensitive high-performance liquid chromatographic method for determination of plasma concentration of cinnamic acid and pharmacokinetic study in rats after a single oral dose of traditional Chinese medicinal preparation Zi-Shen pill.大鼠口服滋肾丸后在体内的药动学参数为 :Tmax ≈ 0 5h ,Cmax=4 6 6 5± 4 9μg·mL- 1 ,t1 2 =5 4 4h ,ke=0 12 7handAUC0 -t=2 5 6 91(μg·min·mL- 1 ) ,AUC0 -∞ =2 90 5 2 (μg·min·mL- 1 )。

2.The Zi-Shen pill was reported originally in Secret Record of the Chamber of Orchids in the years of Yuan Dynasty in China and was listed in the Drug Standard of Ministry of Public Health of the People"s Republic of China.本研究以中成药滋肾丸为研究对象,选择小鼠抗炎(耳肿胀法)、免疫(碳粒廓清率法)两项药理指标,以水和不同浓度乙醇为提取溶剂,根据其不同提取物的药理实验结果与原丸剂相比较,确定50%乙醇为最佳提取溶剂;采用全拆方试验设计对方中组成药味进行加减拆方,对所得7个组方分别进行药理实验;采用方差分析、逐步回归分析(SREG)和典型相关分析(CCOR)将所得药理数据和组方组成相关联,探讨复方中药滋肾丸的配伍机制,确证了方中黄柏与知母相须伍用,清热燥湿,坚阴降火之功效,以及肉桂温通血脉,助膀胱气化,增强利尿通关之反佐功效。


滋肾zishen滋肾replenishing Kidney治疗肾阴虚证的方法。肾阴是人体阴液的根本,对各脏腑组织起着濡润滋养的作用。滋肾能滋补肾阴,增强肾的功能,恢复肾阴阳之间的动态平衡,治疗肾阴虚所致的各种病证。凡房室不节,欲念妄动,劳倦过度,失血耗液,久病热病之后皆能耗伤肾阴,导致肾阴虚。由肾阴虚所致的眩晕耳鸣,视力减退,健忘少寐,腰膝酸软,形体消瘦,咽干舌燥等病证,可用滋肾法治疗。代表方剂是六味地黄丸。肾阴虚可出现阴不制阳的阴虚火旺证,临床上除可见肾阴虚的一般症状外,还表现出五心烦热,午后潮热,盗□颧红,梦遗失精,女子崩漏,舌红少苔,脉细数等病证。治疗宜滋阴降火,代表方剂为知柏地黄丸。同是肾阴虚证,不同的患者所表现的主要症状可不同,治法也有差异。如肾阴虚,肾不纳气,证见气喘者,宜滋肾纳气,用都气丸治疗;耳窍失养,证见耳聋耳鸣者,宜滋肾通窍,用耳聋佐慈丸治疗;阴虚火旺,筋骨失养,证见膝腰酸软,足痿无力,宜滋阴清热、强壮筋骨,用虎潜丸治疗。肾与其他脏腑的关系非常密切。肾阴虚可累及其他脏腑而发生病变。如肾阴虚,致肝阴不足,肝阳上亢;致肺阴不足,虚火灼肺;致心火独亢,心肾不交等。滋肾法与其他相应的治法配合即可治疗上述诸证,如与平肝潜阳法配合治疗肝阳上亢;与润肺清热法配合治疗肺肾阴虚,虚火灼肺;与降火法配合治疗心肾不交等。分别用天麻钩藤饮,百合固金汤,黄连阿胶汤治疗。临床使用时应注意:①凡痰湿壅盛所致的水肿、喘咳、眩晕、腰痛、腹泻等,无肾阴虚表现者不宜使用滋肾法。②肾阴虚证慎用温燥药物,以免温燥药物伤阴助火。(冯兴华)

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