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温阳化瘀 Warming yang and removing blood stasis英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-02-22 06:29:27


温阳化瘀 Warming yang and removing blood stasis英语短句 例句大全

温阳化瘀,Warming yang and removing blood stasis

1)Warming yang and removing blood stasis温阳化瘀


1.The Change of Cellular Adhersion Molecules in Endometriosis and the Effect of Tonifying Kidney Warming Yang Removing Blood Stasis Method;子宫内膜异位症细胞黏附分子的变化及补肾温阳化瘀法对其影响

2.Study on the Angiogenesis Mechanism of Endometriosis and the Effect of Tonifying Kidney Warming Yang Removing Blood Stasis Method;子宫内膜异位症血管生成机制研究及补肾温阳化瘀法对其影响

3.The Hypoxic Tension State in Endometriosis and Effect of Therapeutic Principle of Tonifying Kidney, Warming Yang and Dissolving Stasis on It子宫内膜异位症乏氧紧张状态及补肾温阳化瘀法对其影响

4.The Change of Hypoxia-inducible Factor-1 and Factor-inhibiting HIF-1 in Endometriosis and the Effect of Tonifying Kidney Warming Yang Removing Blood Stasis Method on That of Model Rats of EMsHIF-1a、FIH-1在子宫内膜异位症的表达及补肾温阳化瘀法对其影响

5.Effect of Bushenwenyanghuyu Method on Menalgia in Patients with Endometriosis补肾温阳化瘀法治疗子宫内膜异位症的临床研究

6.Clinical study of sequential treatment with Wenyang Huayu decoction and lamivudine on patients with chronic hepatitis B温阳化瘀汤和拉米夫定序贯治疗慢性乙型肝炎的临床研究

7.Effects of Warming-yang Dissolving-stasis Compound Chinese Traditional Medicine (CCTM) on Lipid Metabolism and Insulin Resistant in Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus Rats温阳化瘀中药复方对2型糖尿病大鼠脂代谢及胰岛素抵抗的影响机制探讨

8.Effects of Warming-yang Dissolving-stasis Compound Chinese Traditional Medicine (CCTM) on Resistin mRNA Expression in Adipose Tissue of Diabetic Rats温阳化瘀中药复方对糖尿病大鼠脂肪组织中抵抗素mRNA表达影响的研究

9.The Clinical Study of Treating Chronic Renal Failure with the Methods of Warming Yang and Invigorating the Spleen Resolving Blood Stasis and Descending the Turbid温阳健脾、化瘀降浊法治疗慢性肾衰竭的临床观察

10.Warm Eliminates Wet, the Blood Circulation Removing Extravasted Blood Law Positive Treats Coldly Stagnates Wet the Chronic Pelvic Inflammatory Disease Clinical Research温阳除湿、活血化瘀法治疗寒湿凝滞型慢性盆腔炎的临床研究

11.The writer think that the fire from moxa cone is Warm but not Dry,it is able to Resolve Phlegm,Soften Hard Masses,Remove Blood Stasis,Reduce Resuscitation and Recuperate Depleted Yang.古人认为艾火之性温而不燥,能化痰消积、活血化瘀,急救时又能开窍启闭、回阳固脱。

12.The Effects of the Formula of Invigorating Qi and Warming Yang Promoting Blood Circulation to Dispel Blood Stasis on the PDGF-B in the Vas of the Testbed Restenosis Models;益气温阳、活血化瘀方对实验性再狭窄模型血管血小板源生长因子-B的影响

13.Studying the Effects of the Compound Prescription of Replenish Qi, Warming Yang and Activating Blood Circulation to Dissipate Blood Stasis on α-Smooth Muscle Actin of Rabbit Carotid Artery After Balloon Injury;益气温阳、活血化瘀方对兔血管成形术后平滑肌细胞α-肌动蛋白的影响

14.Effects of the Formula of Invigorating Qi, Warming Yang and Activating Blood Circulation to Dissipate Blood Stasis on Apoptosis in Vascular Smooth Muscle Cell after Angioplastry;益气温阳、活血化瘀方对实验性血管成形术后平滑肌细胞凋亡的影响

15.Effects of the Formula of Invigorating Qi, Warming Yang and Promoting Blood Circulation to Dissipate Blood Stasis on PCNA in Vascular Smooth Muscle Cell after Angloplasty;益气温阳、活血化瘀方对实验性血管成形术后平滑肌细胞增殖细胞核抗原的影响

16.Effects of the Formula of Invigorating Qi, Warming Yang and Promoting Blood Circulation to Dissipate Blood Stasis on MMP-2 in Vascular after Angioplasty;益气温阳、活血化瘀方对实验性血管成形术后血管基质金属蛋白酶-2的影响

17.Effects of Guizhi Fuling Pill And Be Taken Apart on Warming Yang and Diuretic Promoting Blood Circulation and Removing Blood Stasis in Model of Mice with Hysteromyoma桂枝茯苓丸及其温阳利水和活血化瘀两组药物对小鼠子宫肌瘤模型的影响

18.Clinical Study on Onyang Huoxue Decoction to Impact Yang Deficiency and Blood Stasis of Post Percutaneous Coronary Intervention Patients温阳活血方对冠心病介入术后阳虚血瘀证患者的影响


Wenyang Huayu Method温阳化瘀法

1.Wenyang Huayu Method Treat Chronic Atrophic Gastritis;温阳化瘀法治疗慢性萎缩性胃炎55例


1.Objective To investigate the mechanism ofwenyanghuayutang to reverse left ventricle reconstitution in rats with pressure-overload.目的探讨温阳化瘀汤逆转压力负荷增加大鼠心室重构的可能机制。

2.Treatment group Wenyanghuayutang hours each morning and evening services 150ml;Niaoduqing control group given 5 bags(25g) of granules three times daily oral administration,the two groups are on a course of treatment for 1,2 courses for observation.目的:观察温阳化瘀汤治疗慢性肾衰竭的疗效。

4)Wenyang Quyu Huatan decoction温阳祛瘀化痰法

5)Bushenwenyanghuayu method补肾温阳化瘀法

6)Invigorate Qi,warm Yang,promote blood circulation to dispel blood stasis益气温阳、活血化瘀方


丹红化瘀口服液药物名称:丹红化瘀口服液汉语拼音:Danhong Huayu Koufuye主要成分:丹参、当归、川芎、桃仁、红花、柴胡、枳壳。性状:深棕色液体,久置有微量沉淀;气微,味微苦。药理作用:经家兔脉络膜视网膜玻璃体出血模型试验,结果表明有促进眼内出血的吸收.和有利于异常视网膜电图的恢复,还可增加巨噬细胞而增进其吞噬能力,以及抑制胶原纤维和胶原组织的增生。功能与主治:活血化瘀,行气通络。用于视网膜中央静脉阻塞吸收期的气滞血瘀证。用法与用量:口服,一次1~2支,一日3次,服时摇匀。不良反应:个别服药后出现口干舌燥。禁忌症:有出血倾向者、视网膜中央静脉阻塞出血期患者以及孕妇禁用。阴虚阳亢者慎用。注意事项:用药期间定期查出凝血时间。规格: 10ml。贮藏:置阴凉处。有效期:暂定1.5年。处方药:是

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