失眠网 > 益肾通瘀法 method of tonifying kidney and dredging blood tasis英语短句 例句大全

益肾通瘀法 method of tonifying kidney and dredging blood tasis英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-07-10 01:39:56


益肾通瘀法 method of tonifying kidney and dredging blood tasis英语短句 例句大全

益肾通瘀法,method of tonifying kidney and dredging blood tasis

1)method of tonifying kidney and dredging blood tasis益肾通瘀法

1.Objective To prove the effect of themethod of tonifying kidney and dredging blood tasis to the apoptotisis of prostatic hy perplasia.目的证实益肾通瘀法对前列腺增生细胞凋亡有一定的影响。


1.Relative Research between the Method of Tonifying Kidney and Dredging Blood Tasis and the Apoptotisis of Prostatic Hyperplasia益肾通瘀法对增生前列腺细胞bcl-2/bax的影响

2.Clinic Observation of Treating IgAN Patients Who Were All in the Blood Urine by the Method of Replenishing Qi and Disperse Blood Stasis Dredge Collateral;益气化瘀通络法治疗以血尿为主要表现的IgA肾病临床观察

3.Clinical Study of Yishentongyujiangzhuo Decoction on Cases of Chest-Bi with Kidney Deficiency and Blockage of Phlegm and Blood Stasis Syndrome益肾通瘀降浊汤治疗胸痹肾虚兼痰瘀交阻证临床研究

4.YiShen HuaYu Kidney Deficiency and Blood Stasis Treatment of Uterine Myoma益肾化瘀法治疗肾虚血瘀型子宫肌瘤的临床研究

5.Clinical Observation on Bone Wilting Due to Kidney Taxation with the Methods of Invigorating Spleen and Tonifying Kidney Dissipating Dampness and Resolving Blood Stasis;健脾益肾祛湿化瘀法治疗肾劳骨痿的临床观察

6.Clinical Study on Treatment of Diabetic Kidney Disease (Qi-yin Deficiency and Blood Stasis) with Replenishing Qi and Nourishing Yin Promoting Blood Circulation to Dredge Collaterals Way益气养阴活血通络法治疗糖尿病肾脏病(气阴两虚兼血瘀证)的临床研究

7.Clinical Study on Gouty Arthritis Treated with Eliminating Turbid, Resolving Blood Stasis, Regulating and Reinforcing Spleen and Kidney Following Traditional Chinese Medicine;泄浊化瘀调益脾肾法治疗痛风的临床研究

8.Yishen Quyu Ditan Vascular Dementia Treatment of Clinical Research益肾涤痰祛瘀法治疗血管性痴呆的临床研究

9.Clinical Study on Chronic Renal Failure by the Method for Expelling Turbid and Purging Fu and Removing Blood Stasis and Supplementing Kidney祛浊通腑化瘀益肾治疗慢性肾功能衰竭临床研究

10.Clinical Study on Treating the Diabetic Nephropath Associated with Hypercoagulabale States with the Method of Invigorating the Spleen, Tonifying Kidney, Eliminating Phlegm and Dissipating Blood Stasis;健脾益肾、祛痰化瘀法治疗糖尿病肾病合并高凝状态的临床观察

11.Professor DONG Zhi-gang Experience of Chronic Renal Failure Chinese Medicine Treatment Experience Summary董志刚教授益肾泄浊化瘀法治疗慢性肾功能不全临床经验

12.Clinical Research on Therapy of Tonifying Kidney, Clearing Heat and Removing Stasis in Treating T2DM Hyperlipidemia with Kidney Asthenia and Stagnated Heat Syndrome益肾清热化瘀法治疗2型糖尿病合并高脂血症肾虚瘀热证的临床研究

13.The Experiment Research on Traditional Chinese Medicine of Yiqihuoxue, Huayutongluo in Renal Interstitium Fibrotic;益气活血、化瘀通络之中药对肾间质纤维化的作用研究

14.Clinical Study on Early-Mid Phase Diabetic Nephropathy with Qi-Reinforcing and Yin Nourishing、Blood Stasis and Dampness Eliminating Treatment;益气养阴化瘀利湿法治疗早中期糖尿病肾病的临床研究

15.Influence of Moving Blood Stasis and Tonifying Liver and Kidney Method on Quality of Life in Patients with Essential Hypertension;化瘀浊益肝肾法对高血压病患者生存质量影响的研究

16.The Clinical Discuss on Therapy of Diabetic Glomerular Sclerosis with Replenishing Qi and Nourishing Yin, Removing Stasis and Promoting New;益气养阴、祛瘀生新法抗糖尿病肾小球硬化的临床疗效探讨

17.Clinical Observation and Experimental Research on Treatment of Endometriosis by Tonifying Qi and Kidney and Removing Blood Stasis;益气补肾化瘀法治疗子宫内膜异位症的临床及实验研究

18.An Clinical and Theory Study of the Therapeutic Principle of Yi Shen Hua Yu on Senile Dementia;益肾化瘀法治疗老年期痴呆的临床研究与理论探讨


Yi Shen Hua Yu益肾化瘀法

1.An Clinical and Theory Study of the Therapeutic Principle ofYi Shen Hua Yu on Senile Dementia;益肾化瘀法治疗老年期痴呆的临床研究与理论探讨

3)Yi Shen Qing Re Tong Yu Tang益肾清热通瘀汤

1.Clinical Study on Treatment for Chronic Prostatitis Merging Anomaly Semen Liquefaction (Yang Deficiency of the Kidney) byYi Shen Qing Re Tong Yu Tang of TCM Reserved in Colon;益肾清热通瘀汤治疗肾阳虚型慢性前列腺炎合并精液液化异常的临床观察

4)Yishentongyujiangzhuo Decoction益肾通瘀降浊汤

1.Clinical Study ofYishentongyujiangzhuo Decoction on Cases of Chest-Bi with Kidney Deficiency and Blockage of Phlegm and Blood Stasis Syndrome益肾通瘀降浊汤治疗胸痹肾虚兼痰瘀交阻证临床研究

5)Yi-qi Hua-yu Bu-shen益气化瘀补肾法

6)Yiqi Bushen Huayu Principle益气补肾化瘀法


丹红化瘀口服液药物名称:丹红化瘀口服液汉语拼音:Danhong Huayu Koufuye主要成分:丹参、当归、川芎、桃仁、红花、柴胡、枳壳。性状:深棕色液体,久置有微量沉淀;气微,味微苦。药理作用:经家兔脉络膜视网膜玻璃体出血模型试验,结果表明有促进眼内出血的吸收.和有利于异常视网膜电图的恢复,还可增加巨噬细胞而增进其吞噬能力,以及抑制胶原纤维和胶原组织的增生。功能与主治:活血化瘀,行气通络。用于视网膜中央静脉阻塞吸收期的气滞血瘀证。用法与用量:口服,一次1~2支,一日3次,服时摇匀。不良反应:个别服药后出现口干舌燥。禁忌症:有出血倾向者、视网膜中央静脉阻塞出血期患者以及孕妇禁用。阴虚阳亢者慎用。注意事项:用药期间定期查出凝血时间。规格: 10ml。贮藏:置阴凉处。有效期:暂定1.5年。处方药:是

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