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滋肝益肾汤 he decoction of tonifying kidney and increasing liver英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-04-22 12:11:47


滋肝益肾汤 he decoction of tonifying kidney and increasing liver英语短句 例句大全

滋肝益肾汤,he decoction of tonifying kidney and increasing liver

1)he decoction of tonifying kidney and increasing liver滋肝益肾汤

2)Yanggan Zishen Tang养肝滋肾汤

3)Kidney-Replenishing and Liver-Clearing Decoction滋肾清肝汤

1.Observation onKidney-Replenishing and Liver-Clearing Decoction in Treating 32 cases of Diabetes;滋肾清肝汤治疗消渴病32例


1.The Clinical Study on the Effect of ZiShenQingGan Decoction in Treating Perimenopausal Syndrome of Deficiency of Kidney and Hyperactivity of Liver-fire滋肾清肝汤治疗肾虚肝旺证围绝经期综合征的临床研究

2.Clinical and Experimental Studies on Treatment of Femal Delayed Acne Vulgaris with ZiShenQingGan Decoction;滋肾清肝汤治疗女性青春期后痤疮的疗效观察及对性激素水平影响的研究

3.Clinical and Quality of Life Studies on Treatment of Female Delayed Acne Vulgaris with ZiShenQingGan Decoction滋肾清肝汤治疗女性青春期后痤疮的临床观察及其对患者生活质量影响的研究

4.The Clinic & Experiment Investigation in Zishentiaogantang Anti Women s Kidney Deficiency and Senility;滋肾调肝汤抗女性肾虚衰老的临床及实验研究

5.Effects of BuShen ZiGan TiaoJing Decoction on Genitical Gland Function of Hypsi-Andrognfeminity Mouse补肾滋肝调经汤对高雄激素雌鼠性腺功能影响

6.Qingxin Zishen Insomnia Treatment of Perimenopausal Insomina Clinical Study清心滋肾汤治疗绝经综合征失眠症的临床研究

7.Clinical Study on the Effect of ZiShenAnGeng Decoction in Treating Perimenopausal Syndrome;滋肾安更汤治疗肝肾阴虚型围绝经期综合征的临床研究

8.The Clinical Reserch on Impact of Kidney-and-Liver Nourishing on Serum CA125 in the Trimester Threatened Abortion Patient with the Kidney Deficiency and Liver Depressed滋肾柔肝法对肾虚肝郁型早期先兆流产血清CA125影响的临床研究

9.Clinical Study on the Effect of ZiShenPingGan Decoction in Treating Premenstrual Syndrome;滋肾平肝汤治疗阴虚阳亢型经前期综合征的临床研究

10.The Experimental Study of Qing Dan Bu Shen Tang on Intrahepatic Cholestasis of Pregnancy on Rats;清胆补肾汤对肝内胆汁淤积孕鼠的实验研究

11.Clinical and Experiental Research on the Treatment of Chronic Hepatitis B by Tonifying the Kidney to Get Rid of the Liver Fire;滋肾清肝法治疗慢性乙型肝炎的临床与实验研究

12.Clinical Study on Ziyin Qingre Method for Liver and Kidney-yin Deficiency of Perimenopausal Syndrome滋阴清热法治疗肝肾阴虚型围绝经期综合征的临床研究

13.In vitro Study of Drug-contained Serum with Chinese Medicines Nourish Liver and Kidney on B16 Melanocyte Cytotoxicity,Melanin Synthesis and cAMP滋补肝肾方含药血清对B16黑素细胞活性黑素含量及cAMP水平的影响

14.Clinical Research on Liver Yishen Decoction Treatment of Postpartum Nephropathy滋肝益肾法辨治产后肾病的临床研究

15.Clinical Study on the Effects of Method of Nourishing Both Liver and Kidney Combined with Repressing Liver and Clearing Heat on Tear Film of Age-related Cataract Patients after Surgery滋养肝肾联合平肝清热法对年龄相关性白内障术后泪膜功能影响的临床研究

16.Nourishing the liver and kidney, the tortoise and soft-shelled turtle products are the Best presents for patients and friends.龟鳖制品,滋肝补肾,探病访友,送礼佳品。

17.It Brings aBout a special efficiency in nourishing the kidney and liver, and improving eyesight if one takes Di Huang Qi Ju Wan constantly.常服地黄杞菊丸,滋肾、养肝、明目有特效。

18.Clinical Observation on the Effects of Perimenopause Syndromes with the Decoction of Nourishing Kidney and Tranquillzing Climacteric;滋肾安更汤治疗围绝经期综合征的临床观察


Yanggan Zishen Tang养肝滋肾汤

3)Kidney-Replenishing and Liver-Clearing Decoction滋肾清肝汤

1.Observation onKidney-Replenishing and Liver-Clearing Decoction in Treating 32 cases of Diabetes;滋肾清肝汤治疗消渴病32例


1.The Clinic & Experiment Investigation inZishentiaogantang Anti Women s Kidney Deficiency and Senility;滋肾调肝汤抗女性肾虚衰老的临床及实验研究

5)Premenstrual Syndrome滋肾平肝汤

1.Clinical Study on the Effect of ZiShenPingGan Decoction in TreatingPremenstrual Syndrome;滋肾平肝汤治疗阴虚阳亢型经前期综合征的临床研究

6)the therapy of tonifying kidney and increasing liver滋肝益肾法

1.Objective:Throughthe therapy of tonifying kidney and increasing liver to cure hepatic and renal yin deficiency of puerperal nephropathy, investigate clinical curative effect of this therapy and decoction of this therapy,and provide evidence for prevention and treatment of puerperal nephropathy.目的:提出滋肝益肾法治疗产后肾病(肝肾阴虚证)的学术观点,据法出方滋肝益肾汤,通过对产后肾病(肝肾阴虚证)的临床观察,探讨了该法则及组方的理论根据和临床疗效。


滋肾zishen滋肾replenishing Kidney治疗肾阴虚证的方法。肾阴是人体阴液的根本,对各脏腑组织起着濡润滋养的作用。滋肾能滋补肾阴,增强肾的功能,恢复肾阴阳之间的动态平衡,治疗肾阴虚所致的各种病证。凡房室不节,欲念妄动,劳倦过度,失血耗液,久病热病之后皆能耗伤肾阴,导致肾阴虚。由肾阴虚所致的眩晕耳鸣,视力减退,健忘少寐,腰膝酸软,形体消瘦,咽干舌燥等病证,可用滋肾法治疗。代表方剂是六味地黄丸。肾阴虚可出现阴不制阳的阴虚火旺证,临床上除可见肾阴虚的一般症状外,还表现出五心烦热,午后潮热,盗□颧红,梦遗失精,女子崩漏,舌红少苔,脉细数等病证。治疗宜滋阴降火,代表方剂为知柏地黄丸。同是肾阴虚证,不同的患者所表现的主要症状可不同,治法也有差异。如肾阴虚,肾不纳气,证见气喘者,宜滋肾纳气,用都气丸治疗;耳窍失养,证见耳聋耳鸣者,宜滋肾通窍,用耳聋佐慈丸治疗;阴虚火旺,筋骨失养,证见膝腰酸软,足痿无力,宜滋阴清热、强壮筋骨,用虎潜丸治疗。肾与其他脏腑的关系非常密切。肾阴虚可累及其他脏腑而发生病变。如肾阴虚,致肝阴不足,肝阳上亢;致肺阴不足,虚火灼肺;致心火独亢,心肾不交等。滋肾法与其他相应的治法配合即可治疗上述诸证,如与平肝潜阳法配合治疗肝阳上亢;与润肺清热法配合治疗肺肾阴虚,虚火灼肺;与降火法配合治疗心肾不交等。分别用天麻钩藤饮,百合固金汤,黄连阿胶汤治疗。临床使用时应注意:①凡痰湿壅盛所致的水肿、喘咳、眩晕、腰痛、腹泻等,无肾阴虚表现者不宜使用滋肾法。②肾阴虚证慎用温燥药物,以免温燥药物伤阴助火。(冯兴华)

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