失眠网 > 【中国传统服饰】急!英语翻译中国传统服饰大致意思就可以了中国是一个...


时间:2023-05-12 17:03:43




急! 英语翻译中国传统服饰 大致意思就可以了中国是一个文明古国,拥有者博大精深、源远流长的文化体系。在这个中华文明的体系中,中国的传统服饰文化是一个极其重要的组成部分。它反映了中国社会的政治变革、经济发展和风俗变迁。 这5000年的中国传统服饰文化是一条长河,今天我们将从汉朝,唐朝,清朝,民国,不同民族这五部分来向大家介绍。 在全球一体化的今天,中国的现代服饰趋于西方化,可是,我们依然能从现在的流行服饰中找到中国传统服饰的元素,在APEC会议期间,各国领导也纷纷身着唐装。世界潮流也越来越注重中国传统服饰文化。作为一名中国人,我们更应该为中国服饰文化乃至整个文化体系的发扬而努力!


【答案】 China is a historical country with splendid civilizations, in which the Chinese costume is an important part. From the change of Chinese costumes, we can see the political change, economic development and customs evolvement through the long history.

The Chinese costume, which itself has over 5,000 years’ history, is just like a long river, and today we are going to present them in five parts, namely Han Dynasty, Tang Dynasty, Qing Dynasty, the Republic of China and minorities.

In the globalization era, Chinese traditional costumes are replaced by western style clothes, but we can still spot many traditional characters from the modern dress of Chinese people. During the APEC summit in Shanghai, the attending national leaders were all dressed in a typical Chinese jacket. The China style is once again trigger interests on the global fashion stage, and we should mark particular efforts to promote the traditional Chinese costume.

