失眠网 > C语言双人贪吃蛇游戏瘦身版本


时间:2022-10-30 17:37:59



代码如下,希望大家批评指正哈。很多没有加注释,但是有基础的人还是能看懂的 hhhhh

运行环境 vs


error C4996: ‘fopen’: This function or variable may be unsafe. Consider using fopen_s instead. To disable deprecation, use _CRT_SECURE_NO_WARNINGS. See online help for details.




/*贪吃蛇游戏 //双人版本 玩家2使用 W 上 S下A左 D右边玩家1使用 箭头上 箭头下 箭头左 箭头右*//*作者:李金虎*//*时间:-04-06*//*QQ:1910084514*/#include<stdio.h>#include<windows.h>#include<conio.h>#include<time.h>int a = 1;int a2 = 1;int snack_life=1;//1代表游戏继续 0代表游戏结束int snack_life2 = 1;//1代表游戏继续 0代表游戏结束 玩家2int count = 0;//得分int count2 = 0;//得分 玩家2int speed=0;//贪吃蛇的速度int who_flag=0;//判断是谁吃了标志位 0为玩家1吃了 1为玩家2吃了void gotoxy(int x, int y)//光标移动函数,光标想在哪里就在哪里{COORD coord = { x , y };SetConsoleCursorPosition(GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE), coord);}struct food //食物结构体{int x;int y;int life;}Food;struct snack //蛇结构体{int x;int y;struct snack *next;} *snack_body, *snack_body2;void color(short x) //自定义函根据参数改变颜色 {if (x >= 0 && x <= 15)//参数在0-15的范围颜色 SetConsoleTextAttribute(GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE), x); //只有一个参数,改变字体颜色 else//默认的颜色白色 SetConsoleTextAttribute(GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE), 7);}void product_food() //产生食物坐标函数{remake:struct snack *p;//定义一个临时指针变量 指向snack_bodystruct snack *p2;//定义一个临时指针变量 指向snack_bodyp = snack_body;p2 = snack_body2;srand(time(NULL));Food.x = (rand() % 16 + 4)*2;Food.y = rand() % 17 + 2;Food.life = 1;while (p != NULL) //防止食物生成在蛇所处的位置,如果生成在蛇身体的位置,则重新生成食物{if (Food.x == p->x&&p->y == Food.y)goto remake;//跳转回去,重新产生一个食物p = p->next;}//while (p2 != NULL) //防止食物生成在蛇所处的位置,如果生成在蛇身体的位置,则重新生成食物//{//if (Food.x == p2->x&&p2->y == Food.y)//goto remake;//跳转回去,重新产生一个食物//p2 = p2->next;//}gotoxy(Food.x, Food.y);printf("G");}void introduce(){system("cls");gotoxy(10, 2);printf("欢迎来到贪吃蛇的世界 ,这次带来的是一个双人贪吃蛇游戏\n");gotoxy(10, 4);printf("我是李金虎,此代码的作者\n");gotoxy(10, 6);printf("完成时间: -04-09 , 历时7小时\n");gotoxy(10, 8);printf("初次编写贪吃蛇,代码风格以及逻辑有很多的不足\n");gotoxy(10, 10);printf("如果有些代码不懂的小伙伴可以加我QQ1910084514私信我,乐意为您效劳\n");gotoxy(10, 12);printf("希望您游戏愉快\n");while (speed<=0||speed>=21){gotoxy(10, 14);printf("请输入游戏的级别 最快的为20级,最慢为1级,请输入一个整数:");scanf_s("%d", &speed);}system("cls");gotoxy(10, 16);printf("按任意键盘,确认开始游戏");system("pause");system("cls");}void map() //打印地图函数{for (int i = 0; i < 20; i++){gotoxy(i*2, 0);printf("〇");gotoxy(i * 2, 19);printf("〇");gotoxy(0, i);printf("〇");gotoxy(40, i);printf("〇");}gotoxy(50, 7);printf("玩家1得分:%d", count);gotoxy(50, 8);printf("玩家2得分:%d", count);gotoxy(50, 9);printf("游戏难度:%d 级",speed);gotoxy(50, 10);printf("-----贪吃蛇小游戏-----");gotoxy(50, 11);printf("--作者--李金虎");}void init_snack()//蛇初始化函数{struct snack *p;struct snack *p2;color(3);p2 = (struct snack *)(malloc(sizeof(struct snack)));p2->x = 10;p2->y = 10;snack_body2 = p2;p2->next = (struct snack *)(malloc(sizeof(struct snack)));p2 = p2->next;p2->x = 10;p2->y = 9;p2->next = (struct snack *)(malloc(sizeof(struct snack)));p2 = p2->next;p2->x = 10;p2->y = 8;p2->next = (struct snack *)(malloc(sizeof(struct snack)));p2 = p2->next;p2->x = 10;p2->y = 7;p2->next = NULL;p2 = snack_body2;while (p2 != NULL){gotoxy(p2->x, p2->y);printf("G");p2 = p2->next;}color(16);color(4);p= (struct snack *)(malloc(sizeof(struct snack)));p->x = 30;p->y = 10;snack_body = p;p->next = (struct snack *)(malloc(sizeof(struct snack)));p = p->next;p->x = 30;p->y = 9;p->next = (struct snack *)(malloc(sizeof(struct snack)));p = p->next;p->x = 30;p->y = 8;p->next = (struct snack *)(malloc(sizeof(struct snack)));p = p->next;p->x = 30;p->y = 7;p->next = NULL;p= snack_body;while (p != NULL){gotoxy(p->x, p->y);printf("G");p = p->next;}color(16);}int control(void)//蛇的控制函数{int down;int left;//左int right;//右int up;down = GetKeyState(VK_DOWN);//获取上箭头键状态 if (down < 0&& a!=2 )//如果上箭头键被按下 a!=2 的作用在于复制头朝下的时候蛇还会往上走{a = 1;}up = GetKeyState(VK_UP);//获取下箭头键状态 if (up < 0 && a != 1)//如果下箭头键被按下 {a = 2;}left = GetKeyState(VK_LEFT);//获取左箭头键状态 if (left < 0 && a != 4)//如果左箭头键被按下 {a = 3;}right = GetKeyState(VK_RIGHT);//获取右箭头键状态 if (right < 0 && a != 3)//如果右箭头键被按下 {a = 4;}return a;}int control2(void)//蛇的控制函数 玩家2{int down;int left;//左int right;//右int up;down = GetKeyState('S');//获取箭下头键状态 if (down < 0 && a2 != 2)//如果上箭头键被按下 a!=2 的作用在于复制头朝下的时候蛇还会往上走{a2 = 1;}up = GetKeyState('W');//获取上箭头键状态 if (up < 0 && a2 != 1)//如果下箭头键被按下 {a2 = 2;}left = GetKeyState('A');//获取左箭头键状态 if (left < 0 && a2 != 4)//如果左箭头键被按下 {a2 = 3;}right = GetKeyState('D');//获取右箭头键状态 if (right < 0 && a2 != 3)//如果右箭头键被按下 {a2 = 4;}return a2;}int is_eat_itself(int x, int y){struct snack *p;p = snack_body;p = p->next;//跳过蛇头while (p != NULL){if (x == p->x && y == p->y)//如果蛇咬到自己{return 1;}p = p->next;}return 0;}int is_eat_itself2(int x, int y){struct snack *p;p = snack_body2;p = p->next;//跳过蛇头while (p != NULL){if (x == p->x && y == p->y)//如果蛇咬到自己{return 1;}p = p->next;}return 0;}void is(int x, int y, struct snack *p2, struct snack *p1){p1 = (struct snack *)malloc(sizeof(struct snack));//创建了一个结构体然后它的下一及指向旧的蛇头,然后让指向旧蛇头的指针又指向新蛇头p1->x = x;p1->y = y;p1->next = snack_body;snack_body = p1;p2 = snack_body;if (!((y < 1 || y > 18) || (x < 2 || x >38)) && !is_eat_itself(x, y))//判断是否撞墙{gotoxy(snack_body->x, snack_body->y);printf("G");//打印新蛇头if (x == Food.x&&y == Food.y){Food.life = 0;//不清除蛇尾也不释放蛇尾,标志食物被吃who_flag = 1;//表示被此玩家吃掉}else{while (((p2->next)->next) != NULL)//倒数第二个身体{p2 = p2->next;}gotoxy(p2->next->x, p2->next->y);printf(" ");//清除蛇尾free(p2->next);//释放蛇尾p2->next = NULL;p2 = NULL;}}else{snack_life = 0;}}void snack_move(int direction )//蛇移动函数 direction为方向 direction的值是1向上 2向下 3向左 4向右{int y=0;int x=0;struct snack *p4=NULL;struct snack *p1=NULL;struct snack *p2 = NULL;p4 = snack_body;x = p4->x;//临时储存当前的蛇头坐标y = p4->y;color(4);if (1 == direction){y=y + (1);is(x, y, p2, p1);}else if (2 == direction){y=y -(1);is(x, y, p2, p1);}else if (3 == direction){x=x - (1 * 2);is(x, y, p2, p1);}if (4 == direction){x = x + (1 * 2);is(x, y, p2, p1);}color(16);}void is2(int x,int y, struct snack *p2, struct snack *p1){p1 = (struct snack *)malloc(sizeof(struct snack));//创建了一个结构体然后它的下一及指向旧的蛇头,然后让指向旧蛇头的指针又指向新蛇头p1->x = x;p1->y = y;p1->next = snack_body2;snack_body2 = p1;p2 = snack_body2;if (!((y < 1 || y > 18) || (x < 2 || x >38)) && !is_eat_itself2(x, y))//判断是否撞墙 满足条件就是没撞墙{gotoxy(snack_body2->x, snack_body2->y);printf("G");//打印新蛇头if (x == Food.x&&y == Food.y){Food.life = 0;//不清除蛇尾也不释放蛇尾,标志食物被吃who_flag = 0;//表示被此玩家吃掉}else{while (((p2->next)->next) != NULL)//倒数第二个身体{p2 = p2->next;}gotoxy(p2->next->x, p2->next->y);printf(" ");//清除蛇尾free(p2->next);//释放蛇尾p2->next = NULL;p2 = NULL;}}else{snack_life2 = 0;}}void snack_move2(int direction)//蛇移动函数 direction为方向 direction的值是1向上 2向下 3向左 4向右 玩家2{int y = 0;int x = 0;struct snack *p4 = NULL;struct snack *p1 = NULL;struct snack *p2 = NULL;p4 = snack_body2;x = p4->x;//临时储存当前的蛇头坐标y = p4->y;color(3);if (1 == direction){y = y + (1);is2(x, y, p2,p1);}else if (2 == direction){y = y - (1);is2(x, y, p2,p1);}else if (3 == direction){x = x - (1 * 2);is2(x, y, p2,p1);}if (4 == direction){x = x + (1 * 2);is2(x, y, p2,p1);}color(16);}void add_grade()//加分函数{if (0 == Food.life)//被吃掉就在此产生食物{if (0 == who_flag){count = count + speed;gotoxy(60, 8);printf("%d", count);}if (1 == who_flag){count2 = count2 + speed;gotoxy(60, 7);printf("%d", count2);}product_food();}}void is_who_winner()//判断谁赢的函数{if (snack_life == 0 || snack_life2 == 0)//谁死谁输{gotoxy(20, 20);printf("有玩家撞死了,游戏结束!!!\n");if (snack_life == 0 && snack_life2 == 1){printf("玩家2胜利\n");}if (snack_life == 1 && snack_life2 == 0){printf("玩家1胜利\n");}if (snack_life == 0 && snack_life2 == 0){printf("平局\n");}}else//都没死{gotoxy(20, 20);printf("\n");if (count > count2){printf("玩家1胜利\n");}else if (count < count2){printf("玩家2胜利\n");}}}int main(){int i = 0;char ch;restart:count = 0;//玩家1分数清零count2 = 0;//玩家2分数清零a = 1;//向下走 玩家1初始向下走a2 = 1;//向下走 玩家2初始向下走Food.life = 0;//使重新产生食物snack_life = 1;//蛇活着 玩家1活着snack_life2 = 1;//蛇活着 玩家2活着speed = 0;//游戏速度introduce();//自我介绍map();//打印地图product_food();//随机产生食物init_snack();//蛇的初始化,打印蛇while (1){i = 10;add_grade();//分数计算函数snack_move(control());//玩家1移动函数snack_move2(control2());//玩家2移动函数if (snack_life == 0|| snack_life2 == 0||count>100||count2>100){break; //游戏结束}while (i--)//把延时分开来增加检测的次数{control();//按键检测control2();//按键检测Sleep(210 - speed * 10);}}is_who_winner();while (1){gotoxy(20, 21);printf("是否继续:Y/N:");scanf_s("%c", &ch);if ('Y' == ch){free(snack_body);//释放上一局游戏内存snack_body = NULL;free(snack_body2);//释放上一局游戏内存snack_body = NULL;goto restart;}else if('N'==ch){break;//退出游戏}}return 0;}

